The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 721 - Evil II

Chapter 721 - Evil II

"Of course, once I become your wife you don't have to worry about the Sanguan family and Celestial Immortal sect anymore on contrary you can use them to support you, what do you think, is not a bad deal right!" she puffed her chest confidently, completely clueless with the Hei Shen member frightened face.

Bai Xue brazenly continues with a condescending attitude "And about your wife…as long she respect me I will not make thing hard for her either after all we are your wife, but I heard she was a village woman so I think I could teach her etiquette and manner so she wouldn't embarrassed you in the future" she raised her chin arrogantly.

Because she thought her position was higher than Lory, and clearly she had more merits compare to Lory, who she thought a weak village woman who only relied on Zhao Li Xin favour so how could that lowly woman compare to her. 

Bai Xue thought she was generous enough to let that woman stand in the same position as her, but of course, in the future, she will not let that woman become the first wife for too long, however, the time wasn't ripe yet so she decide to be patient for now.

Unfortunately, there was a man who wasn't impatient enough, Bai Xue didn't notice that the Gu Qin that made from hard black wood was cracked under the pressure of his palms, unable to hold any longer the Gu Qin suddenly shattered into pieces as the Qi inside him burst like a raging fire.

Bai Xue slammed down to the grounds by the sudden impact then her face turns white as paper and sweat cover her forehead, she looked at Zhao Li Xin with a blank expression, she didn't know why Zhao Li Xin suddenly become angry "My…my lord…why?" 

Zhao Li Xin rose on his feet, the aura around him change drastically like a devil crawl from hell he looked at her with a menacing gaze "Teach her…?" his voice was cold as an iceberg.

The obvious threat from his voice make her hear shudder, alas she still can't understand what she had done wrong, she refused to believe it because of his wife.

  Envy and jealousy eaten her inside, she doesn't want to believe a great man like Zhao Li Xin would love a simple woman wholeheartedly, it must be just a fling right, he might like her now but soon he will grow tired of her soon or later she will eventually be abandoned by him, right?

"Lo..Lord long Ming, I don't know what make you angry, I think about this for your own good, just a few weeks ago your wife fought against Sanguan Li Ye and hurt her, not only she infuriated the Sanguan family but she also offended the royal family if you didn't teach her, soon or later she would implicate you!" her eyes glistening with tears as she shows her deep concerned for Zhao Li Xin.

Any other men might sway by her words but for a protective husband like Zhao Li Xin her words was sounded like a blunt provocation to him and the anger inside him rose like a tide. The temperature around them suddenly raised significantly, the rug under him was half burned and the parasol above his head turned to ashes even though there was no fire but everything was burned by his violent Qi.

It was lucky Zhao Li Xin wearing a mask if not Bai Xue would see how sinister he look right now, but still, everyone could feel blood lust leaked within him, only then Bai Xue realized that everyone put quite a distance from Zhao Li Xin.

The four kings palace didn't act casually as before instead they stood quite far from Zhao Li Xin and every single one of them released their Qi to create a barrier as if they were afraid of something, and that something was probably the person who stands in front of her.

"It was amazing how you acted like my wife even before you become one," he said with utter scorn.

Bai Xue lowered her head in shammed, she still unable to understand why he treated her so bad is it because of his hatred toward the Sanguan Jin Sheng, or is it because she was Zi Quan Mei disciple or because of what she had done before, however, she refused to believe that he scolded her because of his wife, her self esteem wouldn't let her.

"Teach her you said, a woman like you would teach my wife, MY WIFE!" he waved his hand and Bai Xue's body throws away and knocked down several bamboo trees. 

His outburst of anger made everyone silent, it's been a long time since Zhao Li Xin behaved uncontrollably like this. It used to be an everyday occurrence but ever since Lory came he become more stable in a certain way he even more patient and approachable that Bei Li Yan dares to joke with Zhao Li Xin more frequently.

But now they all reminded how volatile Zhao Li Xin's temperament could be, no one dares to make a sound as they are muted with horror.

Bai Xue cough with fresh blood, the ached on her chest torment her like a hammer hit her chest. Terror coursed through her veins she has to admit she can't have that man in the normal way, there is only one way left. It was shameful but he didn't give her any choice. 

She forces herself to stand, her legs wobble as the aching run to all her limbs, she walked toward Zhao Li Xin with limping steps, bitterness swept over her "How could you be so cruel, so mean, so….cold, didn't you know I could give you everything, I could help you to reached the top of the world, what so bad about me!" she shouted at him.

He chuckled lightly and his voice took a sardonic tone "There was a woman like you, opportunistic, devious, selfish, arrogant, she thought the world revolves around her, she thought she was some kinda heroine of the world and just like you, she had the audacity to offers me the world as if she owns the world, and just like you she was so full of herself so I will give you the same answers as her…"

"Who do you think you are?!" The chill in his eyes is like a bucket of cold water pour down to her head. 

She realizes she has make a fool of herself this man wasn't capable to love anyone, who knew if his feeling toward his wife even real, she can't imagine the heartless man could love anyone or anything, her hand reaches inside her collar "You didn't give me a choice…" she muttered quietly.

Zhao Li Xin frowned as he senses something weird with her expression. All of a sudden Bai Xue lunged towards Zhao Li Xin, using all her qi left she throw a small bottle at him. the King palace remained calm because they have full confidence in Zhao Li Xin's strength. 

Her childish moves would able to touch Zhao Li Xin strand of hair, the bottle smash right in front of Zhao Li Xin feet but something inside the bottle jump towards him.

"MILORD!" everyone screams in panic.

Bai Xue smirked in delight, when this over she would make this heartless man kneel on her feet.

Suddenly a bright light flashed and let up the whole forest, their movement halted and they cover their eyes in reflex. Zhao Li Xin shut his eyes and he heard a loud shriek and the creature turned into black smoke before gradually dissipated without a trace at the same time the light gradually dimmer, leaving a soft glow on Zhao Li Xin's chest.

Zhao Li Xin quickly takes out the necklace from his collar, the light slowly disappeared leaving only a little glow, his gaze softens once again Lory safe his life, how many more he owed her perhaps he could never pay his debt towards her even in seven lifetimes.

"You….you…what's going on?!" Bai Xue eyes widened in shock, Sanguan Jin Sheng said it wouldn't fail all she had to do was get close enough to throw the bottle at him and that vile creature would seep into him and he would be under her control at once.

"You die!" Jin Hao delivered a powerful punch on Bai Xue's chest, cracks from her bones loudly heard, once again she threw back and hit against the ground, but this time she didn't get up anymore.

The next moment, suddenly dozens of men jump from above, the sword in their hands glistening under the sun, but before they could touch Zhao Li Xin the shadow guards appear and blocked their movement.  More people came hoisting their weapons and marched toward Zhao Li Xin.

However the people from four palaces were prepared, inevitably the war broke out. The four king palace stood around Zhao Li Xin their expression remain calmed but alert even though they are in midst of chaos.

Zhao Li Xin stood straight like a pole, his one hand rest hide behind his back, no one saw the sinister smile behind his mask "They come…." His voice hint with exhilaration.

This time the four king palace expression hardened, several men bouncing between the bamboo tree as they flaunting their Qin Gong by stand above the bamboo tree, they seem to be powerful experts from the Sanguan and Celestial Immortal sect.

"Long Ming, don't you think no one could win against you, let's see how powerful you are now!" the middle age expert laugh arrogantly.

"Long Ming, you dare to kill our sect master disciple, today we will kill all your people in front of you to compensated miss Bai's life!" the other old man shouted furiously.

Zhao Li Xin clicked his tongue with annoyance "Noisy, kill them!"

"As you wish Milord" the four kings reply in tunes, with one swift motion they leaped into the air and struck the arrogant experts.josei

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