The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

It was nearly nine in the evening.

What could be so urgent?

She just wanted to gain her parents’ attention, didn’t she?

Serena saw right through it!

Arabella’s sports car pulled a slick drift, coming to a stop directly in front of the emergency department

of the hospital. Rushing out of the car, she just made it to the third-floor corridor when she heard

Carol's cries.

Carol was crying so hard she could barely stand. Two stretchers were right in front of her, the bodies

covered with white sheets.

Carol was weeping on the sheets, while Clark tried to comfort her, his eyes welling up with tears.

Arabella stopped dead in her tracks, realizing she was too late. Logan and Taylor were already gone.

“Mom, Dad.” Carol's heart-wrenching cries echoed in the corridor.

Doctors and nurses silently bowed their heads, helpless to do anything.

“Their condition was critical when they were brought in, they had lost too much blood. They had already

passed the golden hour for treatment,” the surgeon explained.

“My sister could've saved them!” Clark started to say, but seeing Arabella standing nearby, he quickly

corrected himself, “Bella, Crystal is still in there. They're trying to save her!"

Arabella nodded, stepping into the changing room to don her scrubs.

The doctors at Hope Hospital were well aware of her skills. They quickly briefed her on Crystal's

condition, which was dire. There wasn't a single part of her body that wasn't injured.

“I think she was trying to say something."

“Dr. Bella, you know as well as we do that all our attempts to save her are in vain."

With such severe injuries, there was no chance of survival. It was better to let her leave some final


“As long as there's a glimmer of hope, we can't give up."

Despite knowing Crystal's chances of survival were slim, the sight of Clark with red-rimmed eyes and

Carol's heart-wrenching cries were etched into Arabella’s mind.

Outside the operating room.

Crystal's parents rushed in. Hearing the severity of their daughter's injuries, they couldn't help but ask

Clark, "What happened?"

“Alger, Celeste, it's all my fault” Clark confessed with guilt.

“What happened between you guys? And who is she?” Mrs. Alger asked, pointing at the crying girl next

to them, her confusion and anxiety obvious.

"Crystal got injured while trying to protect my parents. I'm really sorry” Carol stood up, bowing deeply to

them, her tears flowing unchecked. “I'm sorry."

“Who are you?” Mr. Alger had never seen her before.

At this moment, the elevator doors opened, and Kenneth and Louisa rushed out, followed by Serena.

Mr. and Mrs. Alger had called them saying Crystal was in an accident, and it seemed to involve Clark.

Hearing that her condition was critical and life-threatening, they hurriedly drove over, praying non-stop

for Crystal's safety.

"She's my girlfriend, Carol."

Hearing this, the three people who had just stepped out of the elevator were instantly stunned, disbelief

written all over their faces.

Mr. and Mrs. Alger were also taken aback.

The girl who was bowing to them turned out to be Clark's girlfriend.

Clark had a girlfriend?

Their precious daughter was severely injured and life-threatening, trying to save the parents of Clark's


"What exactly happened?” Mr. Alger grabbed Clark by the collar, demanding an answer.

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