The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

In that household, only Martha was truly devoted to her, treating her with the utmost kindness.

"I do have a suggestion" Martha proposed while rubbing her back. "Before Mrs. Collins exposes you as

a false heiress, you're still considered the genuine Miss Collins in everyone's eyes. Before the

announcement, why not secure a good marriage for yourself? Use the Collins name as a stepping

stone to leap into another wealthy family. You could take a considerable wedding gift with you. Wasn't

that better than enduring the hostilities here?"

“But.” Serena hesitated. She was only a freshman in college and didn't want to rush into marriage.

Most importantly, she still held a sliver of hope for this family.

She fantasized that they would treat her kindly, that they would change their minds and treat her as in

the past.

“I've done some research,’ Martha continued. "On the global billionaire list, Romeo sits at the top. The

second to the eleventh are much older. The thirteenth is a playboy. The fourteenth, fifteenth, and

sixteenth are all women.

The eighteenth and nineteenth don't fit. All in all, I think the best match for you is the thirty-sixth on the

list—the Cooper family we were discussing."

A while back, when Louisa discovered Serena was still harboring hopes for Romeo, Martha quickly

covered for her, lying that Serena already had a boyfriend.

Martin Cooper had been pursuing Serena since middle school for a full six years. After the college

entrance exams, Martha lied that Serena was touched by Martin's sincerity and was giving him a

chance to court her.

She assured everyone that Serena had no inappropriate thoughts about Romeo.

Since then, Serena had been forced to occasionally go out for dinner or a movie with Martin just to

keep up appearances for her family.

Martin, thinking he finally had a chance, would often buy expensive gifts and drive to the Collins’

residence just to catch a glimpse of Serena.

He was infatuated with Serena, almost worshiping her.

But Serena didn't share his feelings.

“Their department store chain has over six thousand branches worldwide, employing over two million


Martin, leveraging his family resources, launched a logistics company. After a successful round of

funding, he now owns fifty cargo planes and exclusive air routes. His air cargo business has expanded

nationwide, outperforming other logistics companies!” Martha explained.

If things continued in this way, the Cooper family could potentially surpass the Collins family, ranking in

the top fifteen globally.

"The key is his business acumen at such a young age. His future prospects are promising."

At such a tender age, he was already making strategic decisions in business. How many people in the

world possess such capabilities?

Seeing Serena still hesitating, Martha couldn't help but add, "He could very well be the next Romeo!

Serena, his family is well-off, and he's quite handsome. Plus, he's absolutely and obsessed with you.

You must seize this opportunity. Countless women marry into wealthy families only to find their status

lower than the family pet.

But with Martin by your side, your future is bound to be bright! Instead of chasing after Romeo, who's

clearly uninterested, why not choose someone who loved you? I want you to be happy."

Serena was somewhat disappointed. Her former fiancé, Romeo, was a top-tier figure, the envy of

many. How many people admired her, looked up to her.


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