The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289

"I don't have a particular destination in mind, for now."

Besides, Romeo would accompany her. He had just texted her that his private jet had landed at the

McMllian Corporation hotel's helipad in Dawnstar, promising to meet her as soon as he was done with


Just a while ago, Arabella had warned him to get some rest and come over later in the evening.

Otherwise, she wouldn't meet him.

"You should rest at home and scout some tourist spots you'd like to visit. Once you've made up your

mind, I will arrange for someone to escort you."

With the behind-the-scenes culprit yet to be unearthed, Bard couldn't spare time to be with his beloved


"Uncle Bard, you don't need to worry about me. I'm grown up now. I can manage on my own."

Arabella chatted with Bard for a bit before hanging up the phone.

She had planned to visit the hospital to check on her grandfather. But as she just started walking, a

loud crashing noise echoed from behind her.

Turning around, she saw a massive billboard had fallen, hitting a passerby.

Panic ensued among the onlookers, with screams piercing the air.

The woman hit by the billboard fell unconscious immediately.

Without wasting a second, Arabella rushed to lift the billboard, with a few passersby who had regained

their senses joining her.

Glancing at the spot where the billboard was hung, Arabella noticed there was no space for a person to


Could the falling billboard be an accident?

Nearby, some locals were chatting, theorizing that the billboard’s fall might be related to the massive

storm a few days ago. There had been a similar incident at a nearby intersection earlier today, but

luckily no one was hurt.

Once the billboard was moved aside, the injured woman lay there, bloodied. Arabella immediately

provided first aid right there in the street. A few good Samaritans had already called for an ambulance.

As soon as Arabella finished administering first aid, the ambulance whisked the woman away.

A few passersby, still in shock, asked Arabella if she was a doctor, and whether the woman would be

okay, having lost so much blood.

Arabella, looking in the direction of the departing ambulance, informed them that they might not be able

to save her leg.

After all, a billboard of that size falling directly on her lower body could lead to amputation.

People expressed their regret, lamenting how the young woman was just starting her life when she lost

her legs.

Arabella looked at the billboard again. It seemed quite old. If it had been hanging for a long time without

proper maintenance, coupled with the storm's impact, it could indeed fall.

But what was strange was that the billboard fell just a few steps away from her. If she hadn't hastened

her pace, she could have been hit.

But if someone had planned this, how would they know she would take this route, passing this

particular shop?

One of the passersby, a woman, caught Arabella's hand, asking if she was a practitioner. She had

heard about its effectiveness in diagnosing diseases through pulse reading and wanted Arabella to

help her with her persistent skin itching.

She had taken medicines, but the itching came and went.

Arabella, feeling slightly awkward, checked the woman's pulse and advised her to stop eating cold

food, especially raw fish like salmon, and instead have it cooked.

The woman watched Arabella walk away, dumbfounded. She thought back and realized that the itching

did get worse whenever she ate raw fish.

She was impressed by Arabella's quick diagnosis.

It seemed like she needed to adjust her diet from now on.

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