The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 710 - The Brotherhood

Chapter 710 - The Brotherhood

Inside the Mystic realm, a woman is sleeping soundly. Her hand clasped above her belly, her long and wavy bluish hair cover her shoulder framing her delicate and pale face. Her eyes were tightly shut but the eyeball behind her eyelids moved wildly.

Once again she was waking up in a strange place, he look up and see a magnificent painted ceiling that looks very familiar when she looked around she realizes she was in a wide place with tall pillars all over the place and grey marbles floor, she looks down on her hands then she squeezes her hands tightly all of the sudden she felt weird sensation then she realizes she was in a dream again, and this place….this place was Cestine palace, she look the palace where she grew up, this place feels strange but familiar at the same time. 

Suddenly Lory then hears a quick footstep approaching her. She lifts her head and her breath stop instantly, she froze as she stares with widening eyes "Lucas…?" she muttered.

As expected Lucas walked past her, Lory knew he didn't saw her because it's only a dream, but even though this was only a dream she feel very happy to see her brother again, Lory reflex was to chase her brother, she unconsciously shouted at him "LUCAS!" Instantly she felt like a fool, there's no way Lucas would hear her.

Lucas suddenly stop, Lory's heart pounding like a drum, could it be Lucas heard her but it was impossible. Lucas turn his head in motion and their eyes lock at each other, Lory flinched as she quietly called him "Luc…."

"Cliff?" he frowned.

"Your highness!" A man with red hair trotted toward him with an anxious face, he stopped one step before Lucas and bowed his head courteously "Your highness, Is it true we will hasten the King Trial ceremony?"

Lucas nodded "Yes, the sooner the better isn't it?" he nodded casually.

Lory's eyes swelled as she watches the red haired young man "Cliff" she softly said, Cliff still like she always remembered. He was kind, gentle, and very warmed, he was an immigrant from another country, in fact, he was an illegitimate son of the King in that country but he was treated harshly as a resulted he lose his mother at a very young age. 

Since then he was always alone, Cliff story reminds her of Zhao Li Xin nevertheless Cliff was luckier than Zhao Li Xin because he was rescued when King Marcus lead his army to subdue the King of that kingdom for the violation of the human right to his people, Cliff was found by his Father then he was taken to Harland.

Cliff was only seven years old at the time, he was raised as Lucas chamberlain and playmate because they're the same age. Lucas's strict and 'by the book' attitude balances Lucas's Lazy and easy-going nature. Along the way Cliff ends up taking care of Lory as well then gradually he becomes more like a brother, family, and best friends than a caretaker.

"Well, that's true but what about the preparation, there still a lot of things I need to prepare, we need a tent, a waterproof tent to be precise, we need a cooking utensil, wait…I think can food would be better…. and clothes, we need winter and summer clothing too…." cliff muttered incoherently, the more he thought about it the more panicked he became.

Lory watched the heartwarming scene with moist eyes, and the corner of her mouth curved slightly, she forgot how worrywart Cliff could be. Whenever she and Lucas made a haphazard plan it was Cliff who sorts everything out, Cliff was the only reason they still could eat spaghetti and coke in the middle of nowhere.  josei

"Calm down brother" Lucas patted Cliff's shoulder "You only need to bring your weapon and we're done," he grinned.

Cliff gave him an 'Are you out of your mind' expression, they weren't just gone for a week or month but they would go for years, he thought there wouldn't be enough preparation.

"That's it, I will prepare everything quickly, no wonder I heard Fred cursed Jay…" Cliff shook his head.

"Why Fred cursed Jay?" Lucas surprised since Fred always the cool one amongst them.

Cliff tilted his head "Uhm, I think Fred was panic too and he got a bit anxious and jay...he was there"

So it because Jay was in the wrong time and wrong place, whose fault is that?

Lory heard cliff's explanation and can't stop giggling, she forgot how he missed the dry joke between them, even though she laughs tears streaming down her face endlessly, the feeling she was burry in her heart burst like a broken dam, Lory cannot pretend she didn't miss them.

If only she knew what would happen in the future she would cherish every moment they had like it was the last, she wouldn't complain too often and give too many troubles for them, she would be more sensible, more obedient more caring, more understanding, but it's all too late… was far too late.

Lucas and cliff laugh at Jay's misery, then suddenly someone screams "Yo, Princey!!" 

This gruff voice and boorish behavior could only come from one man, Lory looks behind her and saw a muscular man with olive skin and dark hair stomping his feet, the man looked annoyed while approached them whole rubbing his cheeks.

"What's wrong with your face?" Lucas knitted his eyebrows closely.

"Nothing!" Fargo brushed it off but the mark on his face was too obvious to ignore.

"Who was able to hurt your face?" Lucas stares at him with awe. 

"What would you do about it?" Cliff asks innocently.

"I will offer that person Archknight position and replace this big boar!" he jokingly said.

"SHUT UP!" Fargo roared angrily but then he grimaced when he accidentally opened his mouth widely then he continues rubbing his cheek again and mumble "It's all because of you…" he glared at Lucas.

"What did I do?" Lucas raised both his hands.

Cliff then grunts "Hump, it because he has to break up with all his girlfriend before we go" he sized him up Fargo up and down with a condescending look, who told him to collect so many women like postcards.

"Really, which one..?" Lucas has long given up to follow Fargo Girlfriend list, who told him to updated the list every week.

Fargo pursed his lips didn't bother to say it but Cliff chimed in "Now let's start from the alphabet A…" he raised his eyebrows like a teacher the continue "There were, Adrianne, Amy, Adeline, Alice, Brianne, Bony, Candy, Cindy, Corrine, Debra, Debora….."

"Knocked it off!" Fargo smacked Cliff back in anger.

"Geez man, did you banging all my female citizens?" Lucas looked at him in horror.

"Shut up, I just want to ask when we are leaving, I have to prepare a few things to ensure our prince safety" Fargo seriously said.

Unlike his playboy persona, Fargo was very serious with his job as Lucas's protector, he is one of the strongest knights that the kingdom ever had. Born as elkhandt family he is the descendant of ancient Lycans family, the history said that the elkhandt family should be extinct a long time ago because many people haunted them because they fear them while the other wanted to turn them into their private battle slave.

The History goes that King Arkheon the first Harland king freed them from slavery and put them under his protection so they could have a normal and peaceful life, ever since then the elkhandt family shows their gratitude by devoted themselves as Lucient number one protector and many of them become the Archknight.

Even though Fargo can sometimes be rude and stern towards the royal twins but it's all because he really cares about them in fact Fargo loves the twins no less than Fred, over the years Fargo never forgotten the twins birthday, he also never forgot to bring gifts for them whenever he goes out of town and he very protective to the twins especially Lory. 

Sadly that was also the reason he never has a serious relationship because at the end of the day when he has to choose between his girlfriend or Lucas he would choose Lucas in a heartbeat.

The only dilemma might happen with him, when he had to choose between Lucas and Lory, thankfully it never happened.

Lucas scratched his head "Well, I just send a short notice to uncle Zargy though, so I…."

"Lucasss, Fred is bullying meee!!" Jay suddenly runs towards them and swiftly hides behind Lucas as he brazenly used the young prince as his shield.

"You know, as the Archknight you must stand in front of your Prince not behind him…" Fargo chides his stupid behavior.

Jay peeks behind Lucas's shoulder "I know and I will….but not against that demon fox!"

"Who did you say demon fox?!" Fred make long strides toward them with evil smiles.

"How can he heard me?" Jay whimper.

"I think he read your mouth" Cliff pinch his skin and Jay immediately covers his mouth in fright.

"Did I told to find information about Rodent city and its owners, why haven't you send me the information!" Fred glared at Jay.

"But, you just told me five minutes ago!" Jay shouted bravely but from Lucas's back.

Fred didn't bother with Jay excused "Five minutes should be enough, don't you proclaimed as the most crafty hacker in the world, so where is it!" he stretches his hand demanding for a result.

"Then I will deny it!" Jay shamelessly shouted.

How long it has been since she saw the five of them together like this, she used to take them for granted. She was so young at that time she thought this would last forever, but everything ends sooner than she had expected. She wanted to touch Fargo's arms but her hands pass through him like a ghost, it reminds her she was not part of them…..not anymore.

"Sorry guys, I know it was too sudden but….I have my own reason, can you trust me?" Lucas feel guilty for make trouble for all his friends.

"Of course your highness" Cliff respectfully said.

Jay circled his arms around Lucas's neck "Chill bro, it's not a big deal!" he suddenly cheer again.

"Yeah, this is not our first time gone out of the blue, we can figure it out along the way" Fargo rests his arms on his hip and laughed about it.

"True, worst come to worst we can use Jay as collateral" Fred shrugged.

"For what?" Fargo asks.

"You know, when we don't have money to buy food or a place to stay…we can use him" Fred waggle his eyebrows.

Jay strongly refuted "Heyyyy, I'm a very valuable teammate!" 

But cliff rebuke calmly "Guessed again!"

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