The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 796 - The Missing Boy

Chapter 796 - The Missing Boy


"No, she's not the only one, Wei Zu Tian captive Miss Guan only younger brother and also the only male successor of the Guan family" Lory broke the news and they were all dumbfounded. "You should understand how important her younger brother is therefore Wei Zu Tian is able to control Miss Guan, Wei Zu Tian even poisoned Miss Guan's brother to make sure Miss Guan would never betray him." 

"WHAT?!" Yang Xi Ying and Ming Yue Yin shouted at the same time.

It took Lory a while to explain everything to them, Yang Xi Ying's expression worsened with every word from Lory on the other hand Ming Yue Yin's expression gradually became more serious.

Lory knew as the ruler of Ming Yue Yin had to judge the situation with a clear mind regardless of her personal feelings, Ming Yue Yin had to weigh what actions she should take to deal with Wei Zu Tian. The Heaven's Gate Sect was not a small sect, it wasn't an exaggeration that it was bigger than the Hei Shen sect so Ming Yue Yin needed to be careful when making a decision to confront them.

Later on, before noon Lory returned home, he conveniently used the side door that connected between his Manor and Yang Xi Ying Manor. On the way to his courtyard, he saw Zhao Li Xin inside the pavilion, with light steps he walked towards her.

Lory saw Zhao Li Xin holding the brush in one hand while gently holding his long sleeve so as not to block his movement. Lory's eyes shone with admiration as she watched Zhao Li Xin's hands dance like petals drifting by the current on the long paper, his movements were smooth, graceful but firm, every stroke he make was distinctive, straightforward without a hint of hesitation just like his character.

Soon a lush forest emerges on the paper, the moon shining brightly surrounded by a wisp of gray clouds. The grass cover with blue flowers and the petals blowing to the air than a woman standing in the midst of flower, her hands raised in the air while a small bird perched on her finger, her wavy hair fluttering over her shoulders and covering her face. It was an undeniably beautiful painting yet there was a slight mixture of loneliness and longing in it. 

"Is this a photo of when we first met?" Lory remembered their first meeting two years after he helped Zhao Li Xin, what made Lory stunned was how Zhao Li Xin was able to catch her feelings at that moment, but then she realized "But, I didn't look like this when I met you" Lory remembers he was still wearing the original 'Luo Ri Yi' face back then.

"It doesn't matter, after all, this is your true appearance behind that disguise…." Zhao Li Xin's eyes were filled with tenderness as she drew Lory's figure among the flowers, she looked like a fairy.

Lory places her chin on her arm above the table as she watched him from the side, actually, Lory remembered the day differently. 

What Lory saw that day was a man that was more beautiful than any men she had seen in her life was stand basking in the soft moonlight, his gaze was strong and sharp, his long hair was like waterfalls framing his pale skin, Lory thought she looks like a god of death that she read when she was a child.

Even so, Lory does not fear death, and if the god of death looks like that she doesn't kind to follow him.

Only later did she realize he was the sixth prince the man she had helped before. He may or may not realize it but it was 'love at first sight' from the day he saw her unconscious in that place otherwise how could Lory be using the power she had hidden for years. 

"Have you heard any news about Shin Jiu?" Lory suddenly asked a question.

"Hm..." Zhao Li Xin didn't answer right away as he carefully dipped the brush in the ink.

"I heard you gave him a mission, will he be here at our wedding? I don't want him to miss it," Lory said worriedly.

Zhao Li Xin give sanguine smile, "Don't worry, he will be here"

Lory blows her cheeks as she muttering, "I hope so!"

Far from Sun Jan city, Mong Liu and a few shadow guards followed a trail within the forest, using their lightweight skills they jump between the tree branches at a very high speed leaving only their shadows behind. 

Suddenly one of them jumped down and crouched on the ground, he rubbed the stain on the ground then sniffed it.

"Brother Liu, over here!" he is screaming.

Mong Liu quickly jumped behind the man, "Is it blood?" his jaw hardened.

"Yes, but not human blood… it is animal blood," he answers.

Suddenly another shadow guard shouted, "This way!"

Mong Liu quickly ran in the direction he was pointing and the other shadow guards followed in a hurry. It wasn't long before they were startled by corpses lying on the ground. The shadow guards quickly examined the corpse's body without being told. Mong Liu checks surrounding him as he notices the obvious marks of a fierce battle are left behind everywhere.

"It's a member of the Heaven's Gate sect!" said one of the shadow guards in shocked.

"This one too!" another shadow guard shouted.

Mong Liu took a cold sharp breath, his heart pounding as he feared for the worst. "Find young master Lu!" he shouted in a slightly panicked voice.

The shadow guards quickly spread out in all directions, they all knew how dire the situation was. Mong Liu clenched his fists, if anything happened to the boy how sad the young madam would be and when the young madam was sad their lord would go crazy.

Another shadow guard vanguard shouts again "Brother Liu, here!" his suppressed voice caught everyone's attention and they all charged towards the sound.

The shadow guard pointing at the open field filled with dried blood and countless human and hybrid Beast carcasses lying on the ground but what shocked them the most was that among the carcasses were two dead familiar beasts, one was a golden monkey and the other was a Qilin.

"Oh my god, what's going on here" one of the shadow guards muttered in horror.

"Check the celestial Beast condition, the other quickly found Master Lu Shin Jiu, NOW!" Mong Liu shouted in utter panic.


teacup broke on the floor.

Lory who was sitting on the sofa reading a book was surprised she inadvertently looked at the window wondering how the wind knocked the teacup off the table. Ling Zi, who happened to be preparing tea for Lory at that time, was surprised by the sound of broken glass and quickly cleaned up the broken glass.

Lory turned her gaze to the outside as trepidation slowly creeps within her.

Grisha saw her look agitated, he asked her with a concerned look [What's wrong, girl?]

Lory fiddled her fingers as she immersed herself in deep thought, Lory took a deep breath then mumble to herself [I'm not sure...]

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