The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 767 - Second Meeting

Chapter 767 - Second Meeting

"Forget about trivial matters, I came here because I have very important news," said Bei Li Yan with a serious face.

Wu San Bo furrowed his brows "I would have believed you if you didn't lie on my couch like a lazy Buddha" Wu San Bo was annoyed he thought Bei Li Yan was joking with him.

annoyance expression Bei Li Yan casually took the Osmanthus cake from the table and ate casually, "why you always worry with propriety?" Bei Li Yan scoffed, as he spoke the crumbs from the cookie crumbs fell on the sofa, and Wu San bo's expression worsen. 

"Don't dirty my new couch!" Wu San Bo was irritated by his lack of manner.

Wu San Bo lament why all Hei Shen high-level members are so weird, Jin Hao is ignorant, Bei Li Yan had no manners, Jiang Jin Wei is quite good until someone touches the important subject witch is History, military history to be exact, and when that happens he would chat nonstop even Jin Hao would use all his ability to escape, there also Mong Ki and Mong Yi who practically turn to be deft ears to everyone except Zhao Li Xin.

Wu San Bo didn't know why all of Zhao Li Xin's recruits were so eccentric as if Zhao Li Xin found all the people that can't fit in society and gathered them in one place then made them all as his subordinates when Wu san Bo thought further many Hei Shen members were strange as well like the four crazy women who followed Bei Li Yan even the new recruit Yuan Xue An who was Yuan Shao's sister was also a bit strange, how strange? He was the only one who could put up with Jin Hao's quirks, while Wu san Bo lamented about other people he didn't realize he was also one of the weirdoes if he wasn't how could he feels comfortable interact with them for years.josei

Bei Li Yan ignored Wu san Bo's complaint, he clicked his tongue in annoyance, then sat up and straightened his back, "I bought you another couch…. rather than worrying about the couch, I have more important news from the Hwang Wu continent, my informant said that Wei Zu Tian left the Heaven's Gate sect a few months ago" there was an uneasy emotion that filled Bei Li Yan's eyes "I was worried that he left because he found out about Lory"

Wu San Bo folded his arms in front of his chest, his annoyance quickly turning into anxiety, "My lord knows about this?" 

"He did" Bei Li Yan took another Osmanthus cake, "I told him yesterday and he told me to be careful with news about people in Su Jan city, however, based on milord prediction, Wu Zei Tian might already be here" 

"How did Wei Zu Tian find out about Young Madam so quickly, the distance between Gui Hong and Hwang Wu continent is quite faraway, he shouldn't know about Young Madam…" suddenly something crossed his mind, he hit the table furiously "Zi Quan Mei!" 

"Yes, he must know about the Young madam from Zi Quan Mei" Bei Li Yan sighed, Bei Li Yan knew it was only a matter of time before Wei Zu Tian found out about Lory but that didn't mean he wasn't upset by this news. 

"That BIT*H, we should have killed her at that time!" Wu San Bo clenched his jaw as anger raged within him. 

Just like Bei Li Yan and Jin Hao he also grew fond of her and he liked her even more after he found out about her real identity, Wu San Bo felt sympathy, sadness, and admiration for Lory's past but what made him admire her even more, was that she seemed unaffected by the past, after all she's been through she able to stay positive, hopeful, and kind. Wu San Bo didn't know if he could have the same attitude as Lory if he went through the same thing as her. 

"Unfortunately, we didn't…" Bei Li Yan was also miffed by their negligence, Bei Li Yan bit the cake roughly as if he was venting his frustration. 

"We just found out Zi Quan Mei is one of Wei Zu Tian's women, so I wouldn't be surprised that Wei Zu Tian has gathered information about Lory now, luckily no one knows about Lory's real identity, background, or abilities, Other than us and a few other close people like Empress Ming, Yang Xi Ying, Yuan Shao, and Li Mo Zhen no one knows about Lory" Bei Li Yan smiled in relief, at least we still have the upper hand. 

"But if Wei Zu Tian is already here, why hasn't he done anything?" Wu san Bo pinched his chin "Despite his appearance, Wei Zu Tian is a brute and impatient man, I heard when he was infatuated with the second daughter of the Guan family he snatched that woman away without her consent, the rumors said Wei Zu Tian killed everyone in her family clan includes her fiancé and also his innocent family, so I don't think Wei Zu Tian would stay idly by if he were here"

Bei Li Yan sighed deeply "I don't know either, based on her twisted obsession with Our Lord, he won't stay still for too long, unless..." Bei Li Yan wiped her hands after she finished her snack then she took a sip of a cup of tea and continued: "What I'm really afraid if he is already here but chooses to remain silent, but why? there's only one reason that comes to my mind, something might be caught his attention"


It was a fine day, the sky is clear without a cloud and the sun shines brightly Lory was finally able to convince Zhao Li Xin to continue his cultivation, don't et her wrong even though she loved him with every fiber in her body but she can't stand his excessive attention as a person she still needs some space to breathe, and also alone times. 

Coincidentally Yang Xi Ying also dragged by Li Mo Zhen for an impromptu date, Lory thought Li Mo Zhen finally loose his patient after being neglected for a few days by his wife. Lory suddenly found her rare alone time and decide to take a stroll in the city.

Although she's not completely alone as Mong Yi was watching him from afar and Girsha merges within her because Girsha feel anxious after the meeting with the mysterious Master Wu. Lory takes it easy, she has no problem with people watching her, unlike other people Lory knows when you live side by side with unexpected dangers, life can't be turned upside down in a split moment so she better be careful.

Lory had been stroll around the city, immersed with the society and culture make her feel nostalgic. Lory remembers how she used to travel to different cities and countries with her brother and friends, during their duty in beast subjugation and investigation of the old tomb she had gone many places and meeting a lot of different people with different culture and language, and because their status Lory, Lucas, and the others used to travel incognito even Lory has several aliases to hide her extracurricular activity, meaning they were sometimes forced to live in the sketchy place and area.

Lory doesn't realize how absurd and strange her father's upbringing is until she gets older, but she is very grateful to him because without his father's teaching she would have survived the 'war End's' period and she might unable to adjust to this strange new world alone.

After hours of walking around town Lory tired, the sun was exceptionally hot today that Lory needs to found shelter to cool her down then she saw under the peach blossom tree, right in front of the river there was a long stone bench. 

Lory sat up then looked up, she took a long breath while stretching her limbs when suddenly someone sat next to her. 

"Oh, we meet again"

Lory turned his head and saw a man with striking red lips in a luxurious robe sitting next to him, "Master Wei?" Lory was stunned but then she quickly collected herself "What a coincidence..." Lory smiled but her heart was filled with suspicion.

Luckily the bench was long enough so that the distance between them was not too close.

The man's thin red lips curled, "Isn't this a nice coincidence, Madam?" his eyes curved into a crescent moon but in Lory's eyes, his expression was filled with inexplicable sinister. 

[Lory, be careful] Girsha who was already living inside of him could see the man had bad intentions for his little girl.

Lory maintains her calm face "I don't want to be presumptuous, but…are you following me, Master Wu?"

"Oh, how can you say that madam?" he looked like he was wronged. 

"So. Am I wrong?" Lory raised her brows.

"Not….unlikely." A smile spread across his face, like a red spider lily flower, very beautiful but also scary at the same time.

Chills went down her spine but her expression remained the same, Lory knew this man was playing minds games with her. Just as she was observing him he must have done the same to her, Lory wouldn't back down easily especially when someone challenged her head-on like this. 

"So master Wu, are you following me?" Lory narrowed her eyes, she didn't hide her displeasure at his actions.

He was amused by Lory's behavior, there were two reactions when he did this to women, either they were flattered or they were scared but neither was this woman's reaction, even though she didn't like what he was doing but she remained calm and composed. The glint in his eyes deepened as he realized the more he interacted with her, the more interested he became. 

"You're a very interesting woman, it's a shame that you're married though… I don't mind" he smiled deviously.

Faced with insolent words Lory clenched her fists, if not for Fredhard's extraordinary teachings embedded in her bones Lory wouldn't be able to stay calm at this point, Lory subconsciously tapped her thumb against her other palm to calm her nerves, it was a trick that Fredhard had taught her to control her emotion, it was simply like counting until she calmed down. 

Once she was able to calm herself, Lory's expression relaxed then she stares back at him and sneer, "You really quite a jokester, aren't you Master Wu, but you better pay attention to your words better..." Lory's expression became even colder as she warned him sternly. 

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