The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

The tricky part was that the tumor was located in the caudate lobe of the liver, and there's been some

bleeding these past few days.

Arabella asked her if he had done a regular check-up, and the woman instantly pulled out the medical

report, "Here it is."

Sure enough, someone had directed her from behind.

Arabella once again met the gaze of Dr. Brade, only to see him shift his gaze with a hint of guilt.

He had no choice. The condition was exceedingly complex, and he didn't know how to provide


Arabella, a heavyweight in the field of medicine, was the only one who could save the patient.

So, he had to subtly point the patient's family towards Arabella.

The woman told Arabella that the reports included not only regular check-ups but also various other

medical forms and diagnoses from different hospitals.

Arabella took a look, and briefed her on the situation.

In layrnan terms, all three hepatic veins and possibly the inferior vena cava in the patient's liver could

be taken over by the tumor. If traditional in-vivo surgery was performed, the patient could lose over

60% of his normal liver function, with a great risk of heavy bleeding during the operation.

Dr. Brade nodded in agreement. This was precisely what made him anxious. The patient wanted to

retain his complete liver function, which was simply impossible.

Upon hearing this, the woman from Dawnstar couldn't help but weep, pleading with Arabella to find a


She didn't want her father to lose so much of his liver function.

"There is one way."

At Arabella's words, not only the woman but also Dr. Brade was taken aback.

“We could perform an ex-vivo liver tumor resection and autologous liver transplantation."

The woman was confused and looked at Brade for clarification.

Brade was completely stunned.

Arabella’s suggestion was to remove the liver from the body, completely cut off the tumor, and then re-

implant it.

The objective was to ensure the complete removal of the tumor while maintaining the integrity of the

liver and vascular structures and functions. This posed a severe challenge for the chief surgeon.

The slightest mistake could possibly leave them open to public criticism and even be fired.

He wouldn't even dare to think about such a solution.

The woman from Dawnstar instinctively held onto Arabella’s hand, asking her if she was confident, and

if she was, could she be the chief surgeon to save her father.

"Please, get up." Arabella didn't want her to keep kneeling.

But the woman refused to rise, pleading with Arabella to save her father. She began talking about her

life since childhood, dependent on her father, crying and begging Arabella to help.

“If I'm the chief surgeon, the patient's liver retention can reach over 95%," Arabella stated truthfully.

Dr. Brade was in disbelief.

He knew better than anyone about the complexity of the operation and the severity of the situation.

Even if the person standing in front of him was Dr. Bell, he couldn't believe that there was someone in

this world capable of retaining over 95% of the liver function.

That was not a feat for a medical saint, but for a god!!

Even the woman questioned Arabella incredulously, asking if she was joking. She had taken her father

to countless doctors before, most of whom said there was no hope, while a few said the patient would

lose a siqnificant portion of his liver function after surgery. The only person who was confident enough

to promise a near-complete retention was Arabella.

But the catch was, she was just a teenager.

"Dr. Bella, are you serious?” Dr. Brade couldn't help but ask. “The patient's request is to retain as much

of the normal liver function as possible."

“lL understand," Arabella replied, her expression calm, her eyes undisturbed.

It was as if the entire matter was as simple as eating and drinking to her.

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