The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310

The sales associates could barely contain their smiles, bustling about as they packed up the items and

arranged for delivery, squatting down now and then to rub Serena's legs.

Perched regally on the sofa, Serena sipped the coffee handed to her by a salesperson and wrinkled

her nose in distaste. "This coffee isn't even as good as what my maid at home drinks."

Nicola, the salesperson, nodded enthusiastically, heaping on the flattery. "You're so generous with your

spending. It's clear you don't come from an ordinary family. I bet your servant's salary is higher than

ours. We're just wage earners, and without the little extra you're letting slip through your fingers, we

wouldn't meet our targets this month."

"Indeed, we're so grateful you graced us with your presence. Otherwise, we'd be facing termination this

month; Guti chimed in, diligently massaging Serena's shoulders, and couldn't help but gossip, "Young

lady, is it your family or your boyfriend who spoils you with the card?"

Serena airily mentioned it was her boyfriend, which prompted a new wave of compliments and envy

from the sales team, praising her for having such a generous boyfriend.

Serena couldn't help but bask in the glory.

“If your boyfriend is so willing to spoil you, why not try these boots?" Aurora interjected, hastily donning

gloves to fetch a pair in Serena's size from the new arrivals that had come in just yesterday. "These are

exclusive. Only one pair per size, and with your dainty feet, you'll look much more elegant than the

other ladies."

She knelt down and carefully slipped the boots onto Serena's feet. Serena relished the royal treatment,

glancing at her reflection in the mirror.

“Not bad, go ahead and pack them too, she said, handing over the card. "The PIN is 123456."

Aurora was taken aback by Serena's decisiveness. There wasn't a second of hesitation. "These boots

are different from your other purchases. They are designed by a renowned fashion designer and are

quite pricey, costing ninety-nine thousand dollars."

Ninety-nine thousand dollar boots would have once made Serena hesitate.

But today, she was shopping with Martin's card, and after all, it was Martin who had begged her

repeatedly to use it.

So she felt no burden at all, even challenging Aurora with a raised eyebrow, “I've already bought things

worth over a million, so what's ninety-nine thousand to me? Do you think I can't afford it?"

“Of course not, you've misunderstood"

"You're the most lavish lady we've ever seen."

“Envious, truly. Just your aura speaks of nobility, and to have such a doting boyfriend, not to mention

your beauty. It's almost unfair."

"You're now our store's top VIP. Anything you desire, other customers must step aside."

At that moment, Serena caught sight of a familiar fiqure in the distance. Squinting, she realized it was


What was she doing shopping in this store?

Given that the store was a global flagship and spanned three floors, Serena hadn't noticed Arabella

until now.

There was Arabella, elegantly holding a dress, starkly alone compared to Serena's surrounding crowd,

not a single sales associate in sight!

It must be that Uncle Bard was too busy to mind her, and she'd snuck out for a bit of shopping on her


Serena's lips curled into a smirk, turning to Guti, "Didn't you just say I'm your store's top VIP? That I

have first dibs on anything I fancy? I want that dress she's holding!"

Guti followed her gaze to see a pretty girl holding a dress from yesterday's new arrivals.

The dress was expensive, likely out of reach for the average person.

Seeing that Arabella's attire was less flashy than Serena's, Guti muttered a ‘just one moment’ and went

over to negotiate.

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