The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Carl, who was driving, couldn’t help but ask as he glanced at the rearview mirror, “Mr. Romeo, do we

drop Arabella off at school first, or?”

Romeo, “Home first.”

Arabella, “School first”

They both spoke at the same time, then looked at each other,

“We’re not sure about the identities and motives of those people yet. If you go to school, you might

endanger the other students, said Romeo seriously. “Stay with me. I’ll keep you safe.”

Arabella, Huh? Who was protecting whom just now?

“Have our people found any information?” Romeo glanced at Carl, who was in the driver’s seat.

Carl, “Nothing yet, but since they’re already in our hands, even if they’re mutes, they’ll have to spill the


I’ve already found something.” Arabella’s slender fingers quickly worked on a bounty website, and she

soon found the IP address of the person who posted the bounty. “The bounty was posted at 11 p.m.

last night on Deer Mountain, with a reward of five million.”

She didn’t expect her virtual identity to be worth this much.

Carl’s eyes widened, and he glanced at the rearview mirror in disbelief.

Ms. Bella figured it out this fast??

How long had it been?

Less than a minute, right?

Romeo looked at Arabella, surprised by her growing skills

“Deer Mountain is on the outskirts of Summerfield. It’s steep and vertically 90 degrees, so there’s no

place for people to set foot on. That’s why nobody goes there. There’s no surveillance. There are three

roads nearby where cars pass by. A total of eleven cars passed by Deer Mountain after 11 p.m. I tracked the routes of these eleven cars and found that they all seemed normal and did not try to avoid


Arabella pointed at the screen, zooming in on the surveillance footage. “But look here, out of these

eleven cars, a Mercedes appeared after a truck and a Toyota from another direction passed under a


In other words, a Mercedes suddenly appeared after the truck and the Toyota passed under the


Where did this Mercedes come from?

“So, you suspect that the Mercedes came from the truck? There’s something fishy about the truck and

this Mercedes?” Romeo asked Arabella.

“Exactly.” Arabella checked the truck’s subsequent route and found out that it drove into a car

scrapyard and then suddenly exploded.

She also checked where the Mercedes went next and found out that it disappeared starting from the


Where did the people in the car go??

Arabella continued her search, and Romeo couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her serious profile.

She was so beautiful.

“The truck driver is dead. He left a suicide note saying he was in debt and didn’t want to live anymore,

so he set himself on fire. There was no one else in the truck,” Arabella shared what she found, “The

driver of the Mercedes was drunk. He crashed into a barrier and fell into a lake. By the time he was

pulled out the next day, the car was beyond repair, and he was unfortunately dead. But.”

“But what?” Romeo asked.

“The way the Mercedes was driven didn’t seem like it was driven by a drunk person.” Arabella fell into

thought. After a while, she suddenly realized she was missing something and immediately started

searching on her phone.

“Did you find a new lead?”

“Yeah, we overlooked the Toyota. If I’m not mistaken, both the truck and the Mercedes were a

smokescreen created by the real culprit to confuse us and lead us away from the real issue. The focus

should be on the Toyota. If I’m not wrong, the person who posted the bounty is in that Toyota!”


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