The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

After dinner, Arabella and Eunice left the restaurant and took the elevator down to the lobby.

Outside, the world was a white blur as large snowflakes began to fall like feathers from heaven.

That was when Eunice’s phone rang, her tone souring instantly, "You let her go?"

On the other end, Leno was taken aback, having thought that roughing up Serena was enough. He

hadn't expected his boss to insist on keeping her.

"It's my fault, ma'am! I'll bring her back immediately"

“Just text me the location,’ Eunice commanded.

It dawned on Leno that she intended to handle Serena personally.


After a brutal beating, Serena finally wriggled out of the sack as she heard her assailants’ footsteps

fade away.

The ally was deserted, stretching endlessly under the snowy night sky.

She was crying and her heart shattered with fear, she spotted her purse not far away. Wincing with

pain, she crawled towards it, trembling hands fumbling for her phone.

Terrified and in disarray didn’t begin to describe her state. She knew there was only one person in all of

Dawnstar who could save her!

She scrolled through her contacts and dialed Bard's number.

The call connected in seconds, and Bard's calm voice came through.


Tears choked her words, “Uncle Bard. I've been bullied!"

Bard's voice immediately filled with concern, “What happened? Where are you? Who did this to you?"

Through her sobs. "Please send someone to Hill Street to pick me up."

Crowded with people, even her attackers wouldn't dare touch her in plain sight.

"You're in Dawnstar? Stay put, I'm nearby. I'll come for you myself."

After hanging up, Serena wiped the icy tears from her face and staggered forward, shivering with cold

and fear.

On the other side.

A convoy of cars stopped in front of Eunice and Arabella. Eunice took an umbrella from a bodyguard

and held it over Arabella.

“Bella, you head back first. I have some business to take care of."

“Alright.” Arabella didn’t pry. Climbing into the car, she gave her aunt a glance, "Come back soon."

"Will do." Eunice affectionately patted her head before closing the car door for her.

As she watched the main car drive away with Arabella, Eunice casually got into one of the security

vehicles and, after looking at the address Leno sent her, commanded coldly, "To find the girl."

Leno had immediately rallied his men to recapture Serena after getting orders from the boss. She was

almost out of the ally when someone grabbed her, stuffing a rag into her mouth.

A large burlap sack was slipped over her upper body, and the opening was tied tight with a rope.

The familiar terror overwhelmed Serena as she whimpered and struggled, but to no avail.

She couldn't understand why they had come back, and the feeling of utter despair made her tremble

uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face.

Oddly enough, after dragging her to the middle of the lane, the men didn't proceed further.

That was until a car stopped at the entrance.

When Serena heard the noise, her tearful eyes flickered with hope. Was it her uncle coming to save


He was nearby and had promised to come quickly.

The car door opened and a bodyguard held an umbrella aloft. Eunice stepped out, her elegance and

authority mingling with each step, her presence commanding yet alluring.

As the footsteps drew closer, Serena grew fearful. Why was she hearing the click-clack of high heels

on the pavement?

Was it not her uncle?

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