The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 627 - Mong Ki And Mong Yi Story

Chapter 627 - Mong Ki And Mong Yi Story

As an orphan in the impoverished village, no one wants to take care of them, is hard enough to take care of their own family who wants to take in three small children? Then one thing led to another they end up in the street of Nan Jing city, they say it would be easier to find a job in the city, but the reality is harsh. 

Mong Ki and his brother live in the dilapidated abandoned building with other homeless and beggars, every day he must protect his young brother and sister from thug and thief that swarmed on the street, Mong Ki is too young to find a job and he had no choice but to become beggars and stealing when he in a dire situation.

On that trouble day's Mong Ki and Mong Yi is able to befriend another abandoned kids, all of them have a similar background like Mong kKi and Mong Yi so they naturally become close just like real siblings, during that time Mong Ki is already acted as the leader for other kids, he is a responsible, quick-witted and resourceful so no wonder everyone listens to him.

Then two years later Xiao Yu got sick, suddenly in the middle of the night, she got a high fever. Mon Ki, mong Yi, and other children were panic they tried everything to reduce Xiao Yu fever but they're just kids there's not much they can do, Mong Ki knew her sister need medicine, a real medicine, unfortunately, he had no money to invite the physician moreover to buy the medicine, refuse to give up he decide to try his luck, in the middle of the night he runs to one of the physician homes that he knows he banging their door scream and beg for the physician to help his sister.

The physician who was disturbed in the middle of the night not only refuse to help him he also hit him for disturbing his rest. Mong Ki didn't yield, he runs to the other physician's house and all the apothecary shop that he could find, he begs them to help over and over again, but no one helps him…no one took pity on them.

They spit, cursed, and hits him, scolded him for disturbing their peaceful night, then three days later Xiao Yu can't hold on anymore she finally breathes her last breath, she only three years old.

It was the darkest days of his life, he realizes how weak he is and how cruel people could be. Having no money at all Mong Yi and Mong Ki bury their sister on their own with the help of the other kids, they search for a plank of small wood and make their own coffin, dig the grave by themselves and use whatever coin they got to buy joss stick. 

He remembers the night after Xiao Yu passed away, it was exceptionally cold, is the type of coldness that penetrated his bones, he pull his thin blanket to his chin as the cold wind slip between the cracked on the wall, he saw Mong Yi shivering under the small blanket, Mong Ki who was still traumatized after he loses his younger sister was terrified he would lose the last kin he got he takes off his own blanket then cover his brother with it. 

Mong Ki pull his leg to his chest and wrapped his arms around his knee, his body trembles profusely but is not the cold that bothers him, it was fear, he scared he unable to protect his brother, he scared he would be powerless to help his brother, he scared to be left alone, it was the scariest and cold night he ever experiences in his life is also the first time he cries, he cries so hard until he fell asleep.

Another year goes by and when he nine or ten years old, actually he never really know how old he is nor his birthday because poor people never celebrate their birthday and his family is illiterate so a lot of thing about himself he didn't know. One day a lot of burly men suddenly barged to their place, they grab all the children however a few children managed to run away but unfortunately Mong Ki and Mong Yi are not that lucky. 

They put them inside the cage like an animal and cover the cage with thick dark fabric and then transport them to somewhere, then they end up on the small house, when the burly men took off the thick cloth there's a middle-aged woman with plump body size them up and down, then she nodded her head and suddenly the cage is open and the other men scream at them to get off the cage immediately, terrified all the kids jump out of the carriage in hasted didn't matter if they fall on the ground or on top each other, they not care, they not even blink.

Mong Ki holds Mong Yi's hand tightly, he is as petrified as any other children but he forces himself to be calm because he doesn't want to scare his brother even more. Who knows his calm and quiet attitude impressed the old woman, she points his finger at him, Mong Yi, and few other kids, the next thing happens they were transported again by carriage to somewhere else. 

Once he grew up Mong Ki would describe that day as terrifying and nerves-wrecking, he had no clue what would happen with him and his brother, he had no clue where they took him, and what reasoned they took him, no one bothers explained it to him.

He feel like livestock dragging somewhere unknown without any consideration whatsoever. Then they stop at another house this time the house look much better, just like a cattle they are herd inside the house then order to take a bath and given new clothes, wearing new clothes is not a bad feeling but given something without a reason make him feel anxious, he learned in a hard way that nothing is free not even for life.

It was quite a long road, the carriage window is close off so no one can peek outside they also scared because there were two strong elder women who watch their every movement with a stern face.

Mong Yi gradually feel more restless he squeezes Mong Ki's hands looking so much it hurt Mong Ki's hand, but Mong ki didn't complain because he is as terrified as his brother but he didn't show, Mong Ki, hold his brother's hand to calm him down.

The carriage stopped a few time it seems they are in inspection, a soldier with the stern face open the carriage door and scrutinize them for a minute then shut the door after he saw nothing strange. 

'Where are we?'

That the only thing that came to his mind but he knows no one would answer him. Then a few minutes later the door open again another old maid came and examined them then waved his hand, the children and the elder women from before following them.

They walk past the moon gate and everyone was astonished by the view around them, they never saw a beautiful place like this before, not even in their dream.

The red pillar painted with gold, a dragon carved on the pillar and the ceiling, and beside them lay a beautiful garden with lush green grass and flower bush, they can hear the sound of water splash and birds chirping, at that time Mong Ki and Mong Yi thought this place is heaven.

They finally taken to a lavish room, then inside the room very beautiful women with long extravagant hanfu sit gracefully, she got oval shape face and fair unblemished skin, she looks haughty and elegant at the same time, besides her a little boy playing with a fancy toy he never saw before, the boy looks very cute and a little bit plump it's obvious he never starves a day in his life.

Mong Ki and the other was kneeling on the ground when the beautiful women look down on them with a disdained look "Just pick anyone, it doesn't matter for me!" she said in utter annoyance.

The old woman bends his waist to ninety degrees to plead to the beautiful lady "Apologize Consor Ying but his majesty wanted you to pick the personal servant for the sixth prince personally, his majesty didn't want the rumor about neglecting the sixth prince spread further than already is" 

 Noble Consort Ying scrunched up her beautiful face, she doesn't want to spend any more time to take care his youngest son but what else he could do, she tamped down her irritation then waved her hand "Call the sixth prince!"

"Right away, Consort Ying" the old maid bows her head before she left.

The little kid put down his toys and whine to his mother "Consort mother, why you call that kid again, I don't like him, he smelled funny" the chubby kid pull Consort Ying's sleeves.

Her scrunched face immediately softens, she stroked the kid's head dotingly and smiles gently "I know, but your Father emperor asks me to help him so we have no choice, bear with it a little okay" she caresses the little boy round cheek.

The boy pouted his lips "I don't want to, I hate him!" he folded his hand in front of his chest arrogantly.

Consort Ying didn't show any dissatisfaction he smiles become gentler "If you obedient, Consort mother will give you red braised pork for dinner" 

The boy shakes his head "No, I 'm bored with braised pork, I want a braised short ribs!" 

Consort Ying laugh listening watching his haughty behavior, not once she reprimands him, she pinched his son chubby cheek and smile widely "Fine, Mother will give you beef short ribs, now be obedient, hm"

The boy still looks reluctant but he nods his head.

Mong Ki realizes that the boy turns out to be a prince, no wonder even though he is just a little boy he dressed in extravagant robes and wears a small crown on his head, his fair skin and chubby face clearly show how good he's been taken care off. Mong Ki then feel ironic when Royal children could eat anything they want without thinking, while other children like him would starve to death. He realizes how vast the disparity between the royal family and a peasant like him.

Suddenly the door open and the old maid from before come again, she kneeled courteously on the floor again "The sixth prince is here Noble Consort" she said with a polite tone.

The smiles on noble consort Ying disappear instantly, she frowns slightly then wave her hand "Send him inn…" she said coldly.

"Yes, Noble consort" the old maid turn her head to another maid who stands in front of the door and gives her a nod. The maid opens the door then a small figure enters the room.

Mong Ki sneak a glance at the prince who just came, he thought he would look like the chuby prince next to Noble Consort lady, unexpectedly the boy who came have a small frame, he looks very thin and pale even his lip lose it color, his hair is tied in a topknot and cover with round fabric is very different with the other prince, she looks very small and skinny it make the robes he wear looks too big on him.

Mong Ki was puzzle, why the Sixth prince look so different from his brother, he looks just like a kid who hadn't eaten for several days, if not because he wear better clothes he didn't look so much different wit the children him or the children he saw on the street.josei

However, despite all of that the boy still looks very beautiful, his dark eyes is like an onyx gem, he got small pointy nose and thin lips, his face is refine and delicate, one can only imagine how beautiful the boy is if he was well taken care of.

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