The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

"I'm so pleased that you two were able to reconnect as siblings. In this lifetime, if you can find your

biological parents, then you'll have two sets of parents who love you. If not, we will treat you as if you

were our own flesh and blood: Surprisingly, Taylor wasn't worried about Dennis whisking her daughter


Instead, she felt joy in gaining another "son".

"Our family just got a little larger,’ Logan chuckled warmly.

For Dennis, this was the first time he felt the warmth and beauty of a family.

Gratefully, he looked at the kind-hearted couple before him. They didn't shoo him away out of fear that

he might take Carol, instead, they accepted his presence with open hearts.

"Thank you for taking care of Carol all these years,’ Dennis thanked them, standing up to bow in


“What is there to thank us for? We've always treated Carol as our own,’ Taylor quickly motioned for him

to sit down.

They engaged in a lengthy conversation, eventually discussing Clark's recent endeavors for Carol's


Carol was moved to hear about Clark's relentless pursuit of her, going to her house, following her to

Lidaria, and even giving up a life-saving opportunity for her adoptive parents, facing a group of men all

by himself.

Touched by his actions, she was even more convinced that he was the one.

"We support your relationship, and we are looking forward to celebrating your union, Taylor tenderly

said, holding both Clark and Carol's hands. "You two will be very happy."

Both of them were deeply in love with each other, putting one another before their own lives.

Dennis, who was observing from the side, had nothing to say since their adoptive parents had given

their consent.

However, he would keep a close eye on Clark and Crystal. He wouldn't let his sister suffer the slightest

bit of injustice.

“As for Clark's parents, we'll leave it to him to explain everything when he's ready, and then we can

have Carol visit them,’ Taylor wasn't in the least bit hurried about this matter. "If we need to make a

visit, just let us know. We'll make sure to bring the appropriate gifts."

“You're too kind, Auntie. Carol herself is the best gift. If my parents were to see such a beautiful and

sensible daughter-in-law, they would surely love her"

Taylor couldn't help but chuckle at his words.

Logan then asked about the incident where a group of men barged into their house on Stardust Lane

and tied them up.

Carol shared her experiences growing up in the orphanage, her subsequent role as a successor, and

the time when she wanted to leave the organization but was forced to take a deadly poison.

Her adoptive parents were in shock, unable to utter a word for a while.

“Don't worry, the poison in my body has been neutralized by Clark's sister."

Carol lied about this matter.

However, Taylor was still worried and asked anxiously, "Are you feeling alright now? Do you have any

side effects?"

"I'm perfectly fine,’ Carol replied, wincing as her mother squeezed her wounded hand, but she kept her

composure, a soft gaze in her eyes.

Clark thought to himself, if Carol could bear this kind of pain with such grace, how painful must the

poison inside her body be that it could make her cry?

“We need to find a way to bring those criminals to justice!" Logan was furious upon hearing about his

daughter's hardships.

"Bella has already come up with a plan, and we're implementing it. It's been effective these past few

days,’ Carol assured them. She also apologized, "I'm sorry that I couldn't save you when those men

tied you up and sent me pictures on WhatsApp."

"I'm sorry, too. She was suffering from the poison at that time, and I was also severely injured. We truly

regret that you had to suffer’ Dennis added, feeling extremely guilty.

Under those circumstances, if he had even a bit of strength left, he wouldn't have stood by and

watched the elderly couple suffer.


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