The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078

"I can't tell you how grateful we are that you're willing to help, Professor, Mark pled earnestly. "If you

won't accept any payment, we'd feel as if we're taking advantage of your kindness. Please, take

something more to make us feel better."

Paying her more than necessary?

"Fine," Arabella relented with a sly smile, ‘I'll decide how much later."

Arabella didn't specify how much, but this reassured Mark. He believed that Old Mrs. Griffith was going

to be saved!

Half an hour later.

They arrived at a grand and beautiful mansion.

The mansion was a combination of a dozen buildings, surrounded by a sapphire-blue lake, vast lawns,

and an inviting swimming pool.

There was even a helipad.

Just standing at the entrance, one could sense the extraordinary wealth and status of the owner.

This was no ordinary rich family.

The owner of such a mansion must hold a high position in society.

Six butlers in uniform greeted Arabella at the entrance with well-trained courtesy and respect.

Upon hearing Mark had brought the Professor, Sampson, who was leisurely sipping tea in the garden,

got up and walked towards the entrance to welcome them.

His maid, a short-haired young woman, followed him. From a distance, she spotted a slender, charming

young woman entering the mansion.

The young woman wore her hair in a bun and had a strikingly beautiful face that was hard to ignore.

Her beauty and charisma were.

The short-haired maid was thrilled.

"Mr. Sampson, that's her! The Solterra girl I told you about!"

She was the one who helped Old Mrs. Griffith when she had trouble breathing.

She reminded them that Old Mrs. Griffith was frail and needed extra care.

She said that those pills won't help Aunt's condition and suggested other medications.

"Mr. Sampson, you found her?" The short-haired maid was overjoyed, "So, Old Mrs. Griffith is going to

be saved!"

"So, the Solterra girl who helped when Old Mrs. Griffith's health deteriorated after the bus accident is


Sampson seemed a bit surprised, "Are you sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure! This face, how many like it could there be in the world? I'd recognize her even if

she turned to dust!" The short-haired maid greeted Arabella happily as she arrived, "Hi, we meet again"

Arabella didn't recognize her. She tried to recall, but couldn't.

"I was the one screaming for help on the roadside when the bus accident happened. You stopped and

helped Old Mrs. Griffith,” the short-haired maid said with a sincere smile, hopeful eyes on Arabella.

Ah, so it was her. Arabella remembered now.

She had been desperate.

No one was willing to stop and help.

She and the driver stood by the roadside, screaming for help.

So, it turned out Old Mrs. Griffith needed medical attention?

Arabella had checked Old Mrs. Griffith's pulse at the time. The medical condition was complex and

required multiple medications. When the short-haired maid asked for advice, Arabella couldn't give her

a specific Prescription.

Old Mrs. Griffith's condition required constant adjustment of medication.

“I'm glad to see you again," Arabella nodded at her, acknowledging her enthusiasm.

The short-haired maid was overjoyed. She hadn't expected their second meeting to be like this. This

girl was so gentle and polite. She was adorable.

"Professor, let me introduce you to my good friend, Sampson," Mark introduced with excitement.

“Sampson, this is the amazing Professor I told you about. She's known as Dr. Bell in the medical area.”

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