The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043

“First, let's get you to my place to change your clothes. You don't want to catch a cold."

The helicopter wasn't like their private jets. It didn't come with private bedrooms or wardrobes. Romeo

had them fly to the nearest resort at breakneck speed.

It was a resort owned by McMillian Corporation. The helicopter landed directly at the resort, where staff

members were already waiting in droves.

"Mr. McMillian, Ms. Bella!"

Each staff member had a clean, plush towel at the ready.

Romeo took a towel, draped it around Arabella, and whispered, “You go take a hot shower and change

your clothes. We've sent some up to your room already"

Knowing that she still had friends to look after, Romeo didn't accompany her.

“Ms. Bella, ladies, please follow me,’ the resort manager personally escorted them to the presidential


On the way, Arabella called Mya, "We found them."

Mya was so ecstatic she nearly jumped for joy, her eyes welling up with tears.

"It was Mr. McMillian who found you, wasn't it? I knew it. With his resources, he's bound to find a way.

Are they okay? Are they injured?"

"Just a few minor injuries” Arabella replied softly, "You're clever. You guessed what I was implying"

“At first I was completely stunned, I couldn't remember what you had scribbled on my back. It took me

a while and several attempts to finally decipher it."

"So, the real savior is you."

Mya gripped her phone tighter, moved by the sentiment, "When are you guys coming back? Are you on

your way now?"

“We'll be back in a bit? Arabella whispered, "You go ahead and grab something to eat at the cafeteria,

and remember, don't leave the campus."

Even though the bad guys were either dead or injured, it was always better to be safe than sorry.

“Alright, I'll stay on campus and wait for you guys."

"Good, I'm hanging up now."

Arabella arrived at the presidential suite, the manager bowed slightly, speaking in an ultra respectful

tone, "Ms. Bella, should you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to ring the bell. I am at your

service 24/7. Here is the first aid kit you requested."

"Thank you,’ Arabella nodded, accepting the first aid kit and ushering the girls into the suite.

Mavis was still shaken from the earlier scare. She saw the luxurious suite, and remembered the man

who was with Arabella earlier, who looked a lot like the world's richest man, Romeo.

And then she recalled that this resort was a McMillian Corporation property.

“Bella, that man earlier, could he be your boyfriend? Is his name Romeo?"

Mavis asked, still stunned by the presence of such an influential figure.

“Yes, you girls sit down, I'll tend to your injuries, Arabella motioned for them to take a seat on the


Mavis was utterly shocked, "You're dating Romeo?"

“What's so surprising about that? Bella's awesome, who else is more deserving to be with Romeo than

her?" Joyce chimed in before adding, "Bella, how did you know we were in danger? And how did you

know we fell into the lake?"

As Arabella dressed their wounds, she explained what happened.

But she left out the parts that involved Doom.

The fewer people who knew, the safer they were.

"So that's what happened.” Joyce seethed after hearing the story, "To force you to show yourself, they'd

stoop so low."


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