The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

Chapter 579

She had helped Grandpa Phillip before, and now she was taking care of Grandma Shirley. She heard

that Grandma Shirley was getting better.

Both were taking the medication she prescribed.

Even though she didn’t really think Arabella was that much of a hotshot doctor, after all, she failed to

treat Grace Murphy.

But they still needed to be on their toes.

What if she was actually a better doctor than Noreen?

Noreen got Serena's drift, "Don’t sweat it, Serena. When it comes to medicine, I can confidently say I’m

miles ahead of her! I've been immersed in medicine since I was a kid. Arabella surpassing me? That is

possible only in her dreams!”

"You must totally outshine her professionally, show her who's boss and give her a good lesson!"

"Rest assured, Serena, I will!"

Serena hung up the phone, and a smirk of satisfaction flashed in her eyes.

Even if she was not at Westerly College, she could still make Arabella’s life miserable!

For the next two days, ever since he realized that Arabella was no pushover, Jerome wouldn’t let her

join any extracurricular activities. Today's training was a three-kilometer run. He whistled and beckoned


"Grab the stopwatch and stand under the tree, time them."

Arabella was confused. What was going on? Wasn’t she allowed to participate in the activity, she was

just supposed to watch them?

Was this not isolating her or what?

The classmates all noticed that. These two days, Jerome was extra protective of Arabella, not letting

her join any activities. Was it because she was pretty? Was he into her?

Thinking like this, they all chuckled knowingly.

"Everyone ready, on my command, start running."

Jerome blew the whistle, completely disregarding their assumptions.

Everyone started to run.

"Arabella, just find a shady spot and time them."

Jerome turned his head and suddenly found that Arabella was gone. Looking closely, he found out that

she had already joined the group and was running behind her classmates!

Wasn't she supposed to time them? Why did she just join the group with the stopwatch.

If something happened, how was he going to explain it to Lieutenant Colonel Capra? And how would

Lieutenant Colonel Capra explain it to his superiors?

This clueless girl was nothing but trouble!

Seeing Arabella completing a lap and passing by him, Jerome quickly stepped forward, "Arabella,

come here for a second."

Arabella ignored him and continued running.

It felt great to move her body like this. She was bored out of her mind from not participating in the past

two days of training.

Worried that she might faint, when she completed the second lap, Jerome blew the whistle again,

"Arabella, come over here."

"Time's not up."

Arabella continued running, as swift as the wind.

Jerome suddenly regretted letting her run three kilometers. If she continued like this, she might be in


By the time Arabella completed the third lap, Jerome immediately blocked her way, saying sternly,

"Didn't you hear me when I told you to time them from under the tree?"

A few classmates nearby were surprised. Jerome looked like a boyfriend worried about his girlfriend

getting tired from running.

It looked so warm.

"Are you criticizing me?"

Arabella narrowed her eyes, and Jerome suddenly felt a little intimidated by her words, "I mean, you

can just time them from under the tree."

That girl's aura was too strong and that involuntarily reminded him of his superior.

"I'll participate in all the following activities. Whatever happens, I won't complain to Lieutenant Colonel

Capra, so you can relax."

After saying that, Arabella turned around to catch up with the group, without giving Jerome any chance

to refuse her proposal.

Watching the determined back of the young girl, Jerome suddenly realized that her personality and the

way she handled things were very similar to one of his superiors.

Thinking of his young but stern-faced superior, Jerome couldn't help but shiver.

So scary!


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