The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

“Bella’s gig isn’t like the others‘; they mainly rake in the dough from making and selling clothes. Doing

the dirty work for others is just extra gravy for them.”

Even if the profit per order was peanuts, it won’t throw a wrench in the workings of their company.

But the Murphy family’s business scene was a whole different ballgame.

“Let’s get a move on.” Olga jumped out of bed and said, “After breakfast, we’ll rope in Mom for help.”

Attlee, fresh from his morning routine, descended the stairs only to find no sign of Yolanda. He’s a bit on edge. “Where’s Yoli? Wasn’t she going to visit Grandma? Tell her to shake a leg and get breakfast.

We’re about to hit the road.”

It’s already late in the game!

With all the hullabaloo happening at home recently, how can she still be catching z’s?

The nearby nanny quickly stepped in: “Miss Yoli was up at six, been slaving away in the kitchen ever

since, didn’t even grab a bite. She said she wanted to fix breakfast for you folks and the old lady first.”

Hearing this, Attlee realized he got the wrong end of the stick about his daughter and hightailed it to the


Yolanda’s up to her elbows in work in the kitchen. Seeing a reflection of an approaching figure on the

wall, she feigned a stumble, one hand on the cabinet, putting on an act of being weak.

The nanny quickly lent a hand: “Yoli, are you okay? I reckon you’re overdoing it by working on an

empty stomach. Take a breather.”


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