The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

“You should take good care of him; all his hair has turned white.”

This wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t overwhelmed with grief.

Romeo, knowing the pain of losing a loved one, gently touched Arabella’s head and said, “You should

take good care of him now.”

“I’ll do my best.”

The day after the funeral, Arabella visited the place where her grandmother used to live.

The garden was neglected; most of the plants were withered, and the cobblestone path was covered

with fallen leaves and wilted flowers. It was as if everything had lost its vitality after her grandmother’s


Arabella had the whole villa cleaned up, then she went to her grandmother’s room. She twisted the wall

lamp, and the whole wardrobe moved aside, revealing a small hidden room.

This room contained all of her grandmother’s treasured belongings. Some were valuable items that

Arabella had given her; some were her own property and other stuff; and some were her lifetime


These were all gifts left for Arabella.

There was also a safe in the corner. Arabella entered the password, and after successful verification, she took out the contents.

It was a ring that her grandmother intended to give to Romeo, but now her grandmother was no longer

with them.

It took Arabella a long time to open her backpack and pack everything in. These were things her

grandmother had protected with her life; she definitely couldn’t leave them for Attlee and his gang.

In the hidden room, Arabella also found a big box. Inside were all the doodles she had drawn from

childhood until now and letters she had written to her grandmother.

The letters mentioned that when she grew up, she would take her grandmother around the world to

give her a better life.

Upon seeing these, Arabella felt a lump in her throat. She didn’t expect her grandmother to treasure

these naive promises, storing, them in the hidden room.

In her grandmother’s heart, her granddaughter must be more important than any treasure, right?

With this thought, Arabella remembered the kind old woman and their past life together.

Finally, she slung the backpack over her shoulder, picked up the box, and after restoring the wardrobe

to its original position, she went downstairs and handed the box to her servant.

“Take it to Villa Cascada, to my bedroom.”

“Did Grace leave you so many valuable things?” Arabella’s servant, wide–eyed and incredulous, took

the box and couldn’t help but lift the lid to peek inside. “What’s this? Drawings by kindergarten kids?”

There were many other things in the box, including handmade items she had given her grandmother

when she was a child and small gifts she had made herself. All were preserved intact in the box.

“Yes.” Arabella didn’t say much but looked nostalgically at everything in the villa and said, “Remember

to change the locks after you finish cleaning.”

She absolutely couldn’t let Yolanda have the chance to come in.

“Notify the property management about Yolanda.”

She absolutely couldn’t let her take advantage of the situation!

“Attlee, that fool, must have been here before. There are traces everywhere of him rummaging through

things.” Arabella’s servant also couldn’t understand; they never thought there could be such a person in

the world.

Arabella’s eyes grew cold. Attlee would never know that there was a secret room behind her

grandmother’s wardrobe.

That’s why they couldn’t find any valuables here before.

“Did your grandmother also leave this villa to you?”


But if she could, Arabella didn’t want any of her grandmother’s belongings; she just wished her

grandmother could be alive and living a good life.

After leaving the villa, Arabella got in the car and handed the ring to Romeo, saying, “This is a gift from

my grandmother to her future grandson–in–law.”

Romeo didn’t expect that her grandmother had prepared a gift for him before her death, and he felt a

bit sad.

“You should keep it.” Arabella leaned back in the seat and thought of the past again, feeling even more


This long summer vacation was coming to an end.

About a week before the start of school, Arabella suddenly received a phone call.

“Ms. Bella, please come quickly; Mr. Rollins is going to do something foolish! No matter how I persuade

him, he won’t listen to me!”

Romeo, who was by her side, asked softly after she finished the call, “What’s wrong?”

“I need to go to Switzerland.” Arabella got up to go, looking very anxious. “Grandpa Alberto is in


“I’ll go with you.”

Romeo provided a private jet, and they arrived at Alberto’s private estate as quickly as possible.

The butler rushed up and said, “Ms. Bella, Mr. Rollins is not doing well! This is?”

“Romeo, my fiancé.” Arabella was brief and clear and quickly moved forward, asking, “What happened

to Grandpa Alberto?”

The butler nodded to Romeo, then followed Arabella: “Since Mr. Rollins returned from the funeral, he

often doesn’t eat, sleep, or drink water. He just stares at Grace’s photo.”

Arabella entered the hall, and many servants immediately bowed to greet her. It was clear that she had

been here before; the servants knew her and respected her.

Arabella nodded in response, then quickly entered the elevator. “And then?”

The butler pressed the second floor, then continued, “Every time you call to check on him, Mr. Rollins

pretends he’s fine, but he’s really not. He didn’t let us tell you; he just keeps saying he doesn’t want to

live, that living is meaningless.”

Why would this happen?

Arabella called him every day, sometimes even video calling.

“I forgot to tell you.” The butler added, “Every time he video calls, he has someone do his makeup to

make him look more lively.”

Because of the phone screen and because Alberto always kept his distance from the camera, either

pretending to be gardening or showing Arabella the scenery of the estate, coupled with his deliberately

hearty laughter, Arabella really didn’t notice his abnormality.

It’s been a hot minute since Grandma’s funeral, and all Arabella knew was that, post–funeral, Alberto

had given Attlee a piece of his mind at the station.

Attlee wasn’t her grandma’s biological son, so she didn’t sweat it too much.

Looking back now, it seemed Grandpa Alberto both chewed out Attlee and put Olga through the

wringer, all while checking up on her daily over the phone, reminding her of things, almost like he was

dropping hints about his last words.

She knew Grandpa Alberto was going to shack up in Switzerland, but Arabella didn’t think twice about

it because he had properties all over the place, sometimes jetting off to Dawnstar, sometimes to Italy.

But Arabella totally didn’t see it coming that there was a law in Switzerland, which was exactly why

Grandpa Alberto came here!

The butler added, “Mr. Rollins stopped eating, stopped drinking, and then applied for euthanasia.”

In most countries, euthanasia is a no–go!

But in Switzerland, applying for euthanasia is legit, but the person had to do it themselves. If someone

else lent a hand, that’s straight–up murder.


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