The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 762 - Trouble II

Chapter 762 - Trouble II

Lory looked at herself in the full-length mirror, the red dress fell perfectly on her, the long sleeves covered her wrists, the criss-cross neckline was slightly lower than her usual it showing her collarbones a bit, the bluebell flower embroidery sewn with blue, silver, and gold threads made the flower look real then it added with blue sapphires and red rubies gemstone makes the dress look sparkles and every time she moves the dress gives the illusion as if it's twinkling

Lory held her breath, she had seen many beautiful dresses in her old world and this world but nothing could compare to this dress, she decided to keep this dress and wear it on all their anniversary, this dress is too beautiful to only wear once.

"You are so beautiful" Zhao Li Xin suddenly came from behind "Too bad I have to show this look to others" he rested his chin on top of Lory's head while wrapping her arms around her, the dress made Lory look more beautiful than he thought, he regrets his decision to asked his people make such a dress for her.

"Should you be happy instead you have beautiful bride?" sometimes its hard to follow how Zhao Li Xin's mind works.

"You already beautiful as you are" he clicks his tongue in annoyance.

'Why he sounds not happy' Lory perplexed.

"Oh, let's try the veil!" he let go of her then open the medium size box.

Lory swept her gaze across the room she realized there were only the two of them in the room, no wonder is too quiet. Lory didn't know when they all leaving but since they all martial art artist Lory didn't surprise they could leave without her notice, not long after Zhao Li Xin showed Lory the bride red veil, the veil is made of gauze and it embroidered with wings and leaves vines then again accentuated with hundreds of red rubies and diamonds.

Lory let out a long exhale 'I'll definitely keep that dress and the veil...' 

Zhao Li Xin slowly covered her head, her veil was neatly covered from her head to her chest, Zhao Li Xin stared at Lory for a moment for a few seconds he seemed lost in his thought "Can I see the real you in this dress?"

Lory smiled then she rubbed his thumb on his wrist and a purple circle appeared on his wrist then immediately the spell nullify and her disguise was washed away, Zhao Li Xin's gaze softened because right now he could see her real face hiding behind the veil, it was amazing how his heart was still beating whenever she looked at him like this.

Zhao Li Xin slowly lifted her veil, when Zhao Li Xin saw his own reflection in her gem-like purple eyes, his heart stopped for a moment then accelerated at full speed, he thought there was nothing more beautiful in the whole world than Lory's purple irises, Zhao Li Xin sure he would never get tired if he was given all year just to staring at her eyes. 

"Why don't I marry you right here, right now?" He said with a serious face.

Lory rolls her eyes, once again he voiced his unreasonable thoughts, Lory never took him seriously because she always thought Zhao Li Xin was joking, Lory giggle then punched Zhao Li Xin chest lightly, "What's the point of preparing all this, if we end up doing it spontaneously don't you feel pity for all the trouble you gave to all your subordinates?" 

"No…" he answered without the slightest hesitation.

"You are unbelievable Boss, did you know that?" Lory felt sorry for all the members of Hei Shen who had served this fickle man for so long.

But Zhao Li Xin disagrees, he thought Lory was paying too much attention to her subordinates but of course, he didn't tell her about this because he knew it only make her upset and she wouldn't change either. Lory didn't know what Zhao Li Xin was thinking, she looked at herself in the mirror then she breathed a sigh of relief turn out her original appearance didn't look too weird wearing the red wedding dress in contrary it makes her skin look fairer and her purple eyes become more conspicuous. 

"If I don't disguise myself at our wedding would people shocked?" Lory remembers that many people still don't know about her true appearance, but she was reluctant to wear a disguise at her own wedding.

"It's okay, your appearance will be hidden behind a veil, I will tell San Bo to add more embroidery to cover part of your face so that no one can see your face" Zhao Li Xin comfort her. 

"Oh, I forgot, here the bride doesn't show her face at the wedding, right!" Lory was struck by an epiphany, once she realized this she became less worried.josei

"Do you think I'm happy showing your face to others? if it was up to me, I would cover your face with a mask and hide you behind a thick wall so that no one can see you" Zhao Li Xin blurted out his deepest thoughts, the truth is if not because he was afraid that Lory would hate him, Zhao Li Xin would have done it a long time ago but imagining the anger and disgust in Lory's eyes to him was enough to make him bury his dark thoughts in the depths of his heart. If there was anything he feared other than losing Lory it was Lory's hatred. 

It's amazing how Lory is never afraid of Zhao Li Xin's dark thoughts, normal women at least flinch when someone says he wants to lock her up, and independent women will feel suffocated under that much possessiveness, but Lory doesn't feel that way at all, something in her heart tells her that Zhao Li Xin would never hurt her that she will be safe with him.

Maybe it because of the special condition in Lucient lineage when choosing a partner, perhaps it was an instinct or simply her good judgment but one is certain, she was drawn to him the moment she saw him and she never feel threatened by any means.

"I don't know what make you so scared about" Lory lean her back against his chest "Even if someone like me, doesn't mean I will leave you, I never understand why someone like you could be so insecure" Lory sighed heavily, she looked at Zhao Li Xin reflection from the mirror, and lament to herself did God have overtime when he created Zhao Li Xin, why this man is so perfect that she can never use to him even after two years they had been together.

On the other hand, Zhao Li Xin believes that Lory beauty is far more destructive to be shown to other people, he was certain if people know Lory original appearance they would fight just to have a chance to take a glance at her, Lory might not realize compare to any women he ever met, The terms of beauty that can ruin the country can only give to her.

Zhao Li Xin hugged her tightly and whisper "I will not let anyone take you away from me"

Lory replied giggling, "What would you do if that happened?" she jokes with him. 

"I will Crash and burn, perhaps….." he muttered.


Elsewhere one falls is despair, in a dim room, a woman slouches on her sofa her expression is dark and heavy. Swallowed by anxiety the tears rolled down her cheeks, she didn't know what was going on, her cultivation continued to decline and there was nothing she couldn't do to stop it, if not because of the help of the amount of pill and elixir she had she didn't dare to imagine how her situation right now.

Since that day she didn't dare to use the totem anymore as the result she was unable to increase her cultivation, and the wounds due to the immortal flames were not easy to heal so her cultivation gradually crumbles. Zi Quan Mei didn't understand what had happened and why this had happened to her, when she was mourned for herself suddenly someone knocked on her door.

Zi Yi Ru opened the door carefully the sound of the door creaking made her feel nervous but she braced herself and entered the room, when she was in the room she could barely see anything, the room was too dim there were only a few candles lit inside the spacious room. 

"Elder sister….sister" Zi Yi Ru called out, but no one answered, feeling anxious she called again "Elder sister, where are you?"

"What do you want?" Zi Quan Mei replied in an impatient tone.

Zi Yi Ru was shocked but then she was relieved that from her voice Zi Quan Mei seemed fine, at least she wasn't dead. Zi Yi Ru couldn't let Zi Quan Mei die, without her Zi Yi Ru knew she would lose her place in the Zi family. Unlike Zi Quan Mei Zi Yi Ru didn't have high cultivation, she wasn't talented enough and she didn't have the patience to learn cultivation, not to mention she never liked to do rough activities like fighting.

Undoubtedly Zi Yi Ru was born with a princess mentality disorder where she feels the need to depend on someone be it, family, husband, or children she cannot depend on her own, which make things worst she also has a narcissistic and selfish character, Zi Yi Ru is someone who feels she deserves everything regardless of her lack of effort to get it.

Just like now, she hates Zhao Li Xin to the core because he killed her family and made her lose his footing in her family, but she realizes that he can't avenge herself, she had no power, and she clearly not brave enough to face Zhao Li Xin on her own so she needs help and the only person she can ask for help is Zi Quan Mei, the only problem is getting Zi Quan Mei to agree with her.

"Are you okay, where are you?" it was difficult for Zi Yi Ru to find Zi Quan Mei in a dark room. She didn't understand why Zi Quan Mei's attitude changed drastically after she returned home, for a month Zi Quan Mei isolated herself in her room at first everyone thought she was recovering her wounds from her battle with Long Ming, but strangely Zi Quan Mei's condition didn't seem to get any better. 

However, when their father wanted to summon the physician to check her condition Zi Quan Mei refused to see the doctor because she told them that no one knew her condition better than herself, she assured them that she will be alright but they didn't hear more news from Zi Quan Mei even their father started worried, that's why he sent her to check on Zi Quan Mei's condition.

"I told everyone not to bother me, why can they understand!" Zi Quan Mei spit out her anger, she was already in a bad mood and Zi Yi Ru's arrival only inflamed her anger further.

"Sister, please don't be mad, Father and mother are worry about you so they send me here to check your condition" Zi Yi Ru meekly said.

Zi Quan Mei sneered, she got up from her sofa then stepped across the room, she lifted the curtain and saw her beautiful but useless sister standing in the middle of the room near the round table, she looked at Zi Yi Ru with a condescending look "Worry about what, worried that I'll become crippled and I can't hold my position as sect leader?" she said sarcastically. 

"Sister, don't say that…you know that wasn't true" Zi Yi Ru looks dejected, but Zi Quan Mei guessed is right on point.

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