The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 686 - The Secret Alliances

Chapter 686 - The Secret Alliances

A lot of people investigated the downfall of the Lu clan, first, they know it's all happened because Lu Yao provoked Zhao Li Xin then the story grew to Tang Mei then follow by Lu Zhai Quan who was Lu Yao grandfather and the elder of the Lu clan and the story got bigger and Lu Qian Gong drags out to the surface, he is the last Lu clan patriarch from their people know how he killed his own brother to snatch his rightful position and murder his brother entire family, however, the plan was failed and leave only one survivor in the run.

And that survivor is Lu Shin Jiu, people were curious why the Lu clan seem obsessed with Lu Shin Jiu and why the sacred Mountain peak accept Shin Jiu as leveraged, what so special about him?

After thorough investigation everyone found out that Lu Shin Jiu is the legendary 'Blessed Child' he has the ability to command any beast at his will, every Beast would be drawn to him and wanted to be around him with or without the Beast contract, it just like an instinct to them and they just can't help it.

Born with powerful innate power is no wonder everyone wants to get their hands on Lu Shin Jiu but then he suddenly disappear after the destruction of the Lu clan, then a few weeks later the news spread that Lu Shin Jiu had somehow become a member of the Hei Shen sect, automatically he was under the protection of the Hei Shen sect ever since, after that no one could touch or knew where Lu Shin Jiu whereabout, but out of nowhere the elusive kid suddenly appeared right in front of her face.

Princess Youya blinks her eyelids to make sure she's not dreaming, she feel elated to finally meet with 'the Blessed Child'. However, since when he becomes Long Ming's wife disciple.

"I didn't know Liu Shin Jiu is your disciple?" she totally flabbergasted.

Lory understood Princess Youya was shocked, but she didn't comprehend the level of princess Youya shocked "I have to accompany her highness, you should get rest" she told the boy.

Shin Jiu was still worrying for Lory's safety because he still suspicious of Princess Youya's intention "But, Master…."

"Hey, don't say you want to hear woman talks?" Lory teased him, no matter how strong Shin Jiu become he still just a little boy in her eyes, perhaps it wouldn't change even when Shin Jiu got older.

"Master!" Shin Jiu was so embarrassed his face become crimson and Lory laughs when she saw his adorable reaction.

Her whole demeanor becomes gentler, she's not as imposing as before suddenly she acted like her own age. Her drastic change stunned Princess Youya, and she also surprised by how close the relationship between the master and disciple although their relationship is more like family in her eyes.

"Go now, don't interfere with the adult conversation" Lory waved her hand o tell him to leave.

Shin Jiu pouted his lips, he stares at Lory with a reluctant gaze, but then a white bird flew from the window and perch on Lory's shoulder, the bird melodious chirping that caught everyone's attention. The bird it's no bigger than an eagle, she got unblemished white feathers with a hint of gold color on the tip of its wings, it also got long beautiful golden tails that look like a golden tuft from afar, and if that not beautiful enough the bird has emerald green eyes and soft pink beak.

Princess Youya let out a long sighed, no wonder Sanguan Li Ye tried to snatch the bird from Luo Ri Yi, turn out the bird is so beautiful it looks surreal.

"See, Girsha will come with me so off you go!" she shooed him away. Shin Jiu cupped his fist then bowed his head politely before he reluctantly left.

Meanwhile, Princess Youya stares at Lory with flickering eyes, the woman not only able to attract the 'Demon Lord' Long Ming she also the master of the Blessed child, and that bird….the rumor said that the bird is very powerful and it cost a lot of people hurt just with its sound.

'Who are you?' that question has been circle around her head it almost drives her crazy.

Lory didn't know what princess Youya thinking, she turned her head and smiled "Would you like to see the garden right now?"

"Of course" she replies briefly.

Lory leads her to the main garden while their maids followed not to far from them, princess Youya amazed at how beautiful Tie shan garden was, it seems Luo Ri Yi did not just pretend to make small talk when she said she wanted to show her the garden, this place is truly beautiful but somehow it not suited with Long Ming stiff character.

"I never thought Long Ming have this kinda taste….?" 

Lory cover her mouth and giggle "Well, you are right your highness, this most likely my taste"

"Oh…." Princess Youya startled 'so the rumor is true' she thought, Long Ming truly adored his wife.

They finally rested inside the pavilion, the maids promptly served tea for the two mistresses while Girsha already had flown somewhere after Girsha didn't feel any threat from Princess Youya, and with Lory's current power she wouldn't have trouble protecting herself so why would he bother with boring human conversation.

The two beautiful girls sat across from each other, from the outside they looked like two friends who spent their evening together but everyone who knows their background would have guessed that this meeting is not as simple as it looks.josei

"The sanguan family would not let this matter go away, are you sure you don't want to compliant to their wished" ask princess Youya.

"The matter will not end with my apology anyway" Lory gave gentle smile.

Princess Youya drew in a long breath "Well, that's true" she admitted "With or without your apologies the Sanguan family would not let this matters go or they will lose their face to everyone in the city. The problem is, when the problem reaches the emperor the problem will escalate and it would forces the Emperor and the Kingdom to react, as the ruler of Yunmo kingdom the emperor is deemed to helped the Sanguan family, and it will not be a good end for you" her eyebrows knitted closely. 

If it's possible she want to avoid the situation not just for Lory but also for her Kingdom, she heard the rumor about how powerful the gold lion palace was, they say Jiang Jin Wei is an undefeated God of war and brilliant military strategies and he never lost since he becomes The Gold Lion King palace. Facing that kind of power, it would be a lie if she doesn't feel nervous even the crown Prince was nervous about it, that's why he sent her here.

Lory understands the dilemma, as a monarch, the emperor must defend his vassal from outsiders like Hei Shen sect, moreover Sanguan Family has served the Kingdoms for generations, some of their relatives even married with the imperial family so they practically family.

Lory lift the teacup then blow the tea surface softly then she took a glance at Princess Youya "How much you trust the sanguan family?" she casually asks with a gentle manner.

Princess Youya's expression stiffens, she looks at lory suspiciously.

Lory sips her tea slowly then gently lowers her hands "Do you know that Sanguan Wu Ci cultivation already reaches the Saint-level?"

"Yes, we all got the news" she replied.

"Do You know that's not only him who got breakthrough, do you realize everyone cultivation at Sanguan manor suddenly increased recently and not only on the family members but also they're subordinated?" Lory said.

Princess Youya's expression becomes tensed, she subconsciously squeezes the teacup on her hand. She understands what lory meant, it's good to have a powerful vassal but is very bad to have a vassal who has the power that exceeds their Lord, especially if the vassal is an ambitious man like Sanguan Jin Sheng.

"Do you know that Sanguan Jin Sheng had been searched a powerful divine weapon all these years and is also the real reason why he eradicated the whole Qin family clan?"

The teacup on Princess Youya hands spilled on the table and the water drip down on her skirt, but she didn't care or even notice, Princess Youya's eyes open widely behind that shock came a great trepidation. The maids came hastily to clean the table but she raised her hand than sign them all to leave immediately. The maids were dumbfounded because they never saw Princess Youya act like this but they didn't dare to question her order.

"You understand, what did you just say?" she stares deeply into Lory's eyes to know if Lory was being serious.

"I will not say something that I'm not sure or without concrete evidence" Lory reply confidently.

She presses her lips into a thin line, judging how calm and confident Lory was she assumed that Lory wasn't lying "do you know what divined weapon Sanguan Jin sheng looking for?"

"The ancient relic of emperor Lei Yu, the crimson Lightning sword, have you heard it before…." Lory asks casually in contrast with Princess Youya's anxious face. 

"No…and Emperor Lei Yu is only a myth," said Princess Youya.

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