The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 707 - Incredulous Dream

Chapter 707 - Incredulous Dream

Bai Xue ears suddenly perks, she heard the sound of stream burbles and her nose pick up a fresh smell of water and wet soil, her pupils dilated as she knows she is getting close, Bai Xue lit her skirt slightly and quickened her pace just like a maiden who can't wait to meet her lover.

Her movement stopped abruptly by two shadow guards they cross their swords and asked sternly "Are you, Bai Xue?"

She swallowed her irritation and nodded "I am!"

"Wait here!" said one of the guards, he turns around and left while the other guards stood there watching her with a hostile look.

Bai Xue tries to maintain her gentle expression even though she was dissatisfied with the shadow guard's rude behavior, they were only lowly servants, how dare they treat their Lord guest like this. 

  Bai Xue swallowed her irritation while turning her gaze to the forest next to her, she repeatedly reminded herself to control her anger she keeps telling herself when she becomes Long Ming woman she will make them bowed their heads and punished everyone who mistreated her today. Bai Xue smiled with satisfaction as she sank into her delusion if only she realized how ridiculous her dream was.

A moment later the previous shadow guard returned "Come with me!" he curtly said then he turned around without waiting for Bai Xue's reply.

Bai Xue gritted her teeth in annoyance why the servant in the Hei Shen sect was so rude, had Long Ming never taught them? Never mind she will straighten them out once she becomes Long Ming's mistress. Bai Xue pressed down her anger as she obediently follows the rude guard. 

They arrived at the half-wrecked pavilion near the stream, A man sitting behind the small round table. The man wears black robes with golden flame embroidered on his collar and wide long sleeves, his long dark hair draped on his shoulder neatly, Bai Xue heart-pounding profusely the man must be Long Ming too bad he was wearing a gold mask so she can't see his face but it didn't dissuade her desire.

Bai Xue fixed her hair a little bit, she forced herself to be calm and poise like a graceful young lady, she can't let him know how excited she was or he might think she was a woman with ill-mannered.

She keeps her gaze down to maintain her good behavior as a reserved unmarried lady. She stood in front of the pavilion as she waited for Zhao Li Xin to greeted her but the man ignored her presence as he continued to play chess with himself and the two shadow guards who stand in front of the pavilion ignored her as well.

After stand awkwardly for ten minutes she becomes impatient, she glanced at Zhao Li Xin, but the man remains indifferent, he quietly moved the chess piece on the board without showing any intention to stop. Bai Xue finally loses her patient then she braced herself to called him "Lo...Lord Long Ming I….."

Zhao Li Xin dark eyes shot towards her, the threat inside his gaze so apparent it made Bai Xue swallowed her words back. Zhao Li Xin deliberately let her hanged to destroy her self-confidence he knew Bai Xue was too full of herself, she was arrogant selfish and opportunistic. 

This type of woman needs to be treated harshly so she will understand that she had no position or right to negotiate.

"Who told you to speak?" he coldly said, he deliberately made his voice sounds heavier so Bai Xue didn't recognize his voice.

Bai Xue swallows her saliva and her face turns red, she feel embarrassed but not dare to refuted.

Zhao Li Xin put down his wine cup he leaned his head on his fist "Tell me what you know" he said with a callous tone.

Although she feel dejected about how Zhao Li Xin treats her, but she realizes this is not the right time to be stubborn. Bai Xue clenched her fist then say: "I have information about the cold poison"

"Go on…" he tapped his finger on the table.

"As you know it, The celestial immortal wasn't the one who create the poison. One of the old maidservants who served my master told me that someone gave the poison to my master as a gift, a birthday gift to be precise" said Bai Xue.

"How generous" Zhao Li Xin he sneers.

"The old servant said, my master once helped a wounded man and that man feel in debt with my master so once he returns to his home he rewarded my master with a lot of gift as appreciation for her good deeds towards him" Bai Xue also surprised when she got this news, she didn't know her master has met fruitful encounter when she was young.

"When that man send his gift he also included a list of the item he had given away, and cold poison was on the list" Bai Xue's eyes glistening, she expected Zhao Li Xin would appreciate her hard work.

However, Zhao Li Xin unperturbed his eyes as calm as the lake surface, she worried the information she gives turn out to be wasted if not why does he look so indifferent, perhaps Lu Xin lied to her, is he trying to make her fool herself, but why? Her eyebrows gradually furrow she had many questions run inside her head but Zhao Li Xin's next word lit up her face.

"Who is that man?"

Instantly Bai Xue's mood soars again, she lifts her head and excitedly said "The sun Emperor, Wei Zu Tian!"

His finger paused, he stares at Bei Xue sharply for a few seconds. His intense gaze made her heart thumping wildly and her cheeks blush heavily as she looked down shyly. Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin didn't realize the change in Bai Xue's face because he was immersed in his thought.

He remembered the last time he met Wei Zu Tian a long time ago he said something weird, no wonder that old pervert was so confident that he could cure him as long he gave himself up to him. Of course with Zhao Li Xin temperament he refused that offer bluntly, at that time Wu Ze Tian laughed at his refusal, that man was so sure Zhao Li Xin would come looking for him sooner or later, turn out Wei Zu Tian was the one who concocted the poison no wonder he had the antidote.

That man dare to make a fool of him!

Thankfully, he met Lory and his world has changed for the better ever since he met her. She's like an oasis in the desert and the moon of his dark night, meeting her is the only reasoned he didn't resent his pitiful past because it eventually leads him to her arms.

Zhao Li Xin's mind darted to the sleeping beauty who reside inside his ring, his expression become tender as he thumb stroked his ring gently.

All Hei Shen members knew very well that when the air around their Lord become lighter and a bit gentler that means the Lord was thinking about the young madam, however, Bai Xue is clueless about Zhao Li Xin and Lory's relationship she thought his change is because of her, adding her obsession to become Long Ming mistress she slowly detached herself from the reality.

"Uhm…I.." she mumbled as she can't wait to start a conversation to get close to him.josei

Bai Xue's voice woke Zhao Li Xin from his sweet reminiscence and the air around instantly change to cold again. The sudden change make her confused, she didn't know why he looked angry when she did nothing wrong.

"What do you want?" he curtly asked.

"What?" Bai Xue startled.

"You're not going to give out information for right, so tell me what you want?" Zhao Li Xin's mocking tone made Bai Xue anxious.

She doesn't want him to think badly of her, what will happen with her plan to be a Long Ming woman, what about her plan to be Hei Shen mistress "No, I…I don't want anything, I Just… I just want you to trust me!" she desperately tries to explain herself.

"Trust….why would you want me to trust you?" he looked at her with a skeptical look.

She has to make plausible excused to make him trust her "Because…I cannot become Celestial Immortal sect master because I'm not from the Zi clan, even though I'm Zi Quan Mei inner disciple they will never give the leader position to an outsider like me, they might take me as sect master candidate just to make the competition seem fair but I know that they will never let me become the sect leader no matter how good I am" this was the truth she never wanted to admit even to herself until today, and the reason because she aiming something much better.

"True…" he chuckled while looking at her with a mocking gaze "You can only become the Zi clan lap dog"

She gritted her teeth but she had no words to refuted because it's all true, other people envy her position but they forgot that her family name is Bai, not Zi it means there's still a limit to what she can accomplice at the Immortal celestial sect.

Meanwhile, she is a very ambitious woman she wanted to be on the top of the mountain admired and envied by thousands of people, unfortunately being an inner disciple of the sect master is not enough to fulfill her ambition until she found an opportunity with Long Ming.

"So you want the Celestial Immortal Sect?" Zhao Li Xin casually asked like it was nothing.

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