The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Before Clark could respond, Serena sent him another message.

[Hey, we could also head to Vegas for a couple of rounds, maybe a Chinatown visit, and the 360°

observation deck in Chicago as well.]

[Serena, I'm occupied this weekend. Let's plan for next time,] Clark replied, his fingers tapping out the

words on his phone.

His mind wasn't on leisure activities right now. There was only one thing he was concerned about,

finding Carol. All the food, drinks, and entertainment held no appeal to him at the moment.

[Sure, we'll plan it for next time then,] Serena sent back, along with a grinning emoji. [Didn't you say we

have plenty of time together in the future? No need to rush.]

[Okay,] Clark responded, not in the mood to add anything else.

On the other side, Serena felt a chill in her heart. She noticed that Clark's responses were becoming

shorter and shorter.

At Villa Cascada, Jack thought that his boss was becoming stubborn and less receptive to suggestions.

Well, if he couldn't handle him, what about Romeo?

Considering the power dynamics, only Romeo's influence could stand up to their boss. So, swallowing

his pride, he called Romeo via WhatsApp, informing him about the boss’ plan to visit Lidaria.

Arabella was driving when her phone buzzed.

She pressed the answer button on the steering wheel, and Romeo's voice filled the car.

"Bella, are you going to Lidaria?"

Arabella thought: Jack again? Fine, she would dock his annual bonus later, no negotiation.

Meanwhile, the oblivious Jack was feeling quite pleased with himself. Finally, there was someone who

could handle the boss!

"I have some business there;' Arabella explained. "I was planning to call you once I reached

Reflections Villa."

She hadn't expected Jack to reveal her plans. Now Romeo might think she was keeping something

from him.

"What have you been up to recently?" Romeo asked, sounding worried.

It was Clark, sitting in the passenger seat, who answered him.

"Romeo, it's me."

"Clark." Romeo sounded surprised. "You're with Bella?"

What were these two up to lately?

"Yeah, my girlfriend disappeared a year ago, and Bella has been helping me find her. We are going to

Lidaria because we have some leads. Don't worry, Bella is safe with me."

Romeo wanted to ask how Clark planned to protect her. If those power groups decided to take action,

even with their combined skills, they might not be able to handle it. And Clark's skills were average at


"I'm coming too." Romeo decided, not feeling assured.

Clark looked at Arabella as if asking for her opinion.

"I saw on Carl's Facebook that he's visiting Dawnstar in the next few days. If I'm not mistaken, you two

are together, right?" Arabella asked casually.

"He can handle it on his own,’ Romeo declared. "I don't have much to do recently."

"We'll be back in a couple of days. You can focus on your work."

"Bella." Romeo wanted to talk about the power groups, but with Clark present, he couldn't. They both

knew this wasn't a joking matter.

"Your safety is more important than work; he said finally.


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