The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 902

Chapter 902

Chapter 902

Chapter 902

Moreover, the medicine that the elderly lady ingested included the three types she mentioned.

How on earth did the girl know about them? And how did she pinpoint them?

It was mind-boggling!

The driver was also wide-eyed, although he didn't usually assist the elderly lady with her medication.

But hearing the girl talk so authoritatively, he couldn't help but feel impressed.

She knew even this.

“Uhm, are you perhaps a medical professional? If these three drugs are not used, what other

alternatives are there?" The short-haired woman latched onto her, bombarding her with questions,

"Could you possibly leave us your contact information? If you can help our lady with her illness, our

master will surely reward you handsomely."

"The lady's health can't be restored in a day or two."

When Arabella had taken the old lady's pulse earlier, she had discovered many issues. If they were to

treat her, they would need to constantly adjust her prescription and even monitor the old lady's reaction

to the medication, which could be time-consuming.

"Miss, it's time to get in the car."

At this point, Jerry saw that Arabella had been delayed for too long and couldn't help but remind her.

With the constant flow of cars, if someone with ill intentions were to spot her, Ms. Bella would be trailed

by unshakable trouble.

"Could you leave us your contact information?" The short-haired woman was somewhat reluctant to

part with the beautiful young girl who appeared to be in her teens and yet had such a deep

understanding of medicine.

But Arabella thought that if a villain spotted this scene, and they couldn't find her, they would surely

trace their way to the old lady's family. She didn't want to implicate the innocent.

To avoid causing them trouble, Arabella gently declined, "Anyone with a basic understanding of

medicine could solve this problem."

She wasn't lying.

Although the old lady's condition required time and energy, it wasn't difficult to manage. It could even

be said that it was much easier than treating Grandma Shirley's illness.

The short-haired woman watched her get in the car, seeing their vehicle disappear into the distance,

only then realizing she hadn't thanked the girl.

"That girl's got a stunning look and aura." The driver, watching the direction Arabella had left in, couldn't

help but praise, "Young, beautiful, and proficient in medicine, that's a first for me."

"Stop staring, and she's got a chauffeur. She must be a young lady from a well-off family.” The short-

haired woman added, "Such a pity, I forgot to thank her. Let's get the lady to the hospital first."

They'd noticed the girl's license plate was local. If their master wanted to find her, it should be a piece

of cake.

Inside the car.

As Jerry drove, he glanced at the girl in the rearview mirror, "Ms. Bella."

"There's no need to report this, and it's a trivial matter." Arabella seemed to know what he was going to

say and immediately provided an answer.

Jerry was taken aback, not expecting Ms. Bella to have prophetic abilities.

“I'll handle it"

Jerry secretly heaved a sigh of relief. With Ms. Bella's words, he could breathe easier.

The car soon arrived in front of a mansion on the outskirts.

The mansion seemed to carry a sense of age, exuding a faint historical and nostalgic ambiance.

Surrounding it were similarly old mansions. At a glance, there seemed to be twenty or thirty standing

proudly in this area.


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