The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 770 - Trickster

Chapter 770 - Trickster

Bei Li Yan had never seen Lory this angry before, "Sorry, but what Wei Zu Tian wanted in exchange to cure him, of course, milord refused it bluntly because of that milord almost died" it's still fresh in his memory when he pulled Zhao Li listless body from the ocean, if not for Jin Hao a great healer Zhao Li Xin might have died that day.

After Lory heard what happened that day she trembled with anger, her hands squeezed the teacup tightly then suddenly all the cups, teapots, and wine flasks exploded into pieces except for Jin Hao who quickly covered his face with a fan, Bei Li Yan and Wu San Bo's face, hair and robes were splashed with tea and wine.

Lory didn't seem to realize what she had done as he was still filled with anger. 

"Son of Bit*h!" Lory could almost feel her blood boiling in her veins.

Wu San Bo calmly took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped his face "More like a son of a witch" he corrected, after he wiped his face clean he threw the handkerchief away like a rich man would, then he continued as if nothing had happened" Now that Wei Zu Tian is here, we have to think about what his purpose is?" 

"More likely it's because of Li Xin…" Lory's eyes flashed dangerously.

"I'm afraid it's more than that," said Bei Li Yan while wiping his face and part of her long hair "I guess because she knows about you and your marriage to milord, I am guessing he curious about you" like wu san bo he threw away the towel without looking.

Lory pointed her finger at herself, "Me, why?"

Bei Li Yan shrugged, "Who knows, maybe it's because master finally shows cared to other humans being but other than himself for the first time, or maybe because master chose someone like you over him and you look.... you know... ordinary, I mean your disguised appearance, no offense!" 

"None taken!" she waved her hand and all the water spilled on the table and everyone's clothes evaporated.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Bei Li Yan was amazed.

But Lory didn't look happy, her mind was still clouded by Wei Zu Tian's perverted attention to Zhao Li Xin "What do you think Wei Zu Tian will do?" Lory looked apprehensive knowing Wei Zu Tian Is not easy to handle.

"He might kidnap you to lure our Lord, or maybe kill you to get our Lord's attention, who knows, in the end, there's nothing good happened when we involved with that perverted man." Jin Hao said.  josei

Lory lowered her shoulders then leaned her back to the couch tiredly, she was contemplating for a minute then she looked at Bei Li Yan "I wonder, is Wei Zu Tian.... what is your person's name" Lory tapped his finger on the armrest as she tried to remember then suddenly flicked her finger "Cut sleeves? I guess that's what people called here"

Bei Li Yan tilted his head "Uhm…I guess he doesn't discriminate between genders, even though I heard Wei Zu Tian has a harem full of beautiful women, but there are also rumors that he also likes pretty men but most men usually refuse to be his 'toys' so many men choose to commit suicide or fight to the death, alas no one knows for certain"

Lory's expression gradually darkened, no wonder she had an unpleasant feeling when she approached by Wei Zu Tian it turned out that he was not only a ruthless tyrant but he was also a psychopath, Lory's heart beating rapidly and her worried towards Zhao Li Xin increased. 

"Looks like we're about to face another strong foe…" Lory looked up and sighed. 

"It seems so," said Jin Hao "Based on Wei Zu Tian's character, I feel he will do something to sabotage milord wedding" 

"We can strengthen the ranks around the manor to block any disturbance" Wu San Bo suggested. 

"Have you forgotten Wei Zu Tian's strength? until now I still don't know his cultivation level and he also has capable experts around him who bend to his whims at all costs, let me remind you of the four heavenly warriors" Bei Li Yan smiled at Wu San Bo sarcastically. 

"Four heaven's Warrior, what is that?" asked Lory.

"Like the palace of the four kings, only crazier." Jin Hao twisted his index finger near his temple. 

"This keeps getting better and better…" Lory pressed her lips into a thin line.

Suddenly Lory heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming towards her at high speed, followed by a gruff voice "How is Young Madam condition!"

The loud voice startled everyone and all hot-tempered King's palace angry at the same time. "Jin Wei Shut up!" Bei Li Yan shouts back at him.

"Geez, you surprised me, muscle head!" Wu San Bo patted his chest while glaring at Jiang Jin Wei.

Jin Hao took a sip of his wine and shook his head slowly and grumble, "Noisy…."

Lory waved her hands at Jiang Jin Wei "I'm good!"

Jiang Jin Wei's shoulders dropped and his tense body gradually relaxed, he quickly approached Lory then cupped his fists and bowed his head deeply, "Forgive my negligence, Young Madam!"

"It's okay Master Jiang, please have a seat, we were just having a discussion about Wei Zu Tian" Lory gestured for him to join them, Lory's bright smile made Jiang Jin Wei flushed a little from awkwardness, but since everyone was being casual, he dropped his formality and sit across Lory, next to Wu San Bo but then he wondered why there were so many porcelain shards everywhere? 

"This…?" Jiang Jin Wei muttered with a puzzled look. 

"Young madam was angry, don't ask." Wu San Bo waved his hand then took out a new tea set from his spatial ring and slowly brew new tea. 

"Blame Wei Zu Tian" Lory pursed her lips feeling upset all over again.

Jiang Jin Wei was stunned for a moment then he understood that everyone had told Lory about Wei Zu Tian and the Heaven's Gate sect, Jiang Jin Wei thought it was a good decision not to leave Lory in the dark so that she could be more vigilant next time.

"I have sent some shadow guards to watch the movements of the Heaven Gate members and Wei Zu Tian, ​​sadly we lost track of them but I don't think they have left the city because I have my people watching over the city gates, in case something happens, I should have received the report," Jiang Jin Wei said.

Wu San Bo shook his head "You can't be certain since Wei Zu Tian could come and stay under our nose without notice, I think they can't leave this city without our notice too" he said while served Lory a new cup of tea.

Jiang Jin Wei's mouth was in a tight pout, Wu san Bo's argument made sense even though he had covered every corner of Sun Jan city he still didn't know that Wei Zu Tian had lived in the city and he could even talk to Lory. His mood turned sour as anger flared across his face, he had never felt humiliated like this before.

"Don't worry, he's not going anywhere." Jin Hao spoke then fanned himself in a relaxed manner.

"Jin Hao is right, someone like Wei Zu Tian wouldn't come just to slap your wrist and leave, he must have a purpose" Lory lifted the teacup and drank quietly.

"En, I think Lory is right" Bei Li Yan nodded "Wei Zu Tian is a narcissist and attention seeker, so whatever he does he will do it grandly"

"This is not comforting" Jiang Jin Wei folded his arms.

"No is not…" Bei Li Yan agrees.

"So, what should we do now?" Jiang Jin Wei asked 

Everyone simultaneously turned their eyes to Lory, they didn't know when they accepted Lory not only as Zhao Li Xin's wife but also as their second leader when Zhao Li Xin was not present. Not only did they accept Lory but they also believed in her, they believed in her strength, choices, and decisions she make which were not common in a powerful and large group like the Hei Shen sect, however, Hei Shen was not a common sect and Lory was no ordinary woman.

Lory lowered his head and took a deep breath as he was deep in thought, a minute later he raised his head, "We still don't know what Wei Zu Tian's goal is and we don't know where he is now, so for now. we can only play defense. First, we tighten the security around the manor, I have a feeling the people must be watching us right now, then we focus our search on luxury inns, manors, and such, trust me, a fancy man like him wouldn't stay in a humble or cheap place, that man is a total Diva, and also pay attention to our own people I don't want to suspect our people but we must not let our guard down, pay attention to the unusual things around you"

Everyone cupped their fist and saluted in tune "Yes, young madam!" 

"Lastly pay attention to my wedding, just like Jin hao said there is a high chance Wei Zu tian will sabotage my wedding" Lory reminded them. 

"Should we postpone the wedding?" Jiang Jin Wei asked anxiously. 

"Or we could use my wedding as an advantage…" Lory smirked mischievously.

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