The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

He glanced at Yolanda, “As the host of the competition, I’m sorry to announce that the second prize

winner Yolanda, due to plagiarizing Maestro Melody’s work, is stripped of her award. According to the

rules, she can’t participate in similar competitions from now on.”

Yolanda was trembling all over.

“Now, let’s take a photo to commemorate the first and third place winners, and President Jasmine.”

The host tried to usher the journalists closer to snap photos and move past this incident, but Yolanda

suddenly raised her voice, “I didn’t plagiarize!”

“The evidence is right there, and she still denies it?”

“Could she actually be innocent? Look at her, plagiarizers should be guilty, not like this.”

“But their climaxes were the same. if she didn’t plagiarize Maestro Melody’s work, then did Maestro

Melody plagiarize hers?”

“This is clearly plagiarism!”

President Jasmine didn’t expect her to be so stubborn, angrily said, “People these days have no moral

bottom line for fame and gain, is it the imbalance of the creator’s mentality or the lack of character?

You plagiarized Melody’s work, and the industry will kick you out. You should admit your mistake, yet

you have the nerve to say you didn’t plagiarize?”

“I didn’t plagiarize!” Yolanda stubbornly insisted, “This song was composed by me at home! Can

President Jasmine provide evidence that I didn’t compose it at home?”

“Can you explain why your climax is the same as Maestro Melody’s? With your performance in the

other parts, could you compose such an exciting climax?” Jasmine obviously didn’t believe her, “Do

you think anyone here would believe you? You say you didn’t plagiarize, dare you say it in front of

Melody again!!”

What?? Melody?? Melody had always been a mystery, and no one had ever seen her true face.

Not only did President Jasmine know her, but it seemed like she was going to call her out?! Would

such a master–level person come forward to settle such a small matter?

Yolanda didn’t expect Jasmine to bring out Maestro Melody to pressure her. Everyone knew that

Maestro Melody’s whereabouts were a mystery. She guessed that Maestro Melody just didn’t want to

stand in the spotlight, so she always hid her identity.

Was Jasmine going to call Melody or connect a video live?

No matter which way, Yolanda felt a bit uneasy, her freshly manicured nails unknowingly dug into her


“Maestro Melody happens to be here today, in the audience, witnessing you plagiarize her work and

refusing to admit it!” Jasmine said.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience erupted, looking around for Maestro Melody.

Yolanda’s face drained of color, Maestro Melody was here? Impossible. She was such a big shot, how

could she possibly appear at the award ceremony of such a small competition?!

Jasmine looked at an attractive girl in the audience, respectfully and cautiously said, “I’m really sorry to

disturb you for such a small matter. I wanted to resolve it as quickly as possible.”

As she said this, she turned her fierce gaze back on Yolanda, “I didn’t expect this girl to copy your work

and have the audacity to say she didn’t plagiarize! This is not only disrespectful to you, but also to the

creative environment.”

President Jasmine looked at Arabella in the audience, “Plagiarism must be punished. We need to make

plagiarists unwelcome in this circle, so others don’t dare to follow suit. Otherwise there will be fewer

and fewer creators, and more and more theives!”


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