The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 786 - Unexpected Ally IV

Chapter 786 - Unexpected Ally IV

"Okay back to Guan Men Niang again!" Jin Hao flicked his fan, he drew their attention back to Guan Men Niang again, "So what does she want to do with the antidote, heal herself?"

"No, not her, it was her younger brother," said Tang Huan.

Jin Hao's eyes flashed "That's interesting, I thought all the Guan family were dead"

"It turned out that that pervert used Guan Men Niang's brother to control her, so she woman couldn't kill herself even though she had been humiliated and harassed so many times because if she died then her brother would also die with her, as the last descendant of Guan clan how could he let the Guan family's bloodline just die like that, and that cause why she had been trapped" Tang Huan genuinely sorry for Guan Men Niang fate, as an aristocrat daughter, young and beautiful, loved by all of her family not to mention she had a good fiance that love her deeply, she should be one of the lucky women in the world but she had to met Wei Zu Tian.

"Manipulative as usual" Jin Hao scoffed in disgust while fanning himself.

Yuan Xue an and Tang Huan totally agreed, especially Yuan Xue An as a woman she really felt sorry for Guan Men Niang she hoped Jin Hao would help.

"Will you help her?" Yuan Xue An asked expectantly.

Jin Hao looked down while pondering, although Guan Men Niang had many reasons to hate Wei Zu Tian yet she had lived with him for so many years, she had been manipulated, bullied, and brainwashed for so long that Jin Hao wasn't sure if he could fully trust her, normally he wouldn't take the risk to work with someone like Guan Men Niang but on the other hand, Guan Men Niang was a woman who lived close to Wei Zu Tian so she definitely had some valuable information about Wei Zu Tian that no one will know.

Jin Hao finds himself in dilemma.

"Master Jin, what should we do?" Tang Huan waited patiently.

"Do we have a spy with Wei Zu Tian now?"

"No, we only have one spy but she is not people in Wei Zu Tian's inner circle," Tang Huan said.

"Why?" Jin Hao's expression deepens.

"Because our spy disguised herself as an ugly woman" Tang Huan answer casually.

"Why?" Jin Hao's lips curved downwards.

"To avoid Wei Zu Tian's attention and to ensure the safety of our people" Tang Huan explained.

"Who ordered that?" Jin Hao complains, no wonder their information about Wei Zu Tian is never sufficient.josei

"You!" Tang Huan reminded him.


Yuan Xue An rolled her eyes again.

Jin Hao clicked his tongue again, he closed his fan then he looked at Tang Huan "I think he wants to exchange the antidote for information, right"

"Pretty much so" Tang Huan confirmed it.

Jin Hao placed his fan on the table next to him then he said: "I want to meet her first before I make a decision"

Tang Huan took a harsh breath "That a little bit tricky, Miss Guan said she doesn't know when she can come out again"

Jin Hao's finger tapped on the table while immersed in his thought suddenly his fingers stopped abruptly, "If I'm not mistaken, a famous theater troupe will pass by Sun Jan city, right?"

Yuan Xue An suddenly clapped her hand, "Right, I heard the news about it when I visited Xi Lin's tea house,  everyone got excited with their arrival. the rumors say the singer not only has a beautiful voice, she is also very beautiful, people also say even princes and high officials are fighting to marry this woman."

Jin Hao pinched his chin and grinned mischievously, "So the woman is beautiful, that's good..."

Yuan Xue An's face darkened, she suddenly becomes displeased by Jin Hao's comment "What do you mean with 'good' do you want to play with a female singer at this time" she throws disapproving look.

"Don't be jealous An An" he casually waved her hand while Yuan Xue An pouted her lips feeling irritated all of a sudden, actually deep down she knew Jin Hao wasn't the type of guy who liked to play with women casually, beside aside from his research Jin Hao didn't seem interested in anything else, but still, his vague comments annoyed her, nevertheless.

Jin Hao pretended not to notice Yuan Xue An's anger as he spoke nonchalantly, "We can use it to attract Wei Zu Tian's attention, that perverted man was prone to be weak with beauty, we can take advantage of this,  but I have to talk with the young madam first, what do you think An An?" he shifts his gaze at Yuan Xue An.

"Whatever you say, and don't call me that!" she puffed her cheeks in anger.

Tang Huan looked at them alternately in confusion he felt there was something strange about the way Jin Hao treated Yuan Xue An, but of course, he didn't dare to ask.

"Tell me when Young Lady returns to the manor and tell the people of Vermillion Palace that I want to meet Bei Li Yan!" he waves his hand.

"Yes sir!" Tang Huan cupped his fists "Excuse me first," Tang Huan bowed to Jin Hao and Yuan Xue An before he left.

The room fell silent leaving just Jin Hao and Yuan Xue An together, he smiles faintly feeling amused by her vexing look, Honestly, he doesn't quite understand what make her feel angry nonetheless she looks quite cute when she was angry just like a squirrel, Jin Hao poured her a flask of wine then put another wine cup in front of her "Sit down!" he told Yuan Xue An.

Yuan Xue An pursed her lips but she sat across from Jin Hao obediently. Jin Hao glanced at him for a while then poured him a glass of wine "Don't be angry, If it makes you feel better, I'll change your medicine to a herbal dish"

In order to maintain his health, Yuan Xue An still took tonics and medicines every day, although the medicines and tonics from Jin Hao worked very well, however, it didn't feel like something you could use even after all this time, so when he heard the herbs of the dish it sounds better than medicine or tonic.

But he didn't believe it right away "Really?"

"Yes," he raised his winecup and smile charmingly.

Yuan Xue An beamed with joy then she asked excitedly, "Is the herbal dish delicious?"

"No, it tastes awful," said Jin Hao casually as he took a sip of his wine calmly.

Yuan Xue An's face blackened, "You bullied me again!" she stomps her feet in anger.

Jin Hao smacked his lips casually and said: "Keep frowning like that and your face will age quickly"


'Is it too late to change a Master now?'

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