The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 636 - Permission

Chapter 636 - Permission

Finally, he managed to confirm the location of the last word, his heart burst with fireworks, after a long searching he finally able to gather the whole map and soon he will able to protect Lory from that Demon. Despited hs rejoice Zhao Li Xin face unperturbed as he listening to his father story.

"Do You know about King Lei Yu?" Sanguan Jin sheng suddenly raised the question.

"No" he perfunctorily answers.

Sanguan Jin Sheng has expected this "Long time ago our ancestor King Lei Yu was buried with the ancient sword, to protect the king's tomb and the sword from other people, king Lei Yu subordinated hide the king Lei Yu tomb and the original map was torn to five pieces and it was shared among them, fortunately, we have one of the map pieces and we've been searching the other pieces for a long time but no avail until recently…."

Zhao Li Xin pours himself a cup of tea then he raised the teacup in front of his thin lips "Really, are you sure you king lei yu descendant" he said calmly while blowing his tea.

Sanguan Jin Sheng's forehead creased and his expression got hardened "Of course, how could you doubt me, we are the descendant of King Lei Yu and the sword belongs to us, we are the true owner of that sword!" he puffed his chest as he shouted proudly.

Zhao Li Xin peered at Sanguan Jing Sheng's reaction, there are two possibilities. First Sanguan Jin Sheng lied through his teeth or he believes he is the King's descendant, but then why Huwang Shen Zi and Huo Long talk as if Zhao Li Xin is the only survivor of the King Lei Yu descendant. 

"My Son you must trust me, I'm your father, for better or worst I will never harm you since I gain nothing if you are hurt" he reassured Zhao Li Xin wholeheartedly seemingly honest and sincere, however, Zhao Li Xin knew better.

Zhao Li Xin raised one of his eyebrows, he knew this is no the right time to pressed Sanguan Jin Sheng so he waved his hand carelessly "I believe you…now let's move on to the next question" he gently put down the teacup on the table then he leered towards his father "Why are you need me? you can snatch the map from my hand if you want but why you bring me home…."

"That…." Sanguan Jin Sheng was tongue-tied, facing Zhao Li Xin's question he doesn't know how to answer. Normal people would be happy to be acknowledged by an influential family, they would not question or even care with the reasoned so sanguan Jin sheng cannot understand why his annoying son is so fastidious.josei

"You already have a son, in fact, two older sons nonetheless, so why are you need me?" His eyes brooding toward Sanguan Jin Sheng's expression, he slowly pressuring Sanguan Jin Sheng.

"That…that because I owe you, I owed to your mother and the Qin family for what have done, I intended to give the sword to you, you might not believe it but I truly love your mother and no days passed without me thinking of her so when I know you are alive I'm thought this is my opportunity to pay my debt to you, do you believe me!" he was shouting and gesticulating frantically as he explained himself toward Zhao Li Xin.

On the contrary, Zhao Li Xin remains indifferent but secretly amused, he concludes that sanguan Jin Sheng needs him more than he thought, the question is 'why'? let surmise a little 

he is the descendant of the first King Lei Yu, 

he is the only one who can use the sword, but what about Sanguan Wu Ci and Sanguan Wu Hao?

Unless they do not carry the blood of King Lei Yu?

If it's not his Father could it be his Mother?

Sanguan Mo Yi – Qin Mo Yi – The Qin family?

Zhao Li Xin finally able to connect the dot, his eyes flickered then he leered towards Sanguan Jin Sheng and laugh inwardly as he cursed his dear father 'You one heartless basta*d'

He suddenly figures it out and it turns out more simple than he thought, base on the information he got while talking with Sanguan Jin Sheng. Zhao Li Xin deduced that the Qin family is probably the real King Lei Yu descendant.

Because Sanguan Jin Sheng possessed the old map it's not strange if he knows the story behind the map and somehow he knew about the Qin family and their connection to King Lei Yu, perhaps that's why he married Qin Mu Yi and pampered her for some time so they will lose their guard down.

Sanguan Jin Sheng must-have design all this for a long time, he married Qin Mu Yi make her bear his Son who inherited the King Lei Yu blood then killed the whole Qin family to avoid competition to own the crimson Lightning Sword, he should have planed to control Qin Mu Yi son that mean soon or later he had to kill Qin Mu Yi.

Maybe along the way Qin Mu Yi realized what kinda monster he was married to, perhaps the rumor about her infidelity with her cousin was fake, she probably reached her cousin for helped and sanguan Jin Sheng know, probably he is the one who created the rumor and used this reason to annihilated the Qin family to erased the competition.

It would explain why Sanguan Jin Sheng killed all the innocent children of the Qin family especially males. However, something unpredictable happened, Qin Mu Yi escapes while taking Zhao Li Xin with her, it was his mother who saved him from Sanguan Jin Sheng clutch.

Savage, cruel, monstrous, there's no word that can describe Sanguan Jin Sheng action, but at least this explained why he grew up like this, why he becomes so merciless, so cruel and heartless, turn out because he had a father like Sanguan Jin Sheng, his father blood runs in his veins.

Suddenly everything becomes makes sense, only a monster could produce a monster like him.

"Lu Xin, we need to get the sword immediately, this is our family legacy and we owed it our family," said Sanguan Jin Sheng.

Zhao Li Xin lift his head "Of course, this what we owed"

Zhao Li Xin left the study room then return to his courtyard, the beautiful courtyard decorated with flower bush and peach blossom tree, Sanguan Jin Sheng said this is where Sanguan Mu Yi once live. 

"Milord!" Mong Liu greeted courteously.

Zhao Li Xin waved his hand to sign him to leave. Without question Mong Liu leave the courtyard, it was not strange that Zhao Li Xin likes to be left alone since he never been someone who feel comfort from other people's presence unless you are Lory. He takes a sit on the small bench near the pond, he contemplated Sanguan Mu Yi's tragic life.

What a misfortune for her to met Sanguan Jin Sheng, but you can't blame her judging how ambitious Sanguan Jin Sheng is he probably already plan this for a long time, and no matter how smart Sanguan Mu Yi was she wouldn't see this coming. Slowly the corner of his mouth lifted, the bright side of this situation is that he doesn't need to be hesitant anymore.

"Do you want me to avenge you…..mother" he looks heavenward.

A gentle breeze blows his face but the tree around him stays still as if the wind was never there, Zhao Li Xin smiles faintly then he lowers his head and murmured to himself"Okay then…"


Late at night Lory doze off on the couch after reading a tragic novel story that Yang Xi Ying recommended and Lory can't stop laughing after she read the novel, she almost thought it's a satirical comedy and she can't stop giggles even though it was supposed to be a heart-wrenching love story.

It's a story about a young noble lady who falls in love with a small captain then leaves her family comfort to elope with his lover is easy to guess it's not end's well, at the end of the story the noble lady end up suicide after she thought his lover falling in love for someone else, overall is a stupid story but amusing at the same time.

The book was banned though because a lot of elders think this book taught young girls to misbehaved but still when your parent said you can't do something it sounds more like encouragement and so the book land in his hand.

Lory was fell asleep for a few minutes as she sleeps she realizes the room suddenly becomes warmed, she remembers she opens the window and her couch is right beside the window so why she feel warm instead. Lory yawns widely then slowly opens her eyes then she startled when she saw Zhao Li Xin rest next to her.

"You should sleep on the bed," he said.

She blinks her eyes to make sure she's not dreaming "Why are you here?"

"I missed you" his eyes fill with indulgence as he staring at her.

Her cheeks feel hot but she didn't avert her gaze from him not like she can "I missed you too" she said softly.

Zhao Li Xin smiles warmly, the genuine tender smile he only shows at Lory, she feel Zhao Li Xin acted differently tonight. It's been a while since she saw him like this again, he looks…lost. Lory raised her hand she gently caresses his cheek "What's wrong, is someone hurt you?" she worriedly says.

She looks sincere which make him chuckles, and the dark cloud hover in his heart gradually disappeared "What would you do if someone hurt me?" he teased.

Lory pout her lips "Well it depends if that person is a cultivator then a find the way to beat the crap out of him but if that person cares so much about his status and imaged then I will erase him from social life and never recover ever again"

Zhao Li Xin burst to laugh "My wife is so dependable!"

"Of course, do you know how many people I've been humiliated and destroyed publicly because they are messing with my family and friends, your wife is not soft persimmon, I don't like trouble other people but if they force me – I will!"

As funny as it sounds Zhao Li Xin believes in her, in fact, he can imagine Lory's cunning smiles when she pressed her opponent. For as long as he can remember Zhao Li Xin never saw Lory being pressed by other people, his princess is always calm and cool against anyone, even without him Zhao Li Xin is convinced that Lory will be fine, unlike him…..

"So tell me whose hurting you?" she said seriously.

His long finger hooks Lory's finger they say "My Father…..if I kill my father, would you hate me?" he said with forlorn looks.

Lory stunned for a second then she pulls his neck and rests his head on her bosom as she wrapped him in his embrace "Should you do that?" she whispers.

"Hm, either is me or him…."

Lory let out a heavy sigh "I don't care about your father, is you I'm worried about. Because I know, whenever you took someone life, there some piece of you lost with it….I don't want you to get hurt" she kiss softly on the top of his head.

Zhao Li Xin is a big man moreover one of the powerful men in the world but right now he likes a little kitten inside Lory embraces, he circles his arms around Lory's waist, he rubbed his cheek on her chest like a little kid seeking his mother comfort.

"I'll be fine, I got you…" he quietly said.

Lory knows Zhao Li Xin must know something, despite everyone said Lory know Zhao Li Xin is not as cold as people thought, for her Zhao Li Xin is like driftwood, drifting on the ocean, struggling to find a way to survive. 

Lory tightens her embrace around his neck "Do whatever you need to do, I will always be with you"

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