The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 714 - The Family Matters

Chapter 714 - The Family Matters


Meanwhile, in another part of Sanguan's manor a man just woke up from his long meditation, he slowly raised from his lotus position then he walked to the end table near his bed, he took the green jade bottle from the table then carefully opened the lid, he took one pill from the bottle and swallowed the whole pill without hesitation.

Not long after the Qi around his body increased tremendously, knowing the next breakthrough is getting closer he feel elated he immediately rushed to his bed and continued his meditation, he knew he can't miss this chance.

His body trembled uncontrollably as the Qi inside him burst just like waves in the storm, all his body engulf with excruciating pained and his body was drenched with sweat, he could feel something slithered underneath his skin and it hitting and biting his flesh as if he was eating alive, it is an awful feeling that no one could imagine.

The first time he felt like this he was petrified, any normal people in his situation would immediately question Lao Min Na purposed and stopped consuming the pills, however when his strength grew in a way he had never dreamed of, he decide to put his feared and doubted aside, and the more he took the pills the stronger he becomes, in less than two months he had elevated from sovereign to a sage if this wasn't a miracle then he didn't know what else it could be.

The pain becomes intolerable, he subconsciously grabs the leg table tightly as he cried in agony until he broke the table leg in pieces and the cried continued but no one came for him, even though several servants were waiting anxiously outside the room, but they didn't dare to enter the room because their master had warned them that he was in a middle of making a breakthrough so nothing could bother his concentration.

The servants look at each other in fright, even though this is not the first time they experienced this but every time it happened it still made them felt nervous. They don't know what method their master used, but they have never seen anyone have a breakthrough like this, rather than a breakthrough it's more likely a sound of someone who was skinned alive.

The shouted was increasing then suddenly they were startled by a deafening boom, the room explode from the inside and it threw out everyone who was standing too close to the room. 

"Young master!"

"Save the Young master!" 

"Call physician!"

Everyone screams and runs in a frenzy, if something happened with sanguan Wu Ci then everyone in this courtyard will be buried alive, the fear of Sanguan Wu Ci well being as much as they fear for their own life. Suddenly they hear a burst of chilling laughter came from inside the wrecking room, the hair behind their back suddenly raised, the atmosphere around them suddenly become dark and the air suddenly covers with black smoke.

They exchanged another worried glance 'something bad is happening' they thought but they don't know what is it. 

Sanguan Wu Ci stood in the middle of a wrecking room, the dark cloud ooze from within him, the Qi in his body burst like a tide in the storm, every inch of his body he feel invincible, Sanguan Wu Ci laughs in joy, he finally becomes a sage!

This time no one can't stop him not even Long Ming, he would make that arrogant man beg on his feet, he would show everyone that he is the true dragon amongst man, no one above him. Soon, everyone would know…..and so will she.

"Wait for me Long Ming" Sanguan Wu Ci grinned wickedly.

Hundreds of footsteps march towards Sanguan Wu Ci courtyard then a boisterous voice startled everyone "What is going on here!" sanguan jin Sheng came with a grim expression, obviously unhappy with the whole messed. But then his expression change from bitter to bright as he saw Sanguan Wu Ci.

"You…your power, I can't see it anymore….what level are you?" Sanguan Jin Sheng looked ecstatic.

"Sage level" he proudly said.

"That's wonderful!" Sanguan Jin Sheng elated 'This is just the right time!' he thought. Sanguan Jin Sheng takes along strides towards Sanguan Wu Ci then he patted Sanguan Wu Ci excitedly "Congratulation Son!" 

"Thank you father" he make complacent smiles.

"This is just the right time" Sanguan Jin Sheng smirked.

Sanguan Wu Ci narrowed his eyes "What do you mean father?" 

"I believe Lu Xin's disappearance has something to do with Zhao Li Xin, we can't let Long Ming embarrass us anymore, this outsider has running amok in our city for too long It's the time to make Long Ming realize who the true master of this city!" Sanguan Jin Sheng smiled wickedly, he was sure beyond any doubt that he would able to conquer Hei Shen Sect with sanguan Wu Ci and celestial Immortal sect help. After all, he had sickened tired of being pressured and ridiculed by Long ming and the society, it's about time to regained their honor.

Sanguan Wu Ci was also thinking the same, evil smile bloom on his handsome face "You cannot be more right, Father"

Sanguan Jin Sheng let out a menacing laugh as he imagines Long Ming's desperate face in the future.


The door of the main hall opened abruptly and Mong Liu came with a stern expression"Milord, the Sanguan family servant send a messaged to us, he asked us to give up 'Lu Xin' whereabout,  they said if we get in their way again they would not be as merciful as before" 

clearly, it was a direct threat from sanguan Jin Sheng, Mong Liu didn't know where they found the guts to threatened his Lord.

However Zhao Li Xin didn't look angry, instead, he was quite amused by Sanguan Jin Sheng's arrogance "Oh, he said that…?" Zhao Li Xin throws a perfunctory question.

"looks like something good is happening inside the Sanguan family…" Jin Hao said while fanning himself as he maintains his elegant demeanor.

"They dare to threaten us, I wonder where they find the courage?" Jiang Jin Wei frowned, Sanguan Jin Sheng is a cautious and sly person, people like him will not provoke anyone if he wasn't sure he would win the fight that's why Sanguan Jin Sheng never openly provoke the Hei Shen sect, so what change?

"Is it because Zi Quan Mei?" Bei Li Yan conveyed his guess.

"Celestial Immortal?" Wu San Bo he scoffed, there's a trace of mockery in his eyes.

Zhao Li Xin leans his head on his fist seemingly indifferent, for him, he has been in the worst situation before so he's not anxious at all, moreover, he has expected this since he decide to leave the Sanguan family without a word, he knew how important his existance for Sanguan Jin Sheng and Sanguan Liu Wen.

"Let them come…" Zhao Li Xin said with a lazy tone, what comes around comes around anyway there's no used to be a worry.

"Yes, Milord!" the four King palace and Mong brothers cupped their fists and bowed respectfully.

The four King palace left the room, but then two other people enter the room in hurry, they were Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying who just returned from hunting hybrid nest, and every group involved with Lao Min Na. Yang Xi Ying came in hastily after she learned what happened to Lory, without resting she went straight to Zhao Li Xin to ask Lory's condition.

When she see Zhao Li Xin she ran towards him anxiously"Lory, what happened with Lory!"

Zhao Li Xin didn't feel annoyed by her attitude because he knew Yang Xi Ying's concern for Lory was sincere so Zhao Li Xin tended to be more accepted towards them. Moreover is good for Lory to has more people attached to so she would think twice if someday she wanted to leave this world. In the end, his possessiveness was defeated by his fear to lose her one day. 

"Shes' fine, she just feel exhausted" Zhao Li Xin answer Yang Xing's question quite nicely unlike his usual behavior to other women.

Li Mo Zhen wrapped his arm around Yang Xi Ying shoulder "I told you Miss Lory will be fine, she's a strong woman" he reassured his wife, actually why Li Mo Zhen was so confident is because Zhao Li Xin didn't throw the city upside down only then he was certain that Lory must be fine.

Yang Xi Ying also felt relieved when she saw Zhao Li Xin calmed expression, if something truly happened with Lory then Yun Dao city would have been burned in the fire right now.

"By the way master Long Ming, I heard what happened with the Sanguan family and Celestial Immortal sect even though I know you don't need my help but Jiu Yun sect and Hei Shen sect has become closed allied so whether you need my help or not the Jiu Yun sect will stand together with Hei Shen sect, you only need to tell me when and where," he said decisively.

"Are you sure, not only them…Lao Min Na and Lazarus might join the fun too" Zhao Li Xin give him a kind reminder for Lory's sake, of course.

Li Mo Zhen didn't perturb, he owes Lory too much, everyone will be dead eventually so why not sacrifices your life to the savior who saved your life, and Lory wasn't only his savior she also a trusted friend for him and his wife, besides he still had unfinished business with Lao Min Na.

"One more reason I should stand with you, don't you think?" Li Mo Zhen raised his brows and smile mischievously.

"Brother Li is right, I will never leave Lory, especially when she needs me" Yang Xi Ying chimed confidently.

Zhao Li Xin smile faintly, he flicks his sleeve and says: "Come at your own risk" there a hint of warmth in his eyes that he never shows to anyone except Lory, Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying stunned, they exchanged a shocking glance at each other for a second then smiles knowingly.

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