The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 731 - SCRAM! II

Chapter 731 - SCRAM! II

Sanguan Wu Ci's eyes had turned normal, he didn't know what was happening but he felt his Qi being sucked from his body as if he was being drained from the inside out, Sanguan Wu Ci waved his hand for help, but no one came to his aid. Gradually her skin was shriveled as if all the nutrients in her body had been drained out.

Only after he saw Sanguan Wu Ci panic stance Sanguan Jin Sheng realized there was something wrong with his son other than kissing a woman in a public, Sanguan Jin sheng begin to panic "He….Help second young master, HELP HIM!" he screamed at his remaining subordinated who were still left, alas, no one dares to get close to Lao Min Na and Sanguan Wu Ci. 

The black veins on Lao Min Na's body slowly disappeared and the snake tattoo on her body shrank significantly, at the same time Sanguan Wu Ci's body that was once healthy became thin, leaving only bones and skin after all his life force sucked from within, she released her grip and Sanguan Wu Ci's lifeless body thudded on the ground. 

"Wu Ci!"

"Young master!"

They all screamed frantically but no one dared to approach him since Lao Min Na was still there. The black miasma around her increased tremendously, when Lao Min Na opened her eyelids, her eyes turned yellow again, and then she grinned at Lory "Oh yeah… where were we? His eyes glint viciously, clearly, Lao Min Na was no longer there, just Lazarus remain. 

"I wouldn't let you hurt her" Zhao Li Xin take stepped in front of Lory.

Lazarus sneered. "We'll see, son" she raised his hand into the air, suddenly the wind was blowing hard, howling like a wild beast, the miasma that looked like black smokes gathered above her head like a whirlwind, The strong wind knocked down several bamboo trees that were remaining, and flung the dust into the air.

Lory saw the dire situation, she immediately cast a Lucient barrier around her friends and allies, Yang Xi Ying, Li Mo Zhen, and everyone else was shocked when a transparent purple barrier covered them like a turtle shell. Sanguan Jin Sheng's face turned pale, and his people became panicked they threw away their weapons and runaway in frenzy, suddenly the black smoke spread like tentacles it grabbed everyone then penetrated their chest, they all screamed with all their might, but it was too late, they expression filled with fear and pain when the life force within them being drained.

Sanguan Jin Sheng was also one of the fallen victims, his eyes bulged as he gasped for air to breathe, he stretched out his hands but no one reached for him, fear gnawed at him, he wanted to live, he didn't want to die, so many things he hasn't accomplices yet, there are so many things he wants to fulfill, he isn't ready, he doesn't want to die! Sanguan Jin Sheng wanted to cry but terror choked him, at the end, he could only give up in despair.

Lazarus' eyes increasingly glow as he sucked in the life force of others, before long the black miasma around him grew bigger and thicker. Lory knew Lazarus would use all his strength to attack them and she could allow this to happen. 

[Now or never, Lory!] Girsha shouts anxiously.

[I know – I know] she gritted her teeth exasperatedly.

The giant sphere emerges above Lao Min Na's head "Look what you made me do for you, Lorient!" he screams in jubilant "You will always be MINE!"josei

The wings on Lory's back widened, her eyes shone brightly, suddenly a purple circular diagram appeared around Lao Min Na's feet and it shone brightly, Lazarus was stunned, he glared at Lory and shouted angrily "What the hell are you doing?!" 

"Sendyou away!" Lory hissed.

"LORIENT!" Lazarus roar.

"SCRAM!" Lory shouted.

A gigantic black hole suddenly appeared and Lao Min Na was sucked into the hole, Lazarus' angry screams echoed in the air as he cursed Lory's name one last time then the next second the circle closed rapidly and suddenly everything became quiet. the grey cloud disappear and the sky becomes clear again, she retracts the wings behind her back and also the barrier around her friend and ally. Eventually, Lory let out a sigh of relief, but the next second her body weakly fell into Zhao Li Xin's embrace. 

"Lory!" Zhao Li Xin quickly held her not to fell.

"I'm okay, I'm just tired" Lory softly said.

Zhao Li Xin ignored her words, he lifts her in a princess carry "You worked hard…" he didn't know what else he could say.

Lory rest her head on his shoulder and smiled "Thank you for helping me…" after the tension is gone she hit with fatigue, Lory shut her eyes to rest her mind and body then Girsha immerged from her chest and perch on Zhao Li Xin shoulder, the three of them finally able to breathes.

"We should take a short vacation after this" Girha sighed.

"Yeah…" Lory replies then she closes her eyes tiredly.

"Agree…" Zhao Li Xin also joined in.


Finally, the war was over, almost the entire Chang Yi forest had disappeared, the green landscape had become barren and scorched. It took decades for the forest to return to its previous state, the few remaining Hei Shen members guarded the forest so that no one could enter the forest, because, according to their mistress the forest tainted with black miasma that can be dangerous for humans, Zhao Li Xin also told Wu San Bo to place a protective array around the forest so that no one accidentally enters the forest.

The situation in the capital was also not peaceful, after the Sanguan family attack the Tien Shan manor, the Hei Shen sect retaliated against the Sanguan Manor, the Hei Shen members killed several Sanguan family guards then burned the Sanguan's manor using special kerosene made especially by Jin Hao, this special liquid not only flammable, it also not easy to extinguish. In the end, it only took two hours almost the entire sanguan manor to burn down.

Zi Yi Ru ran to the imperial palace seeking help and justice for her manor from the Queen dowager but who would have thought it wasn't helped she got but stern scolded from the emperor, turned out the queen Dowager become mentally ill and the causee was Lao Min Na medicine, alas because Lao Min Na is the honorable guest from Sanguan family so the emperor put the blame on them.

When he thought the situation couldn't be worse, he got information that Sanguan Jin Sheng, sanguan Liu Wen, and sanguan Wu Ci had died in the fight in Chang Yi forest, the three strong pillars of the sanguan family died at the same time The old lady was too shocked that she had a stroke and fell unconscious, Zi Yi Ru was also overwhelmed by the news. Losing almost all of the Sanguan family male members devastated them, not to mention that they also lost the emperor's favor, in just two days the Sanguan family fell apart.

Over the years the Sanguan family had made many enemies not only in the imperial palace but also in some normal families, such as merchants and families of lower rank officials at the time the Sanguan family was too powerful that no one dared to fight against them but after today many people came to settled old scores with them. Without the Royal family's support, authority, and patriarch of the family, the Sanguan family lost all their strength and quickly became empty shells. Many people said it was karma and the Sanguan family got what they deserved.

Depressed by Zi Yi Ru's situation using an excuse to treat her daughter's illness she fled to the Celestial immortal sect, luckily Zi Quan Mei was still alive, she managed to escape before Lazarus could kill her, alas, because Zi Yi Ru left the Sanguan Family inevitably lose the Celestial immortal support as well, one can only imagine what their situation will be in the future.

On contrary to the chaotic situation at the Sanguan manor, Tien Shan Manor was very peaceful, there only slight damage on their manor but it's all been repair before Zhao Li Xin and lory returned. At first, they are surprised with the presence of a strange woman beside Zhao Li Xin, after Bei Li Yan's explanation they finally knew that the woman was their young madam's true appearance.

Since they already used to Lory strangeness they easily accept the fact without too much resistance after all what could they said, Zhao Li Xin authority was absolute and he will not let anyone wronged the young madam especially his own people, if they dare to gossip about their young madam their Lord would chopped them like vegetables dumpling filling, there's no way they would dare, after all since young madam came to their life become much easier since the lord was more stable and less threatening so why ruined this peacefulness.

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