The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

In the evening, a swanky yet low-key car pulled up at the school gate.

Two tall and handsome dudes stood by the car, their striking appearance and height drawing quite a bit

of attention.

"OMG, look over there! Those two dudes are seriously hot!"

"Are they waiting for someone?"

"I wonder if they have girlfriends. Let's go ask for their numbers!"

Some of the girls tried to approach them, but they were politely blocked by the driver.

Both men were looking towards the school, seemingly waiting for someone, and they chatted


Their good looks and charisma made it hard to look away.

Finally, a girl walked out of the school gates and headed their way.

The guys' eyes lit up instantly. One of them went up and ruffled the girl's hair, while the other held the

car door for her.

Their actions were incredibly gentle, clearly indicating that this girl was significant to them.

Many eyes followed the girl as she bent down to get into the car. From her silhouette, they could tell

she had a great figure; she was tall, but her face was not visible.

Inside the car, Arabella sat between the two men.

"You must be tired from your after-school activities. Here, have some water." Chasel unscrewed a

bottle of KonaNigari mineral water and handed it to Arabella.

Romeo then took out some snacks and said, "I bought these on the way here. Let me know if they

taste good."

"You should wipe your hands first." Chasel tore open a packet of wet wipes.

After Arabella cleaned her hands, Romeo took her hand and wiped it dry, then put a disposable glove

on her hand.

Seeing the detailed care of the two men, a small smile formed on Arabella's lips.

"You guys should have some too." Arabella offered them the snacks.

Chasel was so touched he was lost for words. It was the first time she had offered him food!

She hadn't forgotten him just because there were other guys around! In fact, the first piece of snack

was for him!

Chasel was incredibly moved. He looked at Romeo, expecting him to be jealous, but instead, Romeo

took a bite from the snack in Arabella's hand.

Chasel thought: I'll tolerate it for my sister!

After a while, Romeo received a phone call: "Could you repeat that?"

"Mr. McMillan, even if you kill me, you have to come over. The incident happened suddenly, you're the

only one who can handle it now!"

Since she was sitting close, Arabella naturally heard Carl's voice on the phone.

Romeo was initially about to blow his top, but upon catching Arabella's gaze, he swallowed his anger.

"Great timing."

After hanging up, Romeo instructed the driver to make a pit stop at McMillan Corporation, then told

Arabella, "You and Chasel go home and have dinner first; don't wait for me. I'll come over as soon as

I've handled everything."

"Alright, be nice."

"Don't worry."

Since Arabella asked him to, he reluctantly agreed not to lose his temper at anyone.

Finally, only the driver, Chasel, and Arabella were left in the car.

Chasel was delighted to have his sister's company all to himself. David had warned him before that

Romeo would constantly monopolize his sister's time, and having alone time with her was harder than

climbing to the sky.

But it seemed like David had been worrying too much.

Chasel was filled with joy. Looking at the obedient girl beside him, his heart was brimming with warmth.


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