The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 85 - Fire Monkey

Chapter 85 - Fire Monkey

The leading fanboy was the son of Liangzu Kingdom's first rank official. He lived in Jing An city where no one dared to offend him. He was spoiled and arrogant because of this. Many curried favors with him and often praised his looks and talent not caring if it was true or not. It was also not surprising that the young man had become a pompous and self-centered rich guy.

"You must have done despicable things to her! The Emperor will never let this go!" The young man knew he couldn't win on his own so he shamelessly borrowed the Emperor's name to threatening them. He thought they were scared when Zhao Li Xin's group remained silent. He wished to see them yield to them and beg for mercy.

"Oh my! This master isn't interested in little kids and she's not my type," Bei Li Yan chuckled and covered his mocking smile with his fist. They're were many women in his palace and he didn't need to reduce himself to roughening up a stranger. Than again, they're was no woman who held his interest. 

"My body is my temple, so…" Jin Hao shrugged with an uninterested expression.

Zhao Li Xin didn't comment but his face blatantly said 'REALLY?'

"Young Master, the princess wore a ball gown to the forest and has been running for her dear life inside the forest. It is not surprising her dress is ruined. Such talk from you will just ruin her highness's reputation," Lory rubbed her forehead as she was tired of the young man's nonsense. Her straight words shut the young man up. He only wanted to show his concern to the princess but ended up looking like a fool.

"And what more… My man and his friends look like 'this'. Do you think they would take advantage of a little girl in the middle of nowhere," Lory emphasized the word 'this' so that everyone could understand what she meant. The five men in her group looked powerful, handsome, and wealthy.

Three of them looked exquisite and noble. There appearance and temperament didn't lose out to any prince from a big kingdom. Such noblemen won't harass women in the forest like hooligans. Any sane woman would instead run towards them at the snap of there fingers.

Fu Xiao Jin glared at the stupid young master. He was unhappy that he spoke without thinking. He also didn't understand why the fanboys brought the princess with them to the forest. Base on they're characters, they're weren't people who would trouble themselves for royalty.

Ming Ru Yi was also embarrassed by her fanboy's words which could ruin her. Men would not marry her if they were to hear such a scandal. Her father, the emperor would also disregard it as she would be considered useless to him. She knew her father's character well enough to know what she could lose if she was surrounded by any hint of scandal. The Emperor never kept useless things beside him, not even his own child. He was a cruel vicious father, a heartless husband, and a cold-blooded ruler.

"We have returned you're precious princess so we don't need to interact," Jin Hao cut to the chase. "We are leaving!"

The General wanted to say something in apology but swallowed his words when Lory suddenly stopped.

"What is that sound?" Lory asked as she heard the sound of rustling leaves. She could see a dark shadow jump through the trees and loud screeches could also be heard above them. Everyone became tense and quickly took out they're weapons. They watched they're surroundings with wary.

Zhao Li Xin pulled Lory close to him and murmured, "Fire Monkey."

"What kinda beast is that?" Lory drew out her arrow as she asked. Her eyes were vigilant.

"Fast, relentless, and vicious. They move in large groups," Zhao Li Xin said calmly.

"I think they came because they smelled blood," Jin Hao threw a glance at the corpse of the earth bear.

"Are they carnivorous?" Lory asked again. She was more curious then worried.

"Hmm… They eat everything and anything including there own kin," Jin Hao was amused by her calm behavior.

"Fascinating…" Lory was amazed. She never heard of a cannibal monkey.

The noise got closer and they were soon surrounded by the beasts in the trees. The beasts stopped as they waited for there prey to run in panic. It was the instincts of a hunter. 

The princess and the young master were protected by the soldiers and General. The faces of the young master and princess were white as they're hands gripped they're swords. There bodies trembled with fear. They had high cultivation but had never encountered such a situation. They were like the people who knew how to handle a gun but had never seen war.

"You must pro…protect us!" The young master's words stumbled when he noticed Zhao Li Xin's relaxed group. He forgot his rude behavior and shamelessly commanded.

Bei Li Yan stifled at the young man's conceit behavior while Jin Hao rose his eyebrows in ridicule.

The young master realized he had been rude before but still felt entitled as a noble. The Hei Shen Sect group ignored him and he turned desperate.

" father will reward you!" He used his father's wealth to gain they're attention.

"My father too!" Another fanboy joined in. He was scared to death. The forest was scarier then he initially thought. He would have avoided it had he known earlier. Even the threat of death couldn't sway him.

"Mine too!" They all echoed as none wanted to be left out. Some only came to curry favor with the princess. None wished to die. They felt they were too young and handsome to die in the jungle. 

The General and the soldiers were embarrassed by the noble children's behavior and incompetence. They feared the Kingdom would fall into ruin if the young noblemen became officials.

There yammering made Lory dizzy yet she needed to concentrate. She didn't have her Gift so she could only rely on her five senses now more then ever. She lost her temper, "AH… SHUT UP!"

A dozen black figures took advantage of the bickering and jumped from the tree in loud shrieks. Lory released her arrow and pierced the head of one of the black figures. It was a black monkey with a red face, sharp long fangs, big claws, and long tail. They moved fast.

Some jumped from behind them and scratched some men's legs stunning them. They than climbed up they're victims bit they're necks or faces. It was a brutal scene.

"Stand back to back. They attack from behind since it is a blind spot," Lory warned.

The soldiers were quick to obey her command. Lory released two arrows and killed two more monkeys.

Zhao Li Xin easily killed them with the wave of his hand. He barely touched the monkeys as they burst into tiny pieces. Bei Li Yan and the others also did there part but the monkeys were too many and were annoying like mosquitoes.

The scene reminded Lory of her past war when the soldiers overlapped with King's Men to fight. It was like she was transferred to the past once more as channeled Princess Lorient's demeanor.

[Girsha, how many more?]

Girsha flew above the trees. The trees were densely distributed but his keen eyes could also see animals smaller then the monkeys. He could see the black dots swarming towards Lory. He warned [More are coming, Lory. So many more!]

'Oh, Hell!' Lory left Zhao Li Xin's side and released more arrows to the front and a few to her left without looking. She did it by instinct. It was a skill she honed in the past. The princess and her fanboys carelessly swung there swords in panic which made them exhausted. Lory sighed at the princess and fanboys' action. As much as they were annoying, they were only teenagers in Lory's eyes. She didn't want to see them being eaten by the monkeys.

"Everyone, make a circle around the princess!" Lory commanded them once again. "General, more beast are coming, PREPARE!"

General Fu Xiao Jin nodded. He knew how to fight humans, not beasts, and definitely not many at once. He didn't care if Lory was a passerby but he decided to listen to her since she's was more helpful then his own princess.josei

"Everyone… Make a barricade! Protect the princess and the young master!"

"Ri Yi, careful!" A big monkey slipped behind her. Mong Yi was quick to protect her with his body and Zhao Li Xin used his fire to burn the monkey, it exploded.

Luckily, Mong Yi shielded Lory from the splutter. Lory anxiously looked at him, "Brother Mong, are you okay?"

Mong Yi was touched by her concern, "I'm fine, how are you?"

"I've been better!" Lory grinned as she drew out her bow once more. Mong Yi also lifted his sword and together they killed the crazy monkeys jumping towards them. Zhao Li Xin jumped into the foray and punched a dozen monkeys smashing them to the tree. Lory turned to Zhao Li Xin, "How the hell did the monkey explode?"

"Fire monkeys will explode if they're blood mixes with fire," Zhao Li Xin responded.

"Oh, okay…" An idea came to Lory.

[Lory, they are coming!] Girsha shouted.

"They are coming! AIM HIGH!" Lory immediately informed them. "No one shoots before my MARK!"

The soldiers glanced at General Fu for assurance and followed Lory's order when the General nodded.


[100 meters... 50 meters... 20 meters... 10 meters… 5 meters... NOW!]

Lory screamed at the top of her lungs [SHOOT!]

The sound of buzzing arrows pierced through the forest. The monkeys shrieked in agony as the metal pierced they're flesh.  

[PREPARE!] Lory commanded.

[Prepare the Arrow!] The General repeated her command to his soldiers who quickly drew they're arrows once more and aimed. 

"On my MARK!"

[NOW, LORY!] Girsha shouted.

"SHOOT!" Lory screamed again.

The same buzzing sound filled the forest. The anguish roars were followed by dropping corpses. The forest quietened after a few minutes. Their was no sound but adrenaline still rushed in they're veins. They stayed vigilant with they're arrows drawn.

[Girsha, how is it…?]

[Its done…at least for now. However, you must leave quickly. I can see something big moving towards you] Lory could hear Girsha's worry.


"Their are no more monkeys, but we need to get out of here. Something is coming! Something BIG!" Lory told the General.

The General didn't ask how she knew this as he considered her a comrade and he also trusted her for some reason. He nodded and commanded his soldiers, "Everyone, secure the princess. We need to leave immediately!"

"Brother Mong, can you help me carry a few of the monkey corpses?"

"Sure!" Mong Ki nodded without hesitation.

"We need to leave before it comes!" Lory turned to Zhao Li Xin, grabbed his hand to drag him away. Something big to Girsha meant whatever was coming was humongous.

"What thing?" Zhao Li Xin lifted Lory like a princess for easy movement.

"I don't know but I also don't want to be here to find out."

With there high Gin Qong, Zhao Li Xin and his subordinates quickly disappeared. They could also sense a high-level beast heading there way and whatever it was wasn't an ordinary beast.

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