The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Finally, unable to resist Mavis's pleas, Joyce agreed to join her for a dip in the hot tub.

"This is so relaxing.” Mavis closed her eyes, savoring the moment, "When I make a fortune, I'm

definitely bringing my mom here."

Joyce chuckled, "You are a good daughter ."

"But my mom's best friend conned her into being a guarantor for her loan.

She ran off with five hundred thousand dollars, and my mom's factory was taken away to pay off the

debt. My mom had to pay back three hundred thousand herself, “You know, when I was ten, three

hundred thousand seemed like an astronomical figure. My mom couldn't reach her friend, so she had

to work multiple jobs to pay back the debt. It took a toll on her health. That's why I want to become a

doctor, to help my mom get better."

Hearing this, Joyce asked softly, "Did you manage to pay off the debt in the end?"

"We paid back a little over a hundred thousand. Her friend was arrested for fraud, and the loan

company was exposed for shady dealings. So, the debt was eventually written off. Later, my mom

started an online shop, selling clothes she designed. In my free time, I heip her pack orders and model

her designs on social media. Last month, I managed to give my mom a hefty bonus from my earnings,

and this month, I treated myself to a Louis Vuitton bag."

Her cherished LV bag was left behind in a restroom at Summerfield College when she was held


She wasn't sure if she'd ever get it back.

“Don't worry, Mya will get it back for us. I left my keychain in the bag."

“By the way, Joyce, what do your parents do?"

Upon hearing this, Joyce turned gloomy.

"My dad runs a food company, mainly producing cookies and candies. My mom passed away when I

was very young."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject." Mavis apologized, "But your family seems well-off."

Joyce always dressed modestly, so everyone assumed she came from a modest background.

“Since I turned eighteen, I haven't used a cent of my family's money, including my college tuition. I

earned it all through part-time jobs."

“Why?" Mavis asked, puzzled.

“My dad married a new wife the year my mom passed away. She brought along a pair of twins, who

were the same age as me. That's when I found out they'd been together before my mom died. The

twins are studying at our college."

“What? Your dad was cheating even before you were born. That's awful!"

Mavis was shocked and sympathetic, "You must really hate your dad, that's why you're adamant about

not using his money"

"Not exactly. That woman controls my dad's money. When I was in high school, paying tuition always

involved listening to her nasty comments."

Mya felt even sorrier for her.

“So, I don't go home anymore and don't ask them for money. I don't even consider that man my father.’

After sharing her story, Joyce felt a sense of Telief.

Apart from Mya, she had never told anyone else about this.


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