The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255



“Guess so."

Just now, Martha genuinely desired to stay, hence the heartfelt tears and apologies.

However, with her temperament, it was true what they said. She couldn't change a leopard's spots.

“Hans, I've got to go,’ Arabella checked the time. She should leave.

“I'll have someone drive you there.

"No need. Mom and dad have arranged for our family's pilot to take me directly to Uncle's private


"Good. That'll put my mind at ease"

The Collins family not only employed drivers, but also pilots, all with years of experience and loyal

service to the family.

Arabella took out a small gift from her backpack, “Molly is away at a competition and hasn't returned

yet. If all goes well, she should be the champion. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it back in time to

celebrate with her.

This is a little gift I've prepared for her. If I can't come back that day, could you give it to her for me?"

“Sure,’ Hans hadn't expected his sister to think so far ahead, even preparing a gift.

Speaking of which, he hadn't started preparing.

“Molly would probably look forward more to a gift from you, so you should think about what to give her.”

After reminding him, Arabella waved casually and closed the study door behind her.

Thanks to his sister's reminder, Hans sat in front of the computer, pondering. He opened the search bar

and typed: What's a good gift for a girlfriend?

On the other side.

By the time Kenneth and Louisa returned, it was already 11 at night.

Serena, with her eyes swollen from crying, explained what had happened. Louisa was shocked.

That was a long time ago.

She was admiring her newly purchased flowers when a servant told her that Serena and Martha had a


When she rushed to the living room, Serena had a bruise on her back, and Martha was covered in


At that time, Lina was still in the house. She insisted that Bella had walked over the spot and hadn't

slipped, but Serena did, suspecting Bella knew about the oil spill and avoided it. She accused Bella of

trying to harm Serena!

At the time, there was a servant named Holly who also added fuel to the fire.

Later, Bella restored the surveillance footage, proving her innocence, and she expelled Lina and Holly

from the house.

But she never expected that Martha was also involved!

If she hadn't deliberately unscrewed the cap and spilled the oil on the floor, she wouldn't have

implicated herself and Serena.

"So it was you." Louisa was even more furious, "You've tried to make my precious daughter fall, and

now you have the audacity to beg to stay in this house?"

Kenneth, after hearing the entire story, was also furious, "Martha, what were you thinking! It's not easy

for Bella to return to this family. We as her parents, should love her more, give her what she needs.

What's there for you to be jealous of?"

This was their home!!

This was the Collins family!

Martha, on the side, continued to cry and apologize, while Serena remained kneeling in front of their

parents, "Mom, Dad, Martha was not thinking straight that time. She has apologized to Bella and

received her forgiveness. Please let Martha stay, she has taken care of me for eighteen years, if not for

merits, at least for her hard work!"

“Serena, there's no need to say anything" Louisa seemed to have made up her mind, no longer


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