The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 587 - The Guest Leaving The Party

Chapter 587 - The Guest Leaving The Party

"What a waste woman like you can do?"

Everyone including Lory simultaneously looks in the direction where the word is coming from, a man with white and grey robes enter the premises, his appearance is very similar to Jin Hao only his hair is black, she doesn't need to ask Bei Li Yan who is that man identity.

"Master Jin" Sanguan Wu Ci greets him.

"I came to congratulate you but I never thought you would hillbilly to your party" he stares at Lory with mockery.

Bei Li Yan almost jumps from his chair if not Lory pulls his sleeve. Her expression remains calmed as she quietly sips her tea seemingly unbothered by Jin Kai's words. He thought Lory is too embarrassed to contradict him after all Lory is only a peasant even if she was a dress with gold, dirt is still dirt she could never be gold.

"Is he Jin Kai?" Lory asked Bei Li Yan casually while leaning her head towards him.

Bei Li Yan mouth curl in disgust "He is…"

Lory sizes him up then whisper to Bei li yan "compare to Jin Hao he is kinda....?" Lory make a so-so gesture with his hand.

Bei Li Yan doesn't know what that hand gesture means but he certain that doesn't mean good, he giggles and nod "I agree~"

Jin Kai knew Lory mocked him, he despised Lory because of her low background and inability to cultivate and yet she shameless enough to latch herself to Long Ming and made him killed everyone who dissatisfied her and another reason why he hates Lory so much because Lao Min Na filled his head with all kinds of nasty thing about Lory.

Jin Kai snort in disdained "You quite bold aren't you little miss, but I can't blame you since you came from a lowborn, I think no one taught you how to behaved in front of other people" he mocked and at the same time reveal her background to humiliated her, people immediately murmured to each other while giving Lory a disgusted look. 

Ming Yue Yin and the other hear the commotion suddenly they feel anxious and they take a long stride towards the crowd. Ming Yue Yin's face turns grim as fury roar through her mind, Yang Xi Ying and the other expression also not good, they all feel indebted to Lory, it was her who change their life without Lory they can't imagine what kinda life they would have right now.josei

However, Lory suddenly chuckles lightly, she leans his upper body to the table while folding her hand on the table with a confuse look "Did I offend you, Master Jin, I m sorry but my father used to say to me that bold honesty is better than a sweet lie" she grinned innocently.

Jin kai expression darken he doesn't expect that Lory would brave enough to talk back at him "Hump, you just lucky Long Ming is fond of you but you should know that nothing is more fickle than the human heart" he incited Lory that one day Zhao Li Xin would leave her.

Secretly Sanguan Wu Ci peeks a glance at Lory reaction, her eyebrows gradually furrow, she just opens her mouth to say something but someone cut her off "Rather than worry about me you should worry about yourself" Zhao Li Xin walk towards them and the atmosphere become as heavy as a mountain and suddenly everyone has trouble breathing as if the air is sucked from their lungs.

The demon Lord is outraged because someone dares to bully his princess in his absence. Lory's expression softens in an instant when she saw Zhao Li Xin's face, he looks intimidating and frightening at the same time but in Lory's eyes her husband looks very sexy, just like a mighty King holding a rifle, Lory squeal in her head excitedly.

The furious Zhao Li Xin stride towards Lory then he kneels on one knee in front of Lory and says with worry look "Are you okay, is he making you sad?"

Lory was snapped back from her incredulous imagination then a cheeky grinned bloomed on her face "Do I look sad to you?" 

Zhao Li Xin smiled in relief when he saw her sweet smile however it didn't change the fact that someone has bullied his princess. Zhao Li Xin rise on his feet, his dark cold eyes fixed on Jin Kai, he contemplated the best way to kill that insect.

Jin Kai flinches when Zhao Li Xin ferocious gaze falls on him, Lao Min Na has incited him that Zhao Li Xin only has a fleeting feeling towards his wife as it only temporarily fondness that soon runs dry against a short time. For some reason Jin Kai didn't doubt her since he found it weird for someone like Long Ming would give all his heart to an ordinary woman like his wife, that woman is not even pretty like Lao Min Na.

Half of the blame falls on Lory, if only she doesn't make her disguised so ordinary anyone wouldn't question her as much as it is today, but Lory never expected she would marry someone moreover with someone who has a 'king-like' reputation. Lory could feel the changing energy on Zhao Li Xin's power, there's a surge of power that moves from his body to his right hand. 

Lory suddenly squeeze Zhao Li Xin right hand then she stares t Zhao Li Xin with a calming look 'This is not the right time' her eyes said, she is right there are too many questions linger, why Lao Min Na, Jin kai and the sanguan family stay in the same place, is that only coincidence? Huwang Zhen Shi the first kind who sleep beneath the mountain where sacred mountain peak resides said that the sword can only be used by the descendant of the first king Lei Yu so why the Sanguan family interested in the sword? Perhaps that's the reason they also interested in Qin Mu Yi's son which is him but why he tries to kill them in the past? 

Zhao Li Xin heaved heavily, too many questions remain that's why he needs to be patient, the time has not yet come. He slowly retracts his Qi while his eyes bored on Jin Kai's face like he worries he would forget that man's face. Jin Kai gulped unconsciously, he only teased his wife a little so why Long Ming so hostile towards him.

"Petty and shortsighted, you still haven't changed at all aren't you?" Jin Hao walks calmly with the hand behind his back, his half braid white hair draped neatly on his shoulder, his handsome face and tranquil demeanor make him like a deity who descends from heaven. Jin Hao's aloof expression attracts many young women but sadly just like Zhao Li Xin she feel women as a nuisance.

"Jin Hao" Jin Kai glower, he hates his stepbrother who always make him feel inferior, he hated how people used to compare him with Jin Hao and the problem is he always the loser one. Thankfully Jin Hao was kicked out of the Misty Lake clan since then his life is much easier.

However a good thing didn't last long since Jin Hao suddenly raised as a great alchemist and a king palace of Hei Shen Sect, once again he lives under his shadow again.

"I wonder where do you hide?" Jin Kai mocks him.

Jin Hao smirking "I never hide, I was here all the time watching you trying to humiliate a woman who obviously didn't care what you have said" he turns around and asks Lory casually "Isn't that right young madam?"

Lory tilted her head and smile amicably showing she doesn't bother at all, and Jin Kai is nothing but a fool in her eyes. Jin Hao chuckles in amuse, Lory reaction always amused him where else you can find women who detached from social class and society rules like Lory.

"See?" Jian Hao raised his brow towards Jin kai.

Jin kai face turn red and dark as anger thrummed to his vein, if a look could kill then Lory should have died a hundred times by now, Jin kai body shook profusely, is she ridicule him now! 

Lory doesn't care, she needs more than a threatening look to scare her, Lory sips her tea with an indifferent look. Lory's behavior amazes the other guest. In the world where women were raised to be reserved with a strong sense of propriety nothing that could fear a woman than a bad rumor that could ruin their reputation and image however the woman who sat next to Long Ming remain indifferent as she is unfazed with what people think about her.

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