The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

While keeping the company running like a well–oiled machine, she still finds time to indulge in her

hobbies and participate in contests.

“Bella’s going to a design competition.” Kenneth was taken aback.

“I heard her mention it. I didn’t realize she could manage a company and do design too.” Louisa was

proud and happy for her daughter, but she was also worried about her. She was so young, yet carrying

such heavy responsibilities.

She needed to show Bella more support.

She should find time to ask Bella if she was happy with her current job. If not, she should let go and

enjoy life. That’s what mattered most.

Design competition?

Hans Collins suddenly remembered Julian’s words about being invited to be a judge in a design


But he was too busy and turned it down.

“By the way, have your brothers been in touch with you recently?” Louisa took a sip of her wine and

continued, “Have they mentioned when they’re coming back? It’s been several days, and no one has

called me!”

“No.” Hans Collins didn’t communicate much with his brothers. They occasionally sent messages,

especially the youngest one, who was a chatterbox. But he rarely replied, being too busy with work

most of the time.

He had been very busy abroad in the past two years, trying to expand the group and break into foreign

markets. Some places were unfriendly to foreigners, causing him lots of difficulties. Some other places

had powerful influences, making them hard to handle.

Thankfully, through his efforts, the group had grown more than twice its size since Kenneth handed it

over to him. Besides work, he rested.

His family knew his routines, so they didn’t find it strange if he didn’t respond to their messages.

“I heard our R&D department has made a new breakthrough, and many foreign powers are interested.

Be careful.”

Kenneth trusted his son’s abilities, but some powers were not just local but international competition,

just not openly contested.

“I don’t know how many obstacles they will put in your way or how many unethical things they will do.”

Kenneth was a bit worried. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.”

Hearing his son’s assurance, Kenneth felt a bit relieved. “I know you’re capable. You’ve been the most

worry–free since you were a kid, but don’t push yourself too hard. Remember to rest.”

“Since it’s not easy for our son to come back this time, let’s not talk about work anymore.” Louisa

served Hans Collins some food and said, “Here, eat more. This is your favorite.”

Villa Cascada.

Arabella stored the extracted Jade Leaf in liquid form at a low temperature of minus eighteen degrees


The surrounding scientists and experts were in disbelief, expressing their admiration.

“We’ve finally succeeded!”

“Ms. Bennett, you’re amazing! In such a short time, you managed to extract the Jade Leaf with such

high purity. I’m really impressed.”

“We’ve been trying for days without success. But with Ms. Bennett here, this tough problem is solved!

Ha–ha, now we can finally take a good rest.” “But there are other herbs. Only by combining them can

we maximize the level of acetylcholine in the brain.”

That was even more challenging than extracting Jade Leaf.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Arabella checked the time. It was already eight in the evening. She used computer simulations to

design and synthesize according to the internal structure of a dozen herbs, then started the actual

experiment to see what kind of effect it would produce.


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