The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 748 - Brilliant Smile II

Chapter 748 - Brilliant Smile II

"Madam Zhao, if one day you need Yunmo kingdom's help, you can show the hairpin to any Yun Clan descendant, we will be obliged to help whatever it is." The Crown Prince's words were clear that the Yunmo kingdom would be her support from now on.

Everyone who witnessed this scene was dumbfounded, they never heard that the treasures of the Royal family can be given to outsiders and the Phoenix hairpin was not a simple treasure, the hairpin was a great symbol that carried the same weight as the late emperor edict.

The hairpin was once given to the Queen Dowager to honor her position as the mother of the nation, the hairpin should have been given to the next empress, however, now it was given to an outsider, this action clearly shows how much they value Lory, it won't be wrong 'Lory's position in the Yunmo kingdom will match the Crown Prince.

The people bor their gaze towards Lory, they all questioned Lory's background and wanted to know what kind of merit she did to make the Royal family honor her.

Lory feel touched but at the same time, she feel burdened, the weight of the hairpin is to big to handle albeit, she can't deny she might need it someday, but Lory feel ashamed knowing that the trouble was mainly because of her, more or less every problem that Lazarus and Lao Min Na did was part of her fault too.

Lory bit her lip while contemplating what she could do for them, suddenly she remembered, Lory summoned a blue sapphire gemstone from her ring then she squeezed the gemstone with both hands, no one could see the gemstone in her hand glow faintly for a few seconds and a small rune appeared within the gemstone.

A few seconds later Lory finally opened her hands then she saw the rune inside the gemstone and smiled, Lory then gave the gemstone to Princess Youya. "I heard that many people fall into the same situation as the Queen Dowager because of Lao Min Na, soaked this stone in the well for one night, then give the water to all those who have the same illness as the Queen Dowager, after seven days they will all be cured "

Princess Youya and the crown prince were shocked, they had tried to solve this situation because many people from noble families fell into the same condition as the Queen dowager and they all begged the emperor to help them, this problem becomes another source of headache for the Emperor. At first, they wanted to ask Lory to help again but they gave up because they were too embarrassed to ask Lory for help again, unexpectedly Lory helped them without being asked, it was too sudden Princess Youya left speechless and the Crown Prince could barely muster his words. 

"This…." the crown prince didn't know what to say for the first time in his life.

Lory thought they didn't believe her so she quickly explains "Don't worry, I guarantee it will be work,  just let the patient drink a bowl of water every day, you will see their health will improve in three days and after seven days they would completely heal. If it's not working you can send a message to the Hei Shen sect and I will find another solution..." she reassured them.

The Crown Prince realized that Lory had misunderstood his reaction, he quickly explained to himself, "No, of course, I trust you, Madame Zhao… I just feel…. Grateful "he felt immense gratitude to Lory, the Crown Prince let out a heavy sighed" Looks like we owe you again, Madame. "He cupped his fists and lowered his head.

Lory waved her hands carelessly  "Please don't, this is something I ought to do!" Lory was afraid the prince would send more Boxes to her so she quickly excused herself "Oh, look at the time, we better go, before we too late, isn't that right husband?!" Lory looked at him begging to escape.

Zhao Li Xin's gaze softens as he realizes that Lory felt uncomfortable accepting too many gifts from the imperial family even though she deserved it.  "Okay ..." he replied briefly. 

Lory smiled in relief, he saluted the Crown Prince and Princess Youya courteously "We will go now, please take care yourself, Princess Youya, Crown prince"

Princess Youya watched Lory and Zhao Li Xin board the giant black ship, she suddenly felt reluctant to let go as if she was sending her old friend away, it was a strange feeling because she had only spoken to Luo Ri Yi a few times however, she this feeling cannot be denied. Princess Youya clenched her fist, she braces herself and shouted "Madame Zhao!.. I mean, Luo Ri Yi, will...will we meet again?"

Lory was on the deck when she heard Princess Youya's voice, she turned around and saw Princess Youya staring at her with eyes filled with expectation and nervousness, princess Youya anxious face softens lory heart, Lory then leaned against the railing and shout back at her "I can't make a promise for the future, but ... I would love to see you again princess."

Princess Youya immediately glowed with joy.

Lory raised her hand, and from above Girsha flew down and perched on Lory's slender arms, Lory then looked down at Princess Youya again, "Next time we meet, you can call me Lory!" Lory smiled brightly from ear to ea then she waves her hand.

The sunlight sauntered in illuminated Lory's back, the yellow light vividly ignited her entire being with golden rays, her smile was bright and brilliant it caught princess Youya's eyes. The wind blew and spread the sail of the ship and push the giant ship slowly left the harbor, Lory still waving her hands while Princess Youya stood there feeling joy, excitement, and a little melancholy. 

"Lory? Is a weird name…" The crown prince tilted his head.

"She's a weird lady, but…it sounds lovely," said princess Youya.

  "It does..." he readily agreed.

She stared at the boat that had drifted away so that it only looked like a black dot in the distance, she stares quietly then faintly smile. Years later when she gets older, whenever people said about a smile that brighter than the sun she would remember Lory smiled that day, and the feeling she felt when she stood at the harbor would rush back in.josei

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