The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Eventually, Clark gave in, promising to accompany her for a shopping spree in the evening.

Clark descended the stairs after changing his clothes, and Serena happily hooked her arm through his,

"Clark, I knew you're always the best to me!"

"You're my sister. If I don't treat you well, who will 1?" Clark teased, scratching her nose playfully. His

cell phone buzzed as he arrived at the garage and opened the car door. Seeing Arabella's name on the

caller ID, he picked up immediately.

"Bella, where have you been?" As soon as he answered the call,

Clark complained, "It's already 8 p.m., do you know how worried

I've been? You didn't answer my calls, replied to my numerous messages with just a word or two, and

took forever to respond.

Are you trying to drive me crazy? Where have you been all day?"

Upon hearing this, Serena realized that Clark had been glued to his phone all day, waiting for Arabella

to reply.

A sour feeling crept into her heart, and a tinge of resentment and jealousy welled up within her, but she

kept her emotions under wraps.

"Clark, I've caught a few people who might be related to Carol's disappearance." Arabella, always a

woman of few words, spoke while driving, "They're with me now, but I'd rather keep my location a

secret, so don't spread the word. I'm coming to pick you up at the

Reflections Villa. Can you meet me there?"

"Sure, how long will you be?" Hearing that this was related to

Carol's disappearance, Clark felt his heart tighten.

Was his sister out catching culprits today?

What sort of people could be related to Carol's disappearance?

Didn't Carol leave because she fell in love with someone else? How did it turn into a "disappearance;’

in Arabella's words?

Too many questions popped up, giving him a bad premonition.

"I'll be there in about three minutes."

"Okay, I'll wait for you by the main gate." Clark closed the car door and turned to Serena, "Serena,

something came up. I'll accompany you to the mall some other time."

"Clark..." Serena rushed after him as he hurried away, "Clark, what happened?"

"I have to go out with Bella. Stay here like a good girl, or calla friend to accompany you. Buy whatever

you like, and I'll pay you back later. Be good." Clark patted her on the head and quickly left.

"Clark." Serena was extremely upset. Why could Arabella summon Clark away with a single call?

Arabella must have done it on purpose!

She chose to call precisely when Clark was about to accompany her shopping!

Clark was too much. He had promised to accompany her shopping, but he stood her up to go out with


In the distance, Serena saw Arabella's car parked outside the villa.

Clark quickly got in, and the car soon disappeared.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Upon returning to the living room of the main

building, she saw Edith arranging a bouquet of flowers.

The several servants around were complimenting her on her arrangement.

Looking at the flowers in front of her, Edith smiled, "I hope these flowers can bring Ms. Bella some joy.

I'll put them in her room: Martha rolled her eyes and turned to see Serena storming back.

She couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Hadn't Serena gone shopping with Clark?

Why did she return alone?

Edith's smile and the flowers in her hand fully pricked Serena's heart. She blocked Edith's way, "Was it

you? Did you tell Bella that Clark was going shopping with me?"


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