The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

“Gran’s breathing difficulties are because a cerebral hemorrhage affected her breathing center. The

right treatment will help


get better.” “Where did you get that theory from? Our Western medicine doesn’t fully agree with the

theory of acupuncture.” The doctor said anxiously as he looked at the continuous alarm sound on the

ventilator, “The old lady’s condition is getting worse, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, I request to have this girl


“Sis, what are you doing? Saving someone doesn’t mean sticking a few needles in them! You’re not a

super doctor; step aside and let the professionals handle it. If anything happens to Grandma because

of you, Mom and Dad won’t forgive you.”

Serena didn’t expect Arabella to go as far as bringing a needle pack to attract attention. Was she trying

to show off in front of their parents?

Wasn’t she being a bit too impulsive?

If her treatment failed, she can kiss her stay with this family goodbye.

Kenneth and Louisa couldn’t believe their daughter knew about acupuncture. After all, it’s a traditional

foreign medical skill. But with the elderly’s condition so severe, could it really be improved just by


“Let her try!” Hans saw hope in Arabella’s confident eyes.

The doctor was stunned. “Mr. Collins, the old lady is about to pass out! We must rescue her

immediately! If we wait any longer, even a super doctor can’t do anything!”

The nurse next to him also chimed in, “Who is this girl? How old is she? Do you know her? How could

you let her practice medicine? Does she know medicine? Does she know what acupuncture is?”

The caregiver also pleaded, “Please stop; the old lady is almost gone! Let the doctor come, I beg you!”

The doctor could no longer stand the constant alarm from the ventilator: “Quick, someone pull her


“If you want her to die, come on!”

Arabella’s words stunned everyone!

No one could believe that a girl in her teens could have such a strong spirit!!

In less than two seconds, the alarm on the ventilator stopped. The doctor looked at the data in disbelief; it was back to normal!!

The head nurse and two other nurses were also stunned. It normalized? Just by acupuncture?

Seeing their surprised faces, Serena couldn’t believe Arabella really had a solution and asked

anxiously, “Doctor, how is it? Is she gone? What does the data mean? Tell everyone quickly!”

As long as something happened to Grandma, Arabella will never be able to stay in the Collins family


“The old lady is fine!” As soon as the doctor said this, Serena was stunned. How could it be possible?

Grandma was saved by Arabella’s few needles? Was it just good luck? She didn’t expect her luck to be

so good!

After the treatment, the doctor asked cautiously and respectfully, “Excuse me, who is your master?

How long have you been learning acupuncture?”

To be able to restore the old lady’s health through bloodletting and acupuncture was incredible!

“Haven’t you read The Golden Mirror of Medicine? The theories of bloodletting and acupuncture are

similar, both aim to regulate the body to achieve the effect of treating diseases.”

When Arabella saw his puzzled expression, she knew he hadn’t read it.

The doctor’s face turned from red to white under her questioning.

Seeing that he was young and probably just graduated from university, Arabella said leisurely, “You

should read more.”



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