The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 83 part1

Chapter 83 part1

Chapter 83 Aristocrat Part 1

[1] Seven inches from the head of the snake refers to the position of the snake’s heart

[2] Shuanglong - twin dragon

Sure enough, Li Min De appeared in her line ofsight.

“Gongzhu is of royal birth, Min De do not dareto chase Gongzhu away. Gongzhu, please return to the palace as soon aspossible.” Li Min De said emotionlessly.

“Li Min De! You have quite the nerve. Iconsidered you a friend, so I came to find you to accompany me out to play, butyou are avoiding me like the plague! Isn’t that making a joke out of me?! Youdon’t know how many sons of aristocrats begged and kneeled for me to spare thema glance, but I could care less. As for you, is accompanying me to the gardensuch a grievance to you? Why are you making excuses, if you continue like this,do not blame me for being rude!” Jiu Gongzhu said as she stamped her feet inanger, her face flushed.

Li Min De looked at her indifferently: “DoesGongzhu have Bixia’s imperial edict?”

Jiu Gongzhu was surprised for a moment: “Whatimperial edict?”

Li Min De’s lips raised coldly: “The imperialedict that says Min De has to accompany Gongzhu, if there isn’t one, pleaseforgive Min De for being impolite.”

Jiu Gongzhu was taken aback and at a loss forword. Everyone else was stunned, who would dare to talk to Gongzhu like this,this youth is rather audacious!

Da Furen rushed outside after seeing thecommotion in the courtyard and quickly greeted Gongzhu: “I did not know Gongzhuhad arrived, please forgive this discourtesy.”

Jiu Gongzhu impatiently waved her hand: “Justtell Li Min De to come here and accompany me, I’m leaving right away!”

Da Furen looked over at Li Min De, smiling asshe said: “This... Hope Gongzhu will not take to heart, I cannot decide this.”

Jiu Gongzhu grew furious: “Then find someonewho can and bring them here!”

Da Furen smiled in Li Wei Yang’s direction:“Gongzhu, you see,if Xianzhu were togive the word, San shaoye will certainly go with you.”

Jiu Gongzhu looked over aLi Wei Yangresponded: “Gongzhu, this is Min De’s decision. Since Gongzhu does not have anImperial edict, he does not have to go. Gongzhu should still return soon.”

Jiu Gongzhu felt that Li Wei Yang’s cheerfulsmile was a bit unnatural and began to feel that the entire household wasplaying with her. She did not understand any of it. In her mind, if she likedsomeone, then they must obediently follow and do as she wished! Last time, shecalled Li Wei Yang jiejie, but now Li Wei Yang was in her way. She could nothelp but be angry and decided to teach this ridiculous jiejie a lesson for onceand for all!

“Xianzhu, I met Qi ge earlier. Qi ge had mebring a gift to Xianzhu.” Gongzhu’s eyes gleamed, defiance flashing acrossthem.

Li Wei Yang looked over and knew what she wasthinking but pretended to curiously ask: “Oh, I wonder what Qi Dianxia isgiving me?”

Jiu Gongzhu giggled and waved Li Wei Yangover. Li Wei Yang just stood there. Jiu Gongzhu had to walk over and presentthe golden gourd hidden in her sleeve to Li Wei Yang: “For you! It’s veryvaluable!”

Li Wei Yang took the golden gourd, acceptingthe gift.

Jiu Gongzhu was a bit anxious, “Why not take alook inside? It’s a precious treasure!”

She was truly a child, her intentions writtenon her face. Li Wei Yang saw others reveal their surprise. She smiled and said:“Alright, I will take a look.”

Li Min De shook his head at Li Wei Yang. LiWei Yang blinked, shook the golden gourd, then opened the gourd, pouring itscontents out.

Jiu Gongzhu had a satisfied look on her face.

However, when Li Wei Yang held it up by thetail for everyone to see, she could not smile anymore.

Li Wei Yang said: “Ah, there is a cute snakeinside, why isn’t it moving though?”

Jiu Gongzhu became afraid. Once sheencountered this snake in the Imperial Garden and immediately ordered theeunuchs to beat it to death. After that, whenever she met concubines shedisliked, she would bring out the dead snake to scare them. Although crude,this tactic had never failed!

Li Wei Yang’s face did not change: “So, itseems Gongzhu is fond of snakes, Bai Zhi, have the kitchen prepare a livesnake.”

Bai Zhi smiled: “Yes.”

Jiu Gongzhu’s little face was pale, nearlydrained of color: “You... What are you trying to do?”

“Gongzhu, aren’t you fond of snakes? I mustoffer a gift in return.” Li Wei Yang smiled.

Horrified, Gongzhu subconsciously took a fewsteps back.

Da Furen fiercely admonished her: “Li WeiYang, are you insane?!”

Li Wei Yang turned around and looked at DaFuren before advising: “Mother, the winds are strong out here. You shouldretire first and rest to avoid falling ill again.”

Da Furen suppressed her anger and sneered:“Wei Yang, do as you please, do not say I did not warn you, Gongzhu Dianxia isa highly noble——”

She had not finished speaking when Bai Zhireturned with a bamboo container. Li Wei Yang removed the lid, a large, spottedsnake hissed “si” and flicked its tongue as it eyed everyone.

Li Wei Yang smiled and reached for the seveninches of the snake. Thesnake refused to let her seize it, opening its mouth and rattling its tail.Unfazed, she picked it up and held it with its gaping mouth facing Jiu Gongzhu:“Gongzhu, isn’t it just adorable?!”

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Jiu Gongzhu screamed anddesperately ran outside. She ran into someone at the gates, then realized whoit was and cried aloud: “Qi ge! Qi ge! She’s terrifying, she’s reallyterrifying!”

Li Wei Yang smiled. In Jiu Gongzhu’s mind, theimpression of a terrifying woman would be forever engraved beside Li Wei Yang’sname.

Qi Huangzi Tuoba Yu wore a shuanglong coronet,his face flawless as jade, and silk garments with gold embroidery encircled bya jeweled belt.Looking at his relieved face, it seems he had been searching for Gongzhu for awhile. He pulled her into a hug: “I told you not to run around, you disappearedin the blink of an eye! If I hadn’t sent the guards out to search, how much largerof a mess did you intend to make?!”

Jiu Gongzhu’s face was full of tears. She didnot holding back her grievances and pointed at Li Wei Yang: “She... She... Snake...”

Da Furen was overjoyed when Tuoba Yu came,then she remembered Li Chang Le was not here and became angry again. She feltlightheaded. Unable to see clearly before her, she said: “I hope both Dianxiawill forgive me, I am ill and cannot properly receive guests.”

Tuoba Yu smiled faintly: “It was not right forus to enter without permission, Furen, do not mind us, please go ahead andrest.”

Da Furen nodded. After that, a servant helpedher go back inside.

Tuoba Yu looked at Li Wei Yang. She even shookthe snake she was holding with a good-natured smile: “Dianxia has just arrived.I was about to invite Gongzhu to enjoy this snake soup.”

Gongzhu was scared speechless, tightlygripping Tuoba Yu’s sleeves as if Li Wei Yang was an evil spirit.

“Gongzhu, the taste of snake is very pleasantand even better when eaten alive.” Li Wei Yang smiled faintly. She held out herhand. Beside her, Zhao Yue placed a knife in her hand. Li Wei Yang slightlyfrowned before bringing the knife down on the snake. The slicing sound could beheard as the snake’s head fell to the ground without a single drop of blood.The thin blade of the knife grated against the the snake’s body, still notdrawing blood.

Everyone looked on in wide-eyed shock,including Tuoba Yu.

Li Wei Yang smiled, extending her hand andpeeled back the snake’s skin, revealing its translucent, pale flesh. Li WeiYang ordered Bai Zhi to bring a porcelain bowl, then cut the snake into pieces:“Gongzhu, come taste this, it’s amazing.”

Jiu Gongzhu swayed, a bit unsteady on herfeet.

Li Min De covered his mouth with his sleeveand coughed discreetly. At times, Sanjie liked to scare children, but to seethe unruly Gongzhu this frightened was very entertaining.

“Come, taste it, it’s really good. Back in thecountryside, I was even willing to eat mice when I was hungry, not justsnakes.” Li Wei Yang presented the bowl to Jiu Gongzhu.

Jiu Gongzhu wanted to retch and hid behindTuoba Yu’s back, refusing to come out.

Tuoba Yu smiled at Jiu Gongzhu: “Fu Huangoften says that you are bold and fearless, but it seems there is someone youare afraid of after all.”

Jiu Gongzhu seized Tuoba Yu’s sleeve,trembling as she thought: aside from Li Wei Yang, who would dare to play withsnakes and even eat it raw. It was simply terrifying.

“Does Gongzhu not want to eat it?” Li Wei Yangsmiled. The spotted snake in her hand had no veom, but Gongzhu had been easilyfrightened. She was still a child, but she should still be taught a lesson, soshe would learn who to not provoke. She handed the bowl to Bai Zhi: “Gongzhudoes not like to eat it raw, so have it made into soup.”

Bai Zhi struggled not to laugh, bowing as shereplied: “Yes.”

Only until Bai Zhi had gone far away did JiuGongzhu begin to calm down, although she still held Tuoba Yu’s hand, trembling.

Tuoba Yu smiled: “I wonder if San Xiaojie hastime to sit down for tea with me.”

With only Jiu Gongzhu here, she did not needto avoid him. Li Wei Yang said: “Please.”

The two sat down in the pavilion outside of FuRui courtyard. For some reason, Li Min De followed them, and even Jiu Gongzhu,who was about to vomit, came.

Tuoba Yu was about to discuss matters with LiWei Yang when he noticed two pair of eyes staring at them. He smiled helplesslyat Li Wei Yang: “What do we do now?”

Li Wei Yang glanced at Jiu Gongzhu, who wasstill avoiding her: “Gongzhu, I will find Gongzhu something interesting to playwith.”

Jiu Gongzhu suddenly leapt back: “Stay awayfrom me!”

Li Wei Yang smiled and called for Zhao Yue,Zhao Yue heeded her orders and and left. In a moment, she returned holding twosmall cages. Jiu Gongzhu suspiciously looked at Li Wei Yang, unsure of what shewas trying to do.

Li Wei Yang said: “Gongzhu’s Qi ge is here,yet you are still afraid of me?”

Qi ge’s soul had flown away the moment he sawyou, he’s not reliable at all. Jiu Gongzhu swallowed her words. She wascurious, so she went over to see what it was...

A moment later, she exclaimed: “Ah! I likethis!”

She pulled Li Min De along to play with her,“Mighty general, go on, go on...”

“Come on! Come on...”

“Bite it, bite down hard, kill!”

Inside the large mahogany box with clouddesigns were two crickets fiercely lunging at one another, fighting to thedeath.

Li Min De sat down with her, his eyesdowncast, but his attention had drifted over there.

Sanjie would always treat him as a child.

Jiu Gongzhu’s face was flushed withexcitement, almost like a boy. From a young age, she had to abide by countlessrules and etiquettes. Mamas always told her not this, don’t do that, even whenit came to smiling, her smile was a bit unnatural, if not forced. She rarelyhad a chance to let go and act freely. She quickly forgot about herunhappiness, cheerfully tugging at Li Min De’s sleeve.

Li Min De hid the disdain in his eyes well,coldly staring at the fighting crickets. It was hard to tell what he wasthinking.

Over on this side, Tuoba Yu chuckled: “Youhave scared children too much today.”

Li Wei Yang slowly said: “I only did it forGongzhu’s sake, if she were to continue like this, in the future, any mistakeswould come with a high price.”

Tuoba Yu noticed Li Min De’s gaze had neverleft them. He broke into a smile: “Never mind, come walk with me along thelake.”

There was a beautiful lake in the Li residenceindeed.

Li Wei Yang looked at him, not sayinganything. josei

Tuoba Yu smiled: “What? Are you worried aboutwhat others would say? You do not need to worry, I will not let you become thesubject of rumors.”

Li Wei Yang stood and walked over to the lakewith him.

Tuoba Yu leisurely followed in silence as ifweighed down by an unspoken burden.

“After you brought it to my attention, I hadthose individuals investigated. You were right, they were really Tuoba Zhen’speople.” Tuoba Yu’s expressions were a bit off as he said this.

Li Wei Yang looked over at him and said:“Could it be... that one of them was someone close to Qi Dianxia?”

“You mentioned Mu Yang, a good friend andsworn brother. We even studied together. After three years, we became xiong diwith mutual interests and goals. He unofficially became my right hand.” TuobaYu felt his breaths grow short as if he were plunged into the cold waters of apond, “And Jing Neng, he was Taizi’s tutor but also someone I deeply respectedfor years, I thought he was righteous. I didn’t think he had fallen into TuobaZhen’s ranks.”

“Dianxia has killed them?” Her eyes widened,but it seemed she had expected no less, her face remaining emotionless yetdetermined.

Tuoba Yu slowly began: “Mu Yang drank a bittoo bunch, slipped and fell from his horse, and Jing Neng angered Bixiayesterday and was cut in half.”

Qi Huangzi had quickly dealt with them. Asmall smile appeared on Li Wei Yang’s lips.

Tuoba Yu did not feel this way. He did notregret killing Mu Yang or Jing Neng and felt his actions were justified, butone’s heart is not made of iron. That was the case, but whenever he thought ofMu Yang, he felt saddened.

Tuoba Yu glanced at Li Wei Yang, smiling: “Doyou feel I have killed the right people?”

He seemed to receive no response regardingthis.

The smile on Li Wei Yang’s face was distant.Her voice was low like a cold, biting wind: “Dianxia, compared to Tuoba Zhen,there is something you lacks. Do you know what that is?”

Tuoba Yu’s expressions did not change but astorm swept over his heart.

Li Wei Yang smiled: “In the Imperial family,Dianxia still has a woman’s reluctance and benevolence, an unfortunate traitthat should not exist. I am willing to say, if you continue like this, you willsuffer great losses! Whether they are good friends, xiong di, or even bloodsiblings, if they stand your way, they must dealt with! This is what it is tobe ruler! Dianxia, you studied philosophy beyond the Capital, yet you have forgottenthis simple logic!”

Tuoba Yu was taken aback. He staredincredulously at her, unable to believe that a xiao guniang could speak soruthlessly.

Li Wei Yang calmly continued: “I am not urgingDianxia to deceive anyone, but I don’t want to be involved if Dianxia isindecisive and allows both of us to be harmed!”

Tuoba Yu had still not said anything after awhile. Li Wei Yang’s words were simple, perhaps a bit unclear, but heunderstood what she was trying to convey.

“You... If I were to blindly kill others toascend to the throne, how can the people sit idle?! How will I gain the trustand loyalty of my subjects and people?!” Tuoba Yu protested.

Li Wei Yang sighed. While Qi Huangzi wasintelligent, he was sometimes too benevolent, compared to Tuoba Zhen who killedwithout batting an eye. His character could be considered righteous, but it wasperhaps the most useless treasure Lao Luo Guogong had left him. As a courtofficial, one must be righteous and loyal to the Emperor, but as someone whowished to ascend to the throne, these sentiments were troublesome!

Li Wei Yang slowly began: “If one day, QiDianxia became the ruler of this world, who would dare to judge whether youwere right or wrong? Whether you have slain xiong di or executed courtofficials, what only matters are your achievements and what you have done forthe people. As long as you bestow your grace on the people, even if your handsare full of blood, history will not remember any of it! But if Dianxia was righteousyet did not do much for the people and caused a disaster or lost your life, whowill pity you!”

Zhang De Fei and Qi Huangzi’s confidants havereminded him of these things time and time again but never in such astraightforward manner! Tuoba Yu stopped breathing for a moment. He felt Li WeiYang’s words were very accurate and reflected his ambitions and sentiments,pursuing power and the throne, but alongside Luo Guogong’s teachings, they werenothing but contradictions. He felt this inner turmoil disappear, leaving hisheart lighter.

Li Wei Yang noticed his expression and sighedto herself.

Recently, she had been asking herself,reflecting and investigating. These words were not so much of a proposal but aconclusion.

She had kept a close eye on the Emperor’schildren, Taizi, Tuoba Zhen, Tuoba Rui, Tuoba Yu, in order to find out howTuoba Zhen ascended to the throne.

Later on, she had to admit the other side ofthe phrase the victor celebrates whereas the defeated is resentful, was theundisguised bloodshed. To ascend over cold skeletons, no one could stand inTuoba Zhen’s way. He would go kill as he go, if he met a deity, he would killthe deity, if he met Buddha, he would kill Buddha! Without this determination,one might as well stand on the side of the road and let others pass!


Translator: Chau

Editor: Panisa (In Progress)


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