The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 598 - She’s My Family

Chapter 598 - She’s My Family

It's late a night and Ming Yue Yin just finish her cultivation so she got out of the Pagoda where Su Feng and Su Yi has waiting for her, Ming Yue Yin face beamed because she could feel she almost breakthrough from the beginner stage to the transition stage, she can't wait to be stronger after she meets Lazarus. That demon is more terrifying than in her dream, she admires Lory for able to remain calm all this time.

Suddenly she saw a black figure lean on the trunk, Ming Yue Yin and her subordinated not afraid because Tie Shan manor security is impenetrable unless is Lazarus himself that would calm, as she got closer she recognize the dark figure is Yuan Shao.

"What are you doing here?" Ming Yue Yin slightly surprise.

"I'm waiting for you" Yuan Shao smile warmly.

"Oh, okay…." She feel Yuan Shao got more thing to say, she make a sign to Su Feng and Su Yi to leave her alone then she looks Yuan Shao "Let's walk"

Yuan Shao smile helplessly, is not easy to face a smart woman. The two of them then walk together to the giant man-made pond. She found a stone bench then she takes a seat and put both her hands on his lap "So, what do you want to talk about?" 

Yuan Shao feel hesitant slightly "About Miss Luo Ri Yi or…Lo – Ri"

"Lory" she corrects him.

He feel a sense of déjà vu, Yuan Shao clear his throat "Lo…ry" he said again.

"What about it?" she asks casually.

"You know what she got you involved with?"

"She's not involved me, I came on my owned!" she corrects him again with a deep frown.

Yuan Shao knew he had hit her nerves but he needs to know what Ming Yue yin think about this "So, you know about her background, her secret?"

"Absolutely!" she answers without a shred of hesitation.

"So, is not bother you?" he feel a bit skeptic, he examined the change on her expression "This thing that Long Ming fought – it doesn't sound like a human, you could be harmed, probably even dead, do you understand that?"

Ming Yue Yin draws a long breath, she mirthlessly smile "Do you know how I am before I become empress?"

"Well, I heard the rumor…." He crosses his arms on his chest as he recalled all rumors about Ming Yue Yin and the Emperor including her unfortunate situation where she lost all her family to the previous emperor. Yuan Shao never thought that Ming Yue Yin's past was so painful.

"The emperor raised me like livestock, she fattens me up like a pig before he sacrifices me to his son, I thought he is a good father, a kind and loving father until I know the truth. I was heartbroken, scared, and helpless, I start to doubt anyone, my teacher, my friend, my siblings, even my maid. I wonder if they collaborated with each other to harmed me?" she speaks in a calm tone as if she talks about someone else story.

Yuan Shao feel like he inhaled cold air, he can't imagine how scared Ming Yue Yin must be and his heart ached for her if only he was there. Ming Yue Ying sigh "To save my life I put myself to sleep, you must hear the story right?" she looks at him with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, yes – they say you have been sleeping for a very long time and no one can't resuscitate you" 

She looks heavenward and says: "That because my subconscious refused to awake because I can't handle the truth – that I have lived in lied with the person who killed my family" Ming Yue Yin rubs her hands together she doesn't know why but she feel cold it was strange because someone with high-level cultivation like her should not get cold easily. 

This is the first time he heard about Ming Yue yin past from herself, he doesn't know to stay so he sits next to her then slowly reaches her hand, the warm form her hand eased the coldness within her.

"When I sleep, I have a dream – is a long but short dream – I can't explain it clearly…." She pursed her lips as she struggles to explain.

"What are you dreaming about?" 

"About a princess from another world, a world is more advance than ours, a beautiful and peaceful kingdom where the King rule fairly without being partial to any side, and his subordinated and people worshiped him not out of fear but for love, and then I saw a princess, a girl who had it all, she is special but ordinary at the same time"

"Sounds like a beautiful dream…" Yuan Shao smiles warmly at her.

"For a while…" she lower her head, a sense of bitterness swept over her as she continues her story "Not long after everything is falling apart, the kingdom she loves burns to ashes, her beloved father died for her, and the kingdom and so people the people that raised her like family was gone with her father on the same day, and her brother her only family she got left – well, he is a dead man walking, his end had been predicted long ago since the day they were born…it was set and done." Ming Yue Yin sniffles and then sigh heavily.

Yuan Shao feel his blood run cold, he doesn't know who Ming Yue Yin talks about, but he can't believe how a person could bear so much loss.

"You think she would give up, cover herself in a blanket and cry endlessly like a normal girl would be but no she was not, she's not even waste her time with mourn, she took her sword to lead the remaining soldiers to protect the surviving citizen to leave the scorched city and lead them to a safe place and they are safe….because of her"

"But there is one person that is more important than anyone that she needs to be safe, that person is her twin brother. The prophecy said he has to die to protect the world and the kingdom should be ruled by her as the last of her kin but…..she refused that, she denied the god's will" Ming Yue Yin shakes her head in perplex even until now she doesn't understand where's Lory got such determination, how could she be so relentless when the outcome is not so bad.

"But human can't fight against a Will of God, and so she turns to someone who has equal power, a Demon that cast from grace, a black serpent with yellow eyes – Lazarus" just speak his name make her hands trembles.

Yuan Shao stunned then she remembers the change in Lao Min Na's eyes at that time and cold sweat drench on his back, she looks at Ming Yu Yin anxiously "Do you mean…that thing inside Lao Min Na is a... That, Impossible!" josei

"To change her brother fate she used her soul as a collateral, with the power granted by the Demon she replaces her brother although she tries to outsmart the demon by destroying her soul before the demon could swallow her soul but somehow she survives….and she was sent to our world" Ming Yue Yin leans her chin on her palm and smile towards Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao squints his eyes "That person….is she Lo-ry" Yuan Shao always had a doubt about Lory's humble background, she is too smart, too calm, and poised as a village girl. Her aura is not inferior compare with Ming Yue Yin who came from a royal family, however, she doesn't look like a princess either because she less cautious with her behavior and too carefree as if nothing can't hold her down not even Zhao Li Xin.

"She doe not look like someone from a rural village but isn't she too….."

"Happy?" Ming Yue Yin chuckles.

"Yeah…." Yuan Shao wryly smiles, she does not look like someone who had a dreadful past since she looks happy all the time.

"She lost her family, her friends, her kingdom, her title and for a while, she lost her power too…..the only thing left is Girsha, and she was alone ever since, but Lazarus refuses to let her escape and that thing had been following her, waiting for her….." she gritted her teeth in anger.

she was breathing hard and clenched her fist until it turns pale "Lory is the one who gives me the courage to accept my legacy, she gives me strength when I feel hopeless, watching her fight relentlessly make me feel ashamed for my cowardness if Lory never gives up after all she had been through so what reason I have to run away from my own fate, compare to Lory my problem is….small, so who am I dare to complain" she cried loudly.

He feel needle pricked his heart and he pull her in his embraces, he finally understands where the loyalty to Lory came from "I'm sorry, I'm questioning you, I just don't want you involved with something you don't understand"

"But I do…more than anyone else, I saw her desperation, her sadness, and her fear, I witness how lost she was unlike me she was alone even at the end Girsha was gone too – you will not understand because you didn't say it with your own eyes but I do – she just a normal girl who loves sweet stuff and hate bitter, she likes having fun with friends and traveling, but why she must carry the weight of the world, why her?" she yelled while hitting his back venting her anger for her beloved friend and idol.

"Sshh, is okay – is okay, nothing would happen to Lory right – Long Ming is here – you here, I'm here and so the others, I can't believe we can't save Lory and killed that demon or whatever" he rubbed her back to calmed her down.

Ming Yue Yin sniffed "Lory is the closest thing I know about family, she is closer than a sister, she is my friend, teacher, and my idol, I will not let anyone or anything took my family again, not again!"

"We will not…" he wiped her tears gently "I believe Long Ming will not let that happened either, I know he had planed so we just need to help him"

Ming Yue Yin wiped the remnants of her tears with her sleeves and nod her head as she calmed down "Yes, at least we know what we need to find and we know where is that thing, we just need to understand what he plans with Lao Min Na and Sanguan family, there must be a reason why she stays there for so long" 

"And you attend the moon-viewing event because of that reason? You want to inquire something about The Sanguan family" Yuan Shao squint his eyes,

"Yes, I heard they slaughter the Qin family, I want to know more about that…." Ming Yue Yin glint dangerously

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