The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Arabella was confused. Did he know she was just checking on her Grandma?

“Your Grandma indeed had a brain injury, and the chances of recovery are slim.” Arabella didn’t beat

around the bush and just told it like it was.

Romeo couldn’t believe that she could make a diagnosis just by feeling her Grandma’s wrist. Her

medical skills, no doubt, were way ahead of those many well–known doctors.

Arabella knew that to cure her Grandma’s condition, forty–mne different drugs were needed.

Finding these forty–nine drugs was like finding a needle in a haystack, especially one called

Cinnamomum tenuis, which was as rare as hen’s teeth.

This drug had once appeared in the triangular zone, but that place was as dangerous as a snake pit.

Even though Arabella had her own crew there, she wouldn’t set foot in that area lightly.

Not to mention, it was still up in the air whether the drug was there.

At night.

Arabella had people looking for many drugs with similar effects to Cinnamomum tenuis. She tried them

all at Villa Cascada, but no dice.

It looked like she was going to have to take a trip to the triangular zone herself tomorrow.

On the other side..

Phillip called Romeo, saying, “Romeo, your Grandma’s breathing rhythm was off today, and her blood

pressure has dropped a lot. I’m not sure if it’s getting better or


Romeo could hear his panic: “I’ll get Grandpa James to check on her.”

Grandpa James was a renowned doctor both at home and abroad, and he just happened to be in


“Don’t sweat it; I’ll be there soon.”

“Ok, come back ASAP.”


After wrapping up his work at the company, Romeo rushed back to Fairfield Manor. James Newton had

just finished checking on his Grandma.

He sighed and said helplessly, “This is a sign of a vegetative state patient nearing death. In other

words, your Grandma doesn’t have much time left.”

Upon hearing this, Phillip passed out like he was struck by lightning.

“Phillip, Phillip?” The butler turned as pale as a ghost and said, “Dr. Caden, please help Phillip.”

James gave him a quick glance and said, “He’s just a tad shocked. Let him rest in his room.”

“Grandpa James, is there any other way?” Romeo asked in a deep voice.

His Grandma was the rock of their family. If she passed away, Grandpa might not be able to hang on.

To their Grandpa, Grandma was of utmost importance!

He could say she was more important than his own life!

“There is a way, but it’s a long shot!” James said helplessly, “There’s a drug called Cinnamomum

tenuis. It’s so rare that many doctors have never even heard of it, let alone seen it. Finding it is like

looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Only a handful of people in this world knew what it looked like.

“Would this drug help with Grandma’s condition?” Romeo asked seriously.

“Absolutely, but it’s extremely hard to find. Your Grandma’s condition might not wait that long. James

took a sip of his tea, stood up, and said, “I’m out of my depth here. I should go.”

“See Grandpa James off,” Romeo ordered.

Immediately, someone handed over a blank check. James waved it away, saying, “I didn’t help with

anything. I can’t accept this check; it would sit wrong with me. I’ll tell you one thing, though. Go find Dr.

Bell; he might have a solution.”

Romeo answered honestly, “We’ve been searching for the past six months, but we haven’t found any

trace of Dr. Bell.”

James waved his hand helplessly and said, “Then there’s nothing I can do.”

Romeo gave a signal, and a servant immediately followed James, insisting that he accept the

“consultation fee“.

“You’ve given such valuable information. It’s already a huge help for the McMillan family!”


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