The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 888

Chapter 888

Chapter 888

Chapter 888

If their daughter was poisoned, how could she possibly appear so calm and carefree?

The process of using poison to counteract poison, the girl had said, was extremely painful.

After swallowing the deadly powder, how could her daughter still smile at her so beautifully and gently.

Arabella's eyes deepened, "Last summer, when Carol was still seeing my brother."

"Arabella also mentioned that a group of people are looking for Carol; Taylor brought it up again to her


Logan was somewhat skeptical, looking at the girl in front of him, "How do you know all of this?"

Arabella did not hide anything from them; she told them everything she had heard from the neighbors,

and how she climbed over the wall into their house.

Logan and Taylor were initially a bit angry, because that girl had barged into their house uninvited.

But when they heard that their house was filled with cameras and listening devices, and that the group

of people came knocking on their door as soon as the girl removed the devices.

They were shocked, but at the same time, they were relieved.

Thank God Carol didn't go back, otherwise she would have fallen into the hands of those villains.

"Arabella, you were not hurt, were you?” Taylor asked again.

If Arabella was hurt because of that, the couple would feel terribly guilty.

"No, Arabella said truthfully, "But those people said Carol was a traitor, so I guess she might have

wanted to stay with my brother and didn't want to bring danger to you. Maybe she wanted to leave the

organization completely, so she was forced to swallow the poison. The poisoning process was very

painful, so she had to maybe use another strong poison to counteract it. Maybe to save her life!"

Hearing his sister's analysis, Clark suddenly remembered, "Last summer, I gradually lost contact with

Carol. When I asked her, she always said that she was busy. I didn't take it to heart. Sometimes when

we finally got a chance to eat out, she would go to the restroom for a long time, and she would look a

little pale when she came out of there."

"What did she say then?” Arabella curiously asked.

"She said she had a stomach bug, or she told me that she was on her period. In any case, her reasons

were different each time.

Sometimes when we went shopping, she would suddenly say that she didn't feel well and didn't want to

continue anymore."

Thinking back on those things, Clark asked in disbelief, "Could it be that at that time, the poison was

already affecting her, and she couldn't hold on-"

Hearing that, Arabella nodded, "It's entirely possible. Alternatively, she might have had a bottle of

Vitamin C with her. When the poison started to take effect, she would hide in the restroom and take it,

trying to use poison to counteract the poison. But the process is very painful, so she couldn't hold on

and told you she wanted to go home and rest."

Clark clenched his fists. Thinking of those two possibilities, he wished he could punch his past self!

How could he have been so stupid not to realize that Carol was hiding something from him!

When Taylor and Logan heard that, they kept shaking their heads.

"No, no way. Carol has never hung out with any shady people since she was a child, let alone join any


Logan believed that his daughter was not stupid. If an organization was dangerous, why would his

daughter even take the risk of joining it?

"I know Carol. Even if the organization offered her a lot of benefits, she would reject that offer’ Mr.

Earwood pounded his chest in assurance.

Arabella asked calmly, "Since she was a child? Didn't Carol grow up in an orphanage?"

Hearing that, Logan and Taylor were taken aback. Yes, they had adopted Carol from an orphanage.


Carol was just a few years old at that time!

"Your assumption is invalid,’ Logan waved his hand, denying it repeatedly, "When we brought Carol

home, she was so young, just a little timid at first"


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