The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 581 - Remarkable Group

Chapter 581 - Remarkable Group

The banquet filled with young, talented, and beautiful ladies from all over the place, Ruan Qiao Qin feel inferior surrounded by so many beautiful and talented ladies, she squeezes the handkerchief in her hands until her hand turns white. 

She feel upset although her appearance is not lost compare to all the ladies at the banquet only because of her mediocre background she is unqualified to marry her dream man as his official wife.

To make her look better she dresses beautifully for today, she is a cute type lady after she dolls herself up she looks more delicate and pure like a fresh flower bud, and when she enters the banquet with madam Sanguan she gains a lot of men attention.

Ruan Qiao Qin suddenly saw Sanguan Wu Ci with one of the beautiful ladies, they talk and smiles seem like they are having a good time. 

Immediately Ruan Qiao Qin looks down so no one saw tears brimmed in her eyes, Madam Sanguan is not blind she understands Ruan Qiao Qin's feelings but compares to her son's future Ruan Qiao Qin feeling is a trivial matter.

Although it sounds cruel and cold even so people who live in their position tend to pay more attention to benefit and loss, very few of them married for love. For them, marriage is like a business deal that would determine the course of their family so something like love is put on the corner and deem to be insignificant.

sanguan Wu Ci catch Ruan Qiao Qin grieving eyes is not like his heart never move by Ruan Qiao Qin sweetness but it's just a sentiment, a fleeting memory in his youth, she is cute, sweet and adore him to the moon and back every man will be attracted by that kind of woman but if someone asked him if he lives her than the answer is 'No' 

He has always been calm and clear mind, if he has to choose between love and power he would easily choose power there's no question about it, he never thought what he did is wrong and he belittles someone like Long Ming who sacrifices everything just for love, is not worth it.

However he met with Long Ming wife and he is surprised she is not like what he expected, he thought, she should be a quiet and timid woman but she is not, she should feel inferior and lack of confident but she is not, she thought she would a scare little girl who hides behind Long Ming all the time....but she's not.

She can talk freely with Empress Ming and Jiu Yun sect madam, Long Ming friend and subordinated respect her, and Long ming adored her and treat her as an equal however the one thing that gives him a deep impression in her eyes, the way she looking at him. 

Sanguan Wu Ci is used with woman adoration, admiration, and yearning just like the woman that talking with him right now, he can see expectation in her eyes, is easy to guess what this woman wants from him, but that woman eye is different, though her gaze she make him feel naked as if she could see his trick and mischief like she could see the real him beyond his facade. 

It's a scary feeling but intriguing at the same time.

Luo Ri Yi is not the most beautiful woman he has ever seen but she surely the most interesting one, not even Lao Min Na that he admires before could match her. the only thing that annoyed him that Luo Ri Yi is already married then again if she is not married what would he do with her low background she can't even become her concubine.

If Lory know what Sanguan Wu Ci her comment would be 

'Yeah, dream on!'

"Master Sanguan" a gentle voice snapped him back from his stupor.

The woman who greets him is a young woman with a graceful demeanor with a stunning appearance, she dresses extravagantly but not excessive is enough to show her status and enhanced her elegance beauty.

The woman is the fifth princess of Yunmo kingdom, Yun Xue Liang but known as princess Youya because of her exquisite beauty. She is sixteen years old but she has mature behavior, she is a talented beauty in four art, even until now no one can match her talent in Gu Qin, her cultivation is not high however as a princess that is not necessary to be strong.

Yun Xue Liang has a good reputation as a benevolence and kind princess, she used to donate clothes and free rice for the poor, she helps to raise money among noble family to help every time a drought hit one of Yunmo Kingdom territory, the emperor reward her merit by given her fief and it raised her status among the Princess and Prince because only the crown Prince who have fief and now she has too, it shows how much the emperor favor her.

"Congratulation, I wish you health and prosper" she cupped her fist gracefully.

"Thank you for coming to my birthday, Princess Youya" he replies in the same manner.

The woman who was talked with Sanguan Wu Ci suddenly feel uncomfortable when she face-to-face with Yun Xue Liang "Princess Youya, master Sanguan please excuse me" she bowed her head politely, she feel reluctant to leave but she can't afford to provoke Princess Youya.josei

Yun Xue Liang nods her head and smiles amicably no one sees the coldness flash in his eyes, not even Sanguan Wu Ci.

Yun Xue Liang is not a saint as people believe, however that does not make her a terrible person either she just a very ambitious woman, she is, calculative, shrewd, quick-witted, manipulative, and callous when in need it, as a woman she understands there are certain boundaries she cannot cross no matter how good she is. 

To achieve her goal she needs support and before she got the court official support she must win the heart of the citizen first.

Only by doing that little by little, she would gain the emperor's attention, Yun Xue Liang is not only smart but she also cunning and patient. If only she was born in Lory world Yun Xue Liang could work as a politician or some big company, unfortunately in this world, she still needs to follow the old rule where an overachiever woman is not kindly accepted.

Only a few women could stand on the pinnacle of the world, one of them is Ming Yue Yin however is because she has an unexpected situation where she is the last kin of the real Emperor, and she the only person who received the blessing from the sacred tree also Hei Shen has become her backer with all that trait no one can't stop her to rule the Kingdom.

When Yun Xue Liang knew about this she is envious of Ming Yue Yin she even hopes her family is gone too, it sounds cruel but the relationship between family in the royal family is always cold and distant sometimes heartless.

She is curious to meet Ming Yue Yin so when she heard that Ming Yue Yin was also invited to the banquet she becomes eager to attend the banquet. she doesn't interested in Sanguan Wu Ci for a simple reason they both are quite similar they only married someone that they can control and manipulate, Sanguan Wu Ci doesn't fit in that category if they get married would they not scheme at each other for the rest of their life? that just too tiresome.

"As expected, so many beautiful ladies in your birthday master sanguan, if the crown prince knows about this she would be very jealous" she covers her mouth and giggles softly.

"You are jesting her highness, how can someone like me dare to stand on the same league as the crown prince" he humbly replies.

"You are being modest master Sanguan, I wonder what kinda woman who lucky enough to get your attention" Yun Xue Liang gaze swept the whole place and she make meaningful smiles when she caught anxiety and worry in the ladies eyes, is no surprised since Sanguan Wu Ci is the most eligible bachelor in the city.

 All the girl's eyes filled with jealousy, envy, and fear, they scared Yun Xue Liang would steal their opportunity to marry the sanguan family heir, they stare at her like a hungry wolf, Yun Xue Liang is so amused she can't stop herself smiling from time to time then suddenly she hears clamor.

Sanguan Wu Ci also notices the sudden chance on people's faces, both of them darted their eyes to the same direction as everyone, not long after a group of people enters the premises. their presence attracts everyone attention, they throw curious gaze towards them then murmur to each other.

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