The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Had Bella hit her head, causing her a headache?

No matter where she was hurt, he would not let those people off the hook!

Seven or eight doctors took turns examining Arabella again and again but found nothing abnormal.

“Boss is fine, no head injury."

"We've checked many times."

"Check again!" Romeo didn't expect that the first word Bella uttered when she woke up was "head’.

Her head must be hurting.

The doctors didn't dare to slack off and examined Bella carefully several more times, still finding

nothing abnormal.

Suddenly, someone suggested, "Could the boss mean that Mrs. Clark was hit in the head? If she woke

up and the first thing she was concerned about was Mrs. Clark, it would make sense."

Everyone thought this was reasonable, so they hurriedly called the doctors to examine Carol.

But after a thorough examination, they still couldn't find any abnormalities in Carol's head.

Both of them had no head injuries.

It was normal.

“Could the boss mean that someone at the top hurt her? But she passed out before she could finish her


“That's possible, but who at the top? Which organization, and what's the name?"

"It's probably someone from Mount Doom.” Clark, who was standing by, chipped in.

"Mount Doom?"

That was just a small group!

In this area, it couldn't even make a ripple; no one took this group seriously, and no one looked for

trouble with them because they were simply too insignificant.

“They usually keep a low profile, and no one knows that their numbers are large, and their influence

almost spans the globe: Clark's words left everyone in disbelief.

"Clark, you're not joking, are you?"

"Are you sure you're talking about Mount Doom?"

“A crappy little group like that could hurt the boss so bad?"

"Does that organization even have a hundred members?"

“Our boss could take on a hundred men with her skills."

Clark had seen the data in the package, so he knew that Carol was a member of this organization, and

this organization was also after her.

Today, Bella and Carol's injuries must have something to do with this organization.

At this moment, Romeo's phone vibrated.

“Boss, we've found out that people from Mount Doom went to the foot of Misty Mountain in the

southwest in the middle of the night. About three hours later, Ms. Bella came out of there, carrying

someone on her back. It was a bloody battle back."

“Just the two of them?"

Against those quys??

"To be precise, it was just Ms. Bella.” Carl said, a hint of heartache in his voice, "It is said that the

person on her back was unconscious at the time. It was Ms. Bella who fought her way back alone."

Romeo's eyes darkened a few shades, "Is the information reliable?"

"Members of other gangs saw it with their own eyes.” Carl added, "Boss, the guys from Mount Doom

are scarier than we thought. Their influence spans the globe, and they have ties to many political

circles. Essentially, they're the hidden hands of those big shots. If we take a swing at them, we'll hurt

their left and right arms and our future."

"Call all our men."


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