The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

“Mrs. Murphy!” Fiona Bishop had had enough, “We clearly signed a contract stating that there can’t be

any bad press during the contract period, or else you’ll need to cough up ten times the penalty.

According to the contract, you have to pay five million within ten days, or we’ll have to settle this in

court!” “Fiona!” Olga tried to say something more, but the other party had already hung up. When she

tried to call back, the call was blocked.

Olga was in despair. Five million, where on earth was she going to get five million?

Although Attlee was the richest man in Tranquil City, with personal assets exceeding one hundred

million. Most of it was tied up in fixed assets like houses, shops, stocks, cars, etc.

Before, due to big companies like Allbara Investment suddenly halting their cooperation, their cash flow

was in a tight spot. Coupled with business losses, they had already sold quite a number of shops and

houses. Now they had to compensate five million? They probably had to sell off shares.

But once the shares were sold, they would become minority shareholders, and the decision–making

power would fall into the hands of Grace and other shareholders.

No, that was absolutely unacceptable. They couldn’t sell the shares.

“You guys can leave.” Olga dismissed the maid, then asked Attlee in a low and desperate voice, “What

should we do? Yoli breached the contract. We have to compensate five million, and we only have ten


Just as Attlee was about to say something, his phone started to vibrate, an incoming call from an

unknown number.

“Hello.” Attlee said.

Is this Attlee? I’m Melody’s lawyer.” The caller said something, and Attlee seemed very shocked,

“Compensate six million?”

“Yes, Yolanda plagiarized Melody’s work and participated in the competition without permission. It’s a

serious infringement and she must bear the legal consequences.” The lawyer said, “According to the

relevant laws, you must stop the infringement, mitigate its impact, make a public apology, and then

compensate for Melody’s losses. Considering Melody’s reputation, six million in compensation is

already very generous. If we don’t receive the money within three days, we will sue Yolanda and make

this public on our official account.”

“Please don’t do this.” Attlee pleaded hastily, “We can talk it out.”

If the official account went public with this, then everyone would know about Yoli’s plagiarism. It would

seriously damage her reputation, as well as the Murphy family’s.

Seeing Attlee hang up the phone, Olga hurriedly asked, “What happened? Arabella wants us to pay six

million? On what grounds?”

“Because Yoli stole her song!” Attlee was angry at the thought, “Can you stop targeting her? If it wasn’t

for your insistence on kicking her out of the Murphy family, how much benefit would her status as

Maestro Melody bring us? How impressive are our two daughters? How much glory would she give us

when she gets married? How many connections would she bring us?”

Such shortsightedness! And regretting it now was too late.

“Who could have known that girl was Maestro Melody? She never mentioned it before.” Olga was a bit

angry, “This just proves she’s very scheming! Grace loves her the most, but she even hid it from


Olga was certain that if Grace knew, she would definitely tell them.

Attlee sat on the couch in despair. Now with the five million in penalty, and the six million in copyright

infringement, adding up to over ten million! He didn’t have that much cash on hand!

“Attlee, can we try to talk to that girl again? She’s a kind–hearted girl.” Olga said.

Before Olga could finish, Attlee couldn’t help but reproach, “You know she’s kind–hearted? If you were

a little more tolerant in the first place, even if we had to part ways, we could have done so peacefully.

When we ran into each other outside, we could have greeted each other with a smile, instead of our

relationship being so tense now!”

Ever since Arabella left the Murphy family, nothing had gone right for them.


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