The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 822 - Rude Woman

Chapter 822 - Rude Woman

In the middle of the dense forest a shadow flashed between the branches, it leaped from branch to branch with great speed, while other shadows chased after him just as fast.

"Don't let her get away!" shouted one of the shadows chasing her.

Realizing her enemy was getting closer she threw several smoke bombs behind her, and the bomb exploded in the air and white smoke permeated the air.

"Be careful, the bomb is poisonous!" they shouted with a half panicked tone.

for a moment she temporarily escaped from being chased, but she knew is not over so she accelerated her pace, suddenly a great pang hit her as she grimaces from the pain, she looked down and the blood pouring out from her stomach area, cold sweat drenched her forehead she had to stop the blood immediately otherwise he will be bleed to death, however, she couldn't stop now knowing the people who were chasing her would soon catch up with her.

She gritted her teeth to endure the pain 'I had to keep running' she said to herself, she had to find her brother and tell her what she saw. but what did she see? she has no words to describe was unnatural....inhuman.

Suddenly an arrow shot and pierced her shoulder and she fell from the top of the tree with a loud bang, she winced in pain.

"Catch her!" Her assailant's loud scream instantly woke her up, while enduring the pain she forced herself to his feet and drew her sword at the enemies surrounding her.

"Miss Jin Hua, you better give up and follow us obediently," said one of them who had a big body with a scar on his left jaw, the man looked at Jin Hua with a sneer.

Jin Hua took a deep breath to suppress her nervousness, "What exactly have you guys done, what creature did I see earlier?" she shouted. 

These few days she was observing what Jin Kai was doing lately,  she heard Jin Kai was transferring mentally ill people from the Misty Lake clan to an unknown place under the pretext of treatment, however from her investigation she learned that Jin Kai took them to the Xin Fang continent to a secluded temple in the middle of the Whispering forest so she follows the lead, however, nothing could prepare her from what she saw in that place, even until now she still unable to comprehend what she had seen.

Jin Hua knew that this was too much for her to handle alone so she needed help as soon as possible, unfortunately, the enemy found him, in her attempt to escape one by one her men were killed, although she was angry Jin Hua realized she was not their opponent thus she continued to run with one aim in her head, she had to go to where her brother Jin Hao was.

But see her condition right now it seems she won't make it to her brother's place, Jin Hua is overcome with sadness if this is the end of her at least she wants to see her brother one last time.

The man smile cynically, "That's not for your concern miss Jin Hua, please come with us"

Jin Hua snort in disdained "What if I said no" she ask defiantly.

"Then you gives us no choice" said the man while draw his sword and the other follow suit.

Jin Hua groan, she took the last pill from her sleeve and swallow in one gulp, the pill relieve the pain and recover some of her strength but not healed her wounds, she knew this will be her last stance but she will not go down without a fight.

Jin Hua groaned, she took the last pill from her sleeve and swallowed it in one gulp, it took away the pain and recovered some of her strength however it didn't heal her wound, Jin Hua knew this would be her last stand but still, she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Jin Hua raised her sword and smirked, "Just look how great Jin Kai's pet dogs are" she mock.

as soon as the enemy's expression darkened, their bodies overflowed with murderous lust, they stared at Jin Hua viciously "Kill her!" the big man with a scar on his face coldly hissed.

as soon as they jumped at her, Jin Hua raised her sword to block their attack, the sound of metal clashing echoed through the air, another opponent attacked her from the side and Jin Hua ducked and slashed her enemy's calf then rolled away from the enemy swarmed then threw dozens of poisoned silver needles at their enemies, some successfully hitting her opponent faces and bodies and they screamed in pain.

Jin Hua's stealth attack angered her enemies and they attacked her even more ferociously, one of them managed to throw the sword from Jin Hua's hand and kick her body against the tree trunk.

Jin Hua screamed in pain, fresh blood spurted from her mouth, and her vision became blurry.

"Give up Miss Jin, maybe master Jin Kai will forgive you"

Jin Hua spit the blood and grin wickedly "My brother will kill all of you, just watch"

Their expressions instantly turned gloomy, they knew who Jin Hua was mentioning, Jin Hao's name had been mentioned several times among the Misty Lake as the prodigal son who later became one of the Hei Shen king's Palaces, many elders expressed their wish to bring Jin Hao back to Misty lake clan knowing his peerless talents as an alchemist and physician and this idea was strongly opposed by Jin Kai.

They hesitated slightly when Jin Hao's name was spoken, the only way to avoid Jin Hao's revenge was to kill Jin Hua and exterminate his body before anyone else knew about it.

"If no one finds your body, how could your brother know that you are dead" the man pulled Jin Hua's hair then put his sword at his throat ready to slice it.

but before he could move his hand suddenly blood ran down in the middle of his forehead, the man's eyes widened as blood flows between his eyes, the next second his body fell limp to the ground.

Jin Hua sees the man that almost killed her lifeless on the ground with a shocking face, and the buzzing sounds follow and one by one her enemies head is pierced by something sharp, and they all falling consecutively to the ground.

In the mids of shock, Jin Hua hears footsteps came towards her, her eyes widen as she saw the person with fiery red robes walk calmly towards her, he had silk black hair braids that slick to his shoulder, his ink color dark hair make his skin look more fair and flawless just like luminous pearl, he looks at her with a pair of dark eyes adorn by thin long eyebrows, his red lips remind her with the poisonous poppy flower curved upward.

Was he going to kill her too? the thought suddenly pop up in her mind if it's so then she resigned to her fate. after all, she would rather be killed by this beautiful woman than by a bunch of brutish men, slowly her vision became blurry as she was overcome with exhaustion "Are you... going to... kill me"josei

He knelt in front of her and smiled, "If I do, then your brother will haunt me..." he half-jokingly said.

His deep voice made her realize that the person in front of her was a man, feeling disappointed then in a midst of unconsciousness Jin Hua blurted out her thought "My brother's friend is a sissy…?" after jin Hua make a rude comment she conveniently fainted.


He clicked his tongue in annoyance "How rude, like a brother like a sister, they're both annoying" even though he grumbled he carefully lifted the woman's body then carry her away.

"Master Bei, who is he?" Lan Hua suddenly appeared behind him.

"Master she is very beautiful, but her face is quite familiar" Shui Xian tilted his head.

They were Bei Li Yan's close subordinates, the four Lunatics according to Jin Hao, and the rest of the King's Palace.

"Master, where are you taking her, do you want to make her your bride?" Lan Hua covered her mouth and gasped.

"Congratulations, Master!" Shui Xian teased.

Bei Li Yan hear his crazy subordinated comments and scoffed "Bride my ass, this is Jin Hao younger sister!"


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