The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Molly was slowing down, small beads of sweat forming on her forehead. As she was about to wrap

things up, she suddenly blacked out and collapsed

on stage.

The audience was stunned, some standing up, staring in disbelief at Molly lying motionless on stage.

“She wasn’t feeling well just now.” one of the models on stage yelled.

Several staff members rushed to her, but Arabella beat them to it.

Arabella was the first one to reach Molly, quickly checking her pulse. Within a second, her expression

turned grave.

“Get her to a hospital,” she commanded.

In her rush to leave the house/Arabella didn’t bring any medical tools. She couldn’t treat Molly right

away, but she quickly performed some first aid to let the medication gradually take effect.

Two staff members immediately carried Molly off the stage. There were murmurs about what

happened, whether Molly had any underlying conditions that caused her to faint.

Arabella stood up, scanning the audience. Her voice, amplified by the microphone on her collar,

reached everyone’s ears.

“Lock down the venue. Someone’s been poisoned.”

The chilling announcement shocked the crowd.

This was an international competition. Who would dare to poison someone openly?

Molly was a contestant. The person who wanted to hurt her, could it be another contestant?

Could it really be another contestant trying to sabotage Molly?

All eyes turned to the stage, onto Isabella, who was the prime suspect. She immediately retorted,

“What are you all looking at me for? didn’t do it, I would never.”

There were doubts about how Arabella could quickly conclude that Molly was poisoned. What if she

just ate something bad or was simply unwell?

“Call the police.” Arabella turned to the host.

The host was flabbergasted.

Call the police??

Wouldn’t that tarnish the reputation of the entire industry and jeopardize future competitions?

Arabella retorted, “If we don’t call the police, will we investigate ourselves? Even if we find the culprit,

who’s going to believe us? Allowing a criminal to remain in this industry would be the real smear on our


The host looked at the organizer, who nodded. Only then did he dare to take out his phone to call the


“Everyone, on and off the stage, stay put. Do not leave.”

When Arabella finished speaking, someone raised their hand, wanting to go to the washroom. Arabella

curtly responded, “Hold it in.”

The venue fell silent.

Arabella’s presence was intimidating. Her cold demeanor gave off a vibe that upsetting her would lead

to dire consequences, so everyone quieted down. Hans, one of the judges, realized the gravity of the

situation. He knew what Arabella was worried about. She wanted to stay and investigate but was

concerned about leaving Molly alone at the hospital. So, he signaled to Arabella that he would check

on Molly.

Arabella nodded, and soon, the Dawnstar police arrived.

People pointed towards Arabella, who called the police. When the police approached her, asking why

she was so sure Molly was poisoned, she replied, “Because she was poisoned with HN2C, a colorless, odorless poison recently surfaced on the market.”


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