The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 662 - The Amendment

Chapter 662 - The Amendment

Ming Yue Yin words stunned him for a second, Yuan Shao watch her closely as he understands where her fear came from, deep down he can't deny that situation she feared might happen in the future, there's no guaranteed he could handle constant pressure from the noble family and society, he had seen how his father was manipulated by the emperor then eventually broke under the heavy pressure, even though he loves his wife to the bones, but to protect his wife and family from the emperor mistrust he was left with no choice but to accept the emperor request to marry his daughter and made her as his second wife, even until now he still remembers his mother expression vividly when she was forced to watch her beloved man wedding.

"Miss Luo.....I mean Lory asked me what would I give to be with you, she asks me will I give everything to be with you"

Ming Yue Yin could feel her heart accelerated "What did you say?"

He solemnly smiles "I said, Yes..." his eyes filled with determination "It took a while for me to understand what is 'everything' that she meant" he looks down with a self-deprecating smile plastered on his face, "I thought if I want people acknowledged me as your husband I have to raised myself in the same position as you, I thought a mere general moreover 'Exiled' general from another kingdom will make your people look down on you….look down on me, so I came to Zuan Dong continent, is a chaotic place that was plagued with war because the turmoil between the tribes"

"Chaotic as may seem but that place is full of potential and rich with a precious stone mine like jade, diamond, crystal, and more. This is also the reason why the tribes are fought at each other, so I'm thinking what if I could subdue the whole tribes, well I don't need to subdue all of them just two or three of the biggest tribe in there and everything will follow…"

"And you succeed…" Ming Yue Yin cut in.

"Just a little bit more…." He said modestly, however, everyone knows what Yuan Shao accomplice could match Zhao Li Xin's achievement when he establishes the Hei Shen sect.

Ming Yue Yin sees his dejected look and she confuses "But you don't look happy…why?" she asks curiously.

"Because I realize, rather than help you instead my position will threaten your authority as a Ruler" he blows out his cheeks feeling a sense of loss and regret.

She knitted her eyebrows, she understands right away what he meant. Indeed if they get married his reputation will challenge her sovereignty, even though he never intends to harm her in any way but many people would take advantage of this situation. They say 'a mountain cannot contain two tigers' and that's true.

The only thing that make Ming Yue Yin's position as empress a bit difficult is because of her gender, the reason she becomes Empress was because there were no other male successors so they had no choice but to give the dragon sit to her. However not everyone satisfied with this situation, there still conservative groups who think that women are not qualified to rule the country.

Fortunately, she was supported by three prominent figure in the country the honorable grand tutor Zhang Yu Hao, the legendary prime minister Wu Tian Zi and the formidable hero Fu Xiao Jin not to mention her good relation with the Hei Shen sect and later Jiu Yun sect is played an excellent role to shut everyone mouth.

Nevertheless, the dissatisfied group remained, with her capability and support her position is unmoving but she still a woman, when a woman married she naturally fall below her husband position, so everyone thought the only way to suppressed Ming Yue Yin position is by marriage but what kind of man that can suppress an iron empress like her.

Because of the grace granted by Lory, Ming Yue Yin cultivated ability is beyond normal people. She gains a tremendous ability to absorbed Qi make her become the strongest woman in Liang Zu kingdom in a short time, not to mention she also a natural Ruler although she's very young she is mature beyond her age and also very smart and cunning, her only downside is only her gender.

Not many men could match Ming Yue Yin in term of power and intelligence but it all would change when Yuan Shao came in the picture, he is strong cultivator, a former great general, and he becomes the king of the tribes of the Zuan Dong continent his achievement is more than enough to match Ming Yue Yin position, he is the best husband candidate for Ming Yue Yin but also the best candidate to overthrow her.

Is to be expected there would be people who will try to rope Yuan Shao to their side, even if Yuan Shao didn't care about the throned and he threat Ming Yue Yin sincerely, however, it will not stop people to try to sow discord between them, make them grew suspicious to each other which is not impossible since all the old official are the old fox. Because of Yuan Shao, Ming Yue yin will be put in an unstable and more dangerous situation than before.

Ming Yue Yin heaved heavily, she doesn't understand why their relationship become so complicated all of the sudden "So, in short, it's impossible between us" she said with a calm expression but under the table, her hands are clenched tightly as her nail dug her skin until it slightly bleeds.

"That's why Miss Lory told me will I give up everything for you…"

"You will let go of your hard achievement just like that?" she wants to be with him but she's unwilling if Yuan Shao sacrifices all his hard work even for her.

The reluctance in her eyes warmed his heart, and he shook his head "No, without it, your people would not let foreign, exiled moreover ex-general like me to marry their great Empress"

"Then what is your plan?"

He raised two fingers in the air "There are two things we could do, first you must establish the law that anyone who has no blood relation with the Ming clan will not have any authority to run the country or even influence the matter of the court….at all"

Ming Yue Yin stunned "wait the minute everyone already knows about this, is that necessary" josei

"But it never regulated clearly in the kingdom constitution so it make a loophole for anyone who wants to dethrone you, just think about it, after they make me as the emperor they can slowly divide the power soon there would be the Empress faction and the Emperor faction, even if we don't give them consent we can't stop them either. With this alone it would create a minuscule gape in our relation then over the years they can slowly expand the gape with all their dirty plan, I believe they would use innocent men and women to created ripples in our relationship, make us doubted each other" Yuan Shao could predict the situation based on his experience at the Liu Yan kingdom.

Is hard to refute Yuan Shao's words as she expected the same "It wouldn't be easy to make new regulation but is not impossible…and what is the second plan?"

This time Yuan Sha grinned from ear to ear "I think you will need at least a year to submit the new rule, is the same amount of time I need to conquer the Zuan Dong continent, when we succeed then I will formally propose to you as the Real King of tribes then I will give my full submission under your sovereignty"

"WHAT!" Ming Yue Yin literally almost fall from her chair if she didn't quickly grab the tableside.

It was a perfect solution for both of them, no one would question his ability and position when he becomes the conqueror of the Zuan Dong continent, however because of the new constitution they cannot use Yuan Shao to usurp the throned or even make him join the court, he becomes a useless weapon, and for Ming Yue Yin not only her position undisturbed she even got stronger foothold because Yuan Shao becomes her another aid. 

Ming Yue Yin stares at him with dismay "how long you've been thinking about this?" this is not the kinda a plan that comes spontaneously, obviously he has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

Yuan Shao shrug and smiles "As I said, it was Lory who make me think about this when she says 'everything' I think what she meant if I'm willing to lower my ego as a man? She knows that was the hardest thing for men to do…"

Ming Yue Yin sigh she feel grateful and defeated, it seems it's still a long way for her to finally able to reach Lory level, Ming Yue Yin propped her chin with both her hands "Aaah…I lost again with aunty" when she thought to give up her relationship, Lory found another way for them to be together, is not an easy plan but the life of the King's daughter will not be easy isn't it?

Even though she complained she smiles radiantly is like a heavy burden left her shoulder and she could see hope again, Yuan Shao was also grateful for Lory's insight if not because of her how could he concocted this plan "You right, she is a great woman…." He remembers how mad Ming Yue Yin was when he doubted Lory after he knows about her origin.

Ming Yue Yin pursed her lips "I told you so!" she smugly said.

In the future The Liang Zu kingdom would become the most prominent kingdom in the world, not only the kingdom is powerful but it also advances in term of knowledge and society, Liang Zu kingdom will become the first kingdom that allowed women to gain further education beyond four arts and eventually allowed them to join military and politic.

However this only happened in the distant future, at that time Ming Yue Yin and Yuan Shao will become a legendary couple that brought a revolutionary idea in the rigid society, Long after they are gone they become a sort of myths that the old generation share to their youngster, and in their story, they always mention the Empress savior who has eyes beautiful amethyst eyes and long bluish dark hair like a gentle moonlight in the cold night, sadly her name was long forgotten, but no one can't deny That once upon a time there was this woman that her bravery and kindness has inspired a once young weakling woman to become the greatest empress that the world has known.

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