The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Summerfield College's team captain was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but he ventured to

ask, "How many of us do you want to compete with?"

Arabella's eyes scanned each of them, her tone casual, “All of you. Together."

Her statement was audacious, causing many of the Summerfield College students in the audience to

anticipate her humiliation.

“Fine, you asked for it,’ thought the Summerfield College team captain.

Surely, they, a team of four, couldn't tose to a girl who often skipped classes.

Soon, two cadavers were brought onto the stage.

They were covered with white sheets and laid on gurneys. Just the sight of it was enough to send chills

down the spine of many in the audience. Some even got up and left their seats.

Those bodies, donated for teaching purposes, were rapidly frozen to -22°F within eight hours of death

and then preserved properly.

When needed for teaching, they would be thawed to 39°F, ensuring the freshness of the cadavers and

allowing students to simulate surgical procedures on actual human bodies.

At that moment, the two cadavers were perfectly thawed. Arabella, looking at the audience, kindly

advised, "Those who are scared can leave first."

After all, not everyone could handle such a scene.

More people left their seats.

Yet, even more stayed. Some were curious about Arabella, and others wanted to witness the outcome

of the competition.

Arabella made a respectful bow to the cadavers, then unveiled the sheet from one of them.

Many in the audience shrieked and left their seats.

After all, that was a real dead body.

“The deceased was about 5'9", in his early 30s, fit, with a thick layer of abdominal fat, muscular, no

bullet holes in the back of his head, limbs intact.

This suggests he wasn't an executed criminal or a victim of a car crash,"

Arabella commented, expressionless. She put on gloves, picked up the scalpel, and made a clean

incision on the deceased's skin.

“There's a hard mass in the lungs, filling the chest cavity, eroding the normal lung and blood vessels,

leaving only about one-third of the normal lung."

Arabella remained calm, making her conclusion, "The deceased died of lung cancer. I'd like to take this

opportunity to advise the male students to quit smoking. It's harmful to your health"

Not just the Summerfield College team but all the students of Summerfield College in the audience

were stunned.

She was so cool, so professional!

She wasn't scared at all by the fresh corpse in front of her but could rationally analyze the cause of


What was even more unbelievable was that she could perform autopsies!

Her movements were effortless and proficient, no different from seasoned surgeons at the hospital.

A freshman could perform an autopsy so well.

Arabella pointed out some characteristics of the deceased, then sewed up the incision, restoring the

cadaver to its original state.

Her suturing skill was astonishing. Two of the judges from the panel stood up involuntarily as if seeing

the next medical prodigy!

Arabella removed her gloves and sanitized her hands, then turned her gaze back to the Summerfield

College team.

The team seemed glued to their seats, motionless. They studied late into the night, sponging up

medical knowledge and even receiving private tutoring from renowned doctors.

But now, they couldn't even match up to a girl studying neurology.

The team captain didn't know how long he was stunned until the audience's urging brought him back to

his senses.

He lifted the sheet off the other cadaver with trembling hands, only to throw up on the spot at the sight

of the disfigured body.

The other three members of the Summerfield College team also bent over, retching at the sight.

Many in the audience screamed.

Because the sight of this cadaver was truly horrifying!


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