The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Such Evil

1驸马 – title for a Princess’ Husband

2指桑骂槐 – scold the locust while pointing at the mulberry tree. To scold someone indirectly.

LiWeiyang smiled: “What is so bad about Jiu Gongzhu? It’s just asking you to playwith her, why do you feel so indignant?”

LiMin De returned the smile blandly. “Members of the royal family are soarrogant, it irritates me.”

“You’rejust being biased, Gongzhu might be a bit proud, but she is innocent andhappy-go-lucky, plus she doesn’t have any ill intentions. She likes you somuch, do you know how many cannot even dream to be in your place?”

“Idon’t want people to accuse me of aiming for power and position!” Li Min Defrowned.

LiWeiyang couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so big already, but you’re still sopedantic. What a silly child!”

“Tocomplete great things, one must of course pay attention to the small details.However, this matter is too trivial for us to give much thought to.” Li Min Desmiled back.

LiWeiyang was stunned, and curiously remarked: “I am just concerned about you,because it seems like Gongzhu.. could she have the intentions to make you Fu Ma1?!”She meant it as a joke to tease Li Min De, but he was totally stunned. “How didyou know?”

LiWeiyang’s lips quirked into a smile, her eyes narrowing slightly. “The momentGong Zhu saw you, her both eyes lit up. It seems that no matter how old youare, lust is always an issue.”

“What?”Li Min De was shocked.

“Whydo you think I’d encourage you to play with her, Min De, you should actuallyconsider marrying Gongzhu ah!” In this way, not only could Jiu Gongzhu escapeher sad fate, Li Min De could also have a pillar of support. However, it alsomeant that Min De could never have a chance to build a name for himself, andremain a mere Fu Ma with no real power.

“Idon’t want that!” Li Min De replied directly.

“Ifyou don’t want her, then who do you like?!”

“Idon’t like anyone!” Li Min De retorted, but for unknown reasons, his facestarted to redden.

“Good,then Gongzhu it is.”

“Hey...You’re making a joke out of me ba... Hey..”

Atthis moment, Li Min De suddenly went silent. His gaze landed somewhere not farfrom here; Li Weiyang followed his eyes and saw Li Chang Xiao crying andrunning towards them. She fell to the ground by accident and skinned her knees,which prompted the servants at the side to hurriedly help her up.

LiWeiyang and Li Min De exchanged a glance, and Li Weiyang spoke up: “Si Mei,what happened to you?”

Witha face full of tears, Li Chang Xiao lifted her head. Upon seeing Li Weiyangstanding in front of her, she immediately used her sleeves to wipe away hertears. “Nothing, nothing, some sand entered my eyes.”

Sandin her eyes? She was not a child, why would she think of lying to her? LiWeiyang did not want to meddle in others’ affairs, but her instinct told herthat Li Chang Xiao was trying to hide something.

LiChang Xiao’s Yatou Yin’er said defeatedly: “San Xiaojie doesn’t not know this,but our Xiaojie here kindly served tea and medicine to Furen. Who knew that DaFuren scalded her tongue while drinking the medicine, and accused Xiaojie ofharming her on purpose, and gave a her fierce scolding! Da Furen scoldedXiaojie, but she still said that her own Yatous are not dependable. She wantedXiaojie to serve her at night, which Xiaojie found it inappropriate. Da Furenthen accused her of not respecting her as her mother, wanting to take it easyand refusing to sacrifice her own rest at night, and scolded Xiaojie forpurposely agitating her illness! San Xiaojie, you know that our Xiaojie ishonest by nature!”

LiChang Xiao heard this, but feared that it would make matters worse. “Do notutter nonsense!” she hurriedly said, and left as quickly. Yin’er saw herXiaojie’s anxiety and had no choice but to chase after her, without furtherelaboration.

“Howcould Da Furen be so evil? She never used to show it on her face in the past.”Li Weiyang muttered to herself.

LiMin De laughed coldly. “This might not be the end of it!” He crooked his fingeras a signal, and a guard dressed in black actually emerged from the trees andlanded softly in front of him. “Master.”

Havingused to seeing Li Min De’s secret guards, Li Weiyang did not feel muchsurprise.

“Tellme what you’ve discovered from your investigations.”

“Yes.Yesterday Si Yiniang advised Si Xiaojie, saying that Wu Xiaojie had just beentargeted by Da Furen, so she should try to save her younger sister’s life; SiXiaojie took her bedding over to Da Furen’s room in the middle of the night. DaFuren did order her servants to prepare a soft bed for her, but Si Xiaojie hadbarely slept when she was ordered to fetch tea, massage legs, etc. In a singlenight, she was summoned around seven to eight times; Si Xiaojie was beingtreated like a Yatou.

LiMin De sighed and said: “Alright, you may leave us.”

LiWeiyang couldn’t help but shake her head. “Da Furen needs someone to take careof her, she could have asked her Yatous, why would she torture Si Mei like thatand take the risk of people accusing her of ill-treating her illegitimatedaughter? Isn’t this strange?”

“Perhapsafter she fell ill, her personality become odd?” Li Min De thought.

Thisseemed like a far-fetched explanation, Li Weiyang thought it was more likelythat she was venting her rage and anger at Li Chang Xiao, in return for hersister biting off her ear.

Theythought that this matter was considered case closed, but who knew on the verysame night, something happened. It was unclear how, but Li Chang Xiao broke ajade pendant that Da Furen loved, causing her to get thrown out of her houseafter getting a fierce scolding.

Thenext day, Du Mama was all smiles when she came over to Li Weiyang’s residence.“Xianzhu, originally Da Furen did not want to burden you, however, as you know,Si Xiaojie has fallen ill...”

Uponhearing the news, Li Weiyang smiled blandly. “Oh, is it? I wonder whatinstructions Muqin has for me?”

“Furenwould like to request for Xianzhu to take care of her when she is sick.” DuMama lowered her eyes and said respectfully.

LiWeiyang simply nodded and agreed. “It is only right, I will be there in amoment.”

Themoment Du Mama left, Li Min De exploded in anger. “Sanjie, Da Furen is toomuch, you should show her what you’re made of!”

Eversince San Furen passed away, Da Furen had constantly targeted Li Weiyang. LiMin De gritted his teeth in anger; if he had known this would happen, he shouldhave scared the life out of her the last time.

LiWeiyang could see the anger and unwillingness on his face, and let out a laugh.She lightly picked up the pot of tea in front of her, and slowly and steadilypoured out a cup. “Why do you bother so much?”

Seeingher calm smile, Li Min De felt increasingly unhappy, and said anxiously: “Sanjie, that witch will surely take the chance to torture you...”


LiMin De was like an ant hopping on a hot stove, almost as if he had words hecouldn’t bring himself to say. Li Weiyang cleared her throat, breaking off hisoriginal speech. “What you should say and shouldn’t say, have you forgotten?”

LiMin De’s eyes reddened, and he turned away.

LiWeiyang smiled. “In this world, the person who has the ability to bully me doesnot exist. Since she wants me to serve her, I will do so, but I will not careabout the consequences of what happens next.”

Aftertwo hours, Li Weiyang was all smiles when she stepped into Da Furen’s home. AYatou was massaging Da Furen’s legs, and she had her eyes closed. Her left earwas covered by her high collar, partially hiding the wound. Du Mama softlyannounced: “San Xiaojie has arrived.”

DaFuren slowly opened her eyes, studying Li Weiyang for a moment. She steadilysmiled: “Weiyang is here.”

Thesmile Li Weiyang returned was bright. “Yes Muqin, Weiyang has come to serveyou.”

“Iknow you are filial. It’s time to have lunch.” Da Furen smiled and said.

DuMama had ordered servants to arrange the food earlier on, and as Da Furenglanced towards Li Weiyang, she warmly came forward with a smile to hold herup.

Infront of the Yatous and Mamas in the house, it was as if they were truly motherand daughter.

Ina blink, they were in the dining area.

DaFuren used to have her specific place to enjoy her meal; the dining table wouldbe placed at the western side of the main hall, and other than mealtimes, thearea was unused. Because she was now sick and unwilling to walk, the diningtable was placed at the outer hall instead.

AsLi Weiyang helped Da Furen towards the table, Da Furen felt that she actuallyhad the strength to break her wrist bones, and could not help but attempt todistance herself from her grip.

“What’swrong, Muqin?” Li Weiyang smiled.

DaFuren gritted her teeth: “Nothing”

Atthis moment, Du Mama had already instructed the servants to carry out therosewood eight immortals’ table, with three matching stools at the side. LiWeiyang took a look around the room, and her surveillance told her that therewere countless priceless antiques here. She couldn’t help but give a smallsmile.

DuMama spotted her smile, and asked: “Xianzhu, what are you looking at?”

LiWeiyang slowly replied: “I was thinking, Muqin is indeed grand, the decorationsin Lao Furen’s house is definitely not as valuable as the ones here.”

DaFuren grew up in Guo Gong’s Residence, and she had been in control of the LiResidence for so many years, of course she would be wealthy. And not justwealthy, but very much so. Du Mama smiled: “What is Xianzhu saying, the itemsin Furen’s home is merely common; the real treasures are in Lao Furen’s hall,but she finds it too dazzling and has ordered it to be kept aside.”

“Oh,I see.” Li Weiyang eyed the treasure shelf not far away, filled with countlesstypes of jade items, bonsai, and especially, a piece of suet jade carved into aMagnolia flower; the pure cream color was so beautiful, one’s eyes could dropout just by admiring it.

DaFuren watched coldly, thinking that Li Weiyang was humbled by the sight of herwealth, and couldn’t help but snigger. She knew that Li Weiyang had previouslyreceived many gifts from the Palace, but her own collection could be ascomparable! She wanted Li Weiyang to realise that with her own status andpower, she could not be so easily defeated. She lowered her eyes andinstructed: “Let’s get ready to eat.”

AYatou walked over, with a bronze teapot in hand. She poured half a pail of hotwater, while another Yatou helped Da Furen fold back her sleeves.

“Youmight not know, but your Sijie is really out of hand.” Da Furen complainedcoldly as she washed her hands. “She has to be instructed before she will doevery little thing. Just a few sentences from me and she will drop something,as if she has suffered great humiliation. That’s not how a lady from a greatfamily should behave, and those who don’t know it might think I’ve mistreatedher.”

LiWeiyang only gave a small smile, and appeared expressionless.

DaFuren continued: “With her behavior, others will feel that a concubine’sdaughter is after all still just an illegitimate daughter, and can never stepup to the occasion!”

LiWeiyang just continued smiling, with no sign of acknowledgement, as if she didnot know that Da Furen was making veiled insults towards herself2.

DaFuren grew frustrated, and Du Mama quickly tried to soothe her. “Furen, don’thold it against Si Xiaojie, she was brought up by Si Yiniang afterall. She didnot have a chance to learn from Furen, so she’d definitely make some mistakes.”Da Furen let out a sigh, and lifted her hands. A Yatou appeared by her side andcarefully dried her hands with a white towel.

“Weshould invite a Momo from the Palace to discipline her. Weiyang, don’t youthink so?” Da Furen stated coldly.

LiWeiyang’s expression was neutral. “As Muqin says.”

TheLi Family had always been one of the scholarly families, and their style ofdoing things greatly differed from those who flaunted their wealth. Their usualdinner did not exceed ten dishes and two soups, but of course, every dish wasdelicately and carefully prepared.

DuMama glanced at Li Weiyang, as a signal for her to serve the dishes to Da Furenpersonally.

LiWeiyang acted as if she did not notice, and remained standing.

DaFuren was unhappy and complained: “Weiyang, when your Dajie was around, atmealtimes, she would be by my side to serve the dishes; that is filial piety.”

LiWeiyang batted her eyelashes, and said: “I am clumsy by nature, and I fear thatI might break something.”

“Ipromise that I won’t hold it against you!” Da Furen laughed coldly.

Shehad wanted to control her temper, but the longer she had to see Li Weiyang, theharder it became. She would use her position and power as Di Mu to act againsther, so as to get rid of the hatred in her heart.

LiWeiyang smiled. “Since Muqin says she will not blame me, I will try my verybest to serve Muqin.”

Shefloated over gracefully, selecting a piece of sweet and sour fish and placingit into Da Furen’s bowl. Da Furen saw the fear and trepidation on her face, andimmediately felt better.

Nomatter how proud this concubine’s daughter was, she was still expected to showfilial piety to her Di Mu in front of others. If not, Li Weiyang would nevermake her mark in Dali! Why did she not think of it earlier; she should haveordered this damn yatou to come before her every day to learn etiquette, anduse it as a chance to torture her to death! As Da Furen had these thoughts inhis mind, Li Weiyang smiled and commented: “These fermented glutinous ricedumplings are very delicious, Muqin please try.”

Shepersonally scooped a piping hot bowl, and without even blowing on it to cool,dumped the entire contents towards Da Furen. Everyone was shocked, and Da Furenwas so stunned that she had no time to react; the boiling bowl of fermentedglutinous rice dumplings splashed onto her.

Itwas summer, and her clothes were thin. Da Furen let out a painful wail; shewished so much for a bolt of lightning to strike down Li Weiyang at this verymoment!

Anexpression of guilt appeared on Li Weiyang’s face, and she hurriedly tried tohelp Da Furen clean up. Da Furen was thunderously angry and did not move, so LiWeiyang turned to the Yatou who had held the handwashing water and brought thepail over.

Itwas unclear if she was really flustered or she did it on purpose, but she fellforward while holding the pail of water. Du Mama quickly shielded Da Furen, andwith a quirk of her lips, Li Weiyang fell heavily on the ground. A knocked overstool crashed loudly, along with Li Weiyang, who landed onto Da Furen and pinnedher to the ground. Du Mama, who originally wanted to protect Da Furen, became ahuman cushion, which of course scattered her old bones.

DaFuren’s scream became high pitched and pitiful; this knock from Li Weiyang hadcaused her to hurt her chest area from the impact, and the huge blow induced agenuine wail.

“Xianzhu!Get up, get up quickly!” Du Mama cried out. As Li Weiyang got up, she purposelyand cruelly pushed against Da Furen’s ribcage, causing her to cry out again,and nearly fainting from the pain.

LiWeiyang behaved as if she had no strength, and a group of Yatous and Mamas wentforward to hold her up. Her hands slipped and grabbed onto the tablecloth, andin a flash, the dishes, utensils, crockery... everything on the table landednoisily onto the floor, stunning everyone. Da Furen was entirely covered anddirtied by the dishes, making her look quite pathetic.

Oneof the Mamas gasped and went over to help Da Furen up, and Li Weiyang shot ZhaoYue a glance. Zhao Yue forcefully kicked the Mama just as she propped Da Furenup; this kick came out of the blue, and without knowing what had happened, theMama and Da Furen fell together towards the shelf of treasures. In a moment,the suet jade magnolia, sapphire inlaid enamel vase, plum blossom bonsai,precious rosewood and ivory screen; everything fell to the ground and shatteredinto pieces.

Amongstthe mess, Da Furen sat there, completely stunned speechless after her head hadbeen knocked by these treasures.

Everyonelooked at each other over this scene with unbelieving eyes.

LiWeiyang wrung her hands, saying helplessly: “Muqin, I’ve said earlier that I amclumsy, but you insisted that I serve you... Ah, please get up, the floor is socold!” She made a move towards Da Furen to help her up.

“Don’ttouch me! Don’t touch me! Help!” Da Furen forgot about retaining any shred ofdignity and shouted as if in pain, her scream going through the roof and makingeveryone’s hairs stand on end. Du Mama quickly went forward to push LiWeiyang’s hands away; Da Furen’s precious treasures were all broken in thatblink of an eye... destroyed! All destroyed! Da Furen’s eyes dimmed and rolledback, fainting immediately.

DuMama shouted at the top of her lungs: “What are you all waiting for, quicklyhelp Da Furen up and bring her to the bed. Get the physician, get thephysician!”

LiWeiyang gave a small smile. “Du Mama, allow me.”

Fearblossomed on Du Mama’s face. “There’s no need to bother Xianzhu, the Nubis herewill take care of it, please go and rest!”

LiWeiyang appeared embarrassed, “How could I do just leave like that?”

“Ofcourse! Xianzhu please go ahead and rest!” Du Mama quickly said. This personwas a downright unlucky star.

Asall the servants were too busy attending to the unconscious Da Furen to see herout, Li Weiyang left by herself, smiling as she stepped out. The sun wasshining brightly and she was in good spirits. Bai Zhi worriedly spoke out.“Xiaojie...”

LiWeiyang turned to look at her. “Why, are you scared?”

Afterthe murder that happened at the baths, there was very little that could scareher now, but Bai Zhi was simply worried that Da Furen would not give up soeasily.

“Evenif I had serve her properly, does it mean that she will let me off?” Li Weiyangsaid with a smile.

BaiZhi agreed after some thought, and decided not to worry further.

Afterteaching Da Furen such a lesson, she should have been humbled, but who knewthat Du Mama turned up the very next day. “Furen has given instructions, sinceXianzhu is unsuited to performing such delicate tasks, it will be left to SiXiaojie. But considering that you came here especially to help Da Furen, itwon’t be nice to disallow you from doing anything. In this case, the personalkitchen that Nubi is in charge of, Xianzhu could help to take care of Furen’smeals and medicine.”

LiWeiyang raised an eyebrow, meals? Such an important place... She smiled: “Sorryto bother Du Mama, but please tell Da Furen that I cannot undertake such a hugeresponsibility! What if Muqin was to consume anything wrong, wouldn’t I beunable to rest well at night?”

“Pleasedon’t worry, there is still Nubi to help you. I will not allow anyone to tamperwith the food.” Du Mama returned with a smile.

LiWeiyang looked at her awkwardly. “This... This isn’t a good idea.”

“What’sso bad about it? If Xianzhu will not agree, I’m worried that Furen will come upwith some other idea. If you accept her suggestion, Nubi can guarantee that Iwill help you keep an eye on it, nothing will go wrong!”

LiWeiyang said nothing, but smiled.

Afterthe baths incident, Bai Zhi trusted Du Mama, so she lowered her voice andwhispered: “Xiaojie, Du Mama is right.” Afterall, Da Furen was her legitimatemother, if she had thought of something else, they might face difficulty inprotecting themselves. Right now, with the easily bribed Du Mama, they did nothave to worry as much. Even if Da Furen wanted to target them, Du Mama woulddefinitely help them, out of her greed for money.

DuMama watched Li Weiyang cautiously. “Nubi will try her utmost best.”

LiWeiyang continued smiling, without any hint of agreement or protest.

Takingher silence for consent, Du Mama let out her breath. If Xianzhu insisted onbeing stubborn, it would be hard for her to report back to Da Furen. “Nubi willtake it that Xianzhu has agreed to this.”

LiWeiyang’s smiling face had a trace of strangeness, which Du Mama could notread, but she could only awkwardly bow and leave.

LiWeiyang spoke to Bai Zhi. “You see, isn’t this interesting?”

BaiZhi did not know what Li Weiyang meant, but she felt worried. “Xiaojie, Du Mamaprobably only wants us to increase the amount of bribes, Nubi will also keep aneye on the kitchen for you.”

What’sthe point of watching? Li Weiyang kept quiet and stayed silent, standing upsuddenly. “Yesterday night, Fuqin stayed overnight at Si Yiniang’s manor, isit?”

BaiZhi and Mo Zhu were stunned, and Zhao Yue was confused as well.

LiWeiyang smiled. “Let’s go, I haven’t paid my respects to Fuqin for a few daysnow.”

BaiZhi thought to herself, Xianzhu is indeed weird; for a Yatou who has been byher side for so long, she could not even guess what she was thinking. Shouldn’tshe be thinking of how to deal with Da Furen? Why would she choose to visitLaoye? Laoye had never bothered about what was going on in his household, andtowards Da Furen, he was especially tolerant.What was the use of Xiaojie going to see him? Despite this her doubts,all these thoughts remained in her heart, because she chose to believe in Xiaojie.

LiWeiyang remained in Li Xiaoran’s study for an hour, and on her return, she sawthe physician from Fu Rui Hall entering and leaving. “What has happened?”

DuMama saw that she could not keep it a secret. “Da Furen’s fall just now hadcaused her ribcage to fracture.”

LiWeiyang secretly smiled; that was her intention. On the outside, her facefilled with worry: “Aiya, it’s my fault for being so clumsy, I have alreadygone to Fuqin to admit my wrongdoings and he has scolded me for it. Seeing Muqinhurt like this, I feel very bad about it!”

Inother words, she has gained the upper hand. If Da Furen had gone to complain,perhaps Li Xiaoran would punish Li Weiyang, but now that Li Weiyang hadadmitted to her own mistakes, any further comments from Da Furen would be seenas adding fuel to the fire. Also, Laoye hasn’t bothered visiting Da Furen in along while! Du Mama knew this, and couldn’t do anything else but to smile.“What is Xianzhu saying, Furen has said earlier that this isn’t your fault, youonly meant well.”

LiWeiyang’s smile was full of kindness. “Muqin is understanding and gracious. Ihad originally wanted to pay for some of the damages, since Muqin has said so,I shall not insist.”

DuMama’s face twisted, but her smile was back in a flash. “Yes, yes.” Her heartwas filled with regret; if only she omitted her last sentence, then at leastthere would be some compensation for their loss, but now, there was nothing tobe gained. “Perhaps in your free time, Xianzhu could go around to the kitchens,even if it’s just for show, do at least demonstrate your filial piety.Si Xiaojie is preparing braised pigeon soupfor Da Furen every day to improve her health, if you didn’t do anything...”

LiWeiyang batted her eyelashes, and grinned. “Oh, braised pigeon soup, I know howto prepare that. But I’m not very good at it...”

“Youdo not actually need to personally cook, just let me know and Nubi will preparethe ingredients. You will just have to serve it in person, and when Da Furensees how filial you are, she will definitely forgive you.”

“DuMama is so loyal to me.” Li Weiyang smiled.

DuMama continued her flattery: “Xianzhu only needs to continue taking good careof Nubi, Nubi will of course think of you, and help you advise Da Furen. Ifthere is any movements, I’ll warn you immediately.”

LiWeiyang nodded. “Thank you.” She waved her hands, instructing Bai Zhi to giftDu Mama a red packet.

DuMama received her red packet and retreated, grinning from ear to ear.

“Xiaojie,we have been giving her money every time, when is it going to stop? This oldservant is so black-hearted, everything she does requires payment!” Bai Zhicomplained.

LiWeiyang smiled. “A heart that can be bought is definitely not real, but if evenmoney cannot move her, it will become a real problem for me.”

BaiZhi and Mo Zhu exchanged glances, but were unable to understand what it meant.

“ZhaoYue, come here. I have a task for you to complete.” Li Weiyang waved her over.

Uponhearing her order, Zhao Yue leaned over and Li Weiyang whispered lightly intoher ears. Zhao Yue’s eyes brightened, and immediately responded: “Yes, Nubiwill go right away!”

BaiZhi and Mo Zhu were extremely curious, what did Li Weiyang order Zhao Yue todo? But no matter how they pestered her, Li Weiyang refused to answer them.

LiWeiyang never appeared in the kitchens, and not only did she not go, even herpersonal Yatous were absent. Only Si Xiaojie Li Chang Xiao was truly dedicated,taking care of Da Furen day and night, preparing medicines and soupspersonally. After a while, rumors started spreading in Fu Rui Hall, saying thatSi Xiaojie behaved like how a real daughter should, while San Xiaojie LiWeiyang abused her status as a Xianzhu. She did not stay by Da Furen’s side totake care of her, and neither did she even serve a single bowl of medicine. Ina society which placed a huge emphasis on filial piety, it was a powerful pieceof gossip; no matter how bad Da Furen was, she was still her legitimate motherand shouldn’t be taken lightly. Li Weiyang’s cold attitude would greatly affecther reputation.Bai Zhi and Mo Zhu wereanxious after hearing this, and tried to dissuade her.

“Xiaojie,you had better visit Da Furen for a while.”

“Yes,even if it is for a short while, it would be good if you went.” josei

“Also,for the kitchens, you should learn from Si Xiaojie how to prepare soups andmedicines. You don’t have to do anything, Nubi will help you do it.”

“Yesyes, everyone is now saying that Si Xiaojie is filial, but you are...” Herlegitimate mother was ill, and yet she refused to serve her any medicine; suchan awful gossip to spread.

LiWeiyang was reading, and of course she understood that these two Yatous’nagging was because they truly cared for her. However, she did not panic atall, and simply asked Zhao Yue: “Have you completed your task?”

“Yes,Xiaojie, it is done.”

LiWeiyang grinned and stood up. “Let’s go.”

BaiZhi and Mo Zhu were surprised. “Where is Xiaojie going?”

Inthe kitchens, there were seven to eight Yatous doing their chores inside, andthey quickly greeted Li Weiyang upon seeing her enter.

LiWeiyang was all smiles. “I sent someone to pass on my instructions, are theingredients ready?”

Asmart and adroit Yatou replied: “Yes Xianzhu, everything has been prepared,Nubi will get to work right now. It is smoky in the kitchens, Xianzhu please goback first. Nubi will send over the soup once it is ready.”

“There’sno need, let my Yatous do it. Leave us.”

Afew Yatous glanced at each other, revealing awkward expressions.

LiWeiyang lifted an eyebrow. “What’s wrong, are you disobeying my orders?”

Theydid not dare to say another word, leaving obediently. After the kitchen wasclear, Li Weiyang smiled and ordered: “Bai Zhi, you’ll boil the soup.”

“Yes.”Bai Zhi placed the cleaned pigeon into the pot, added water and ginseng andallowed it to boil. She fanned the fire, sighing as she did so: “Xiaojie isright, if you allow those Yatous to do it, something bad will definitelyhappen. It is better that we do it ourselves.”

Li Weiyang did notreply her, she just smiled.

MoZhu stepped forward to help Bai Zhi, and with the two of them, it was all donevery quickly.

Aftertwo hours, the soup was ready. Bai Zhi used a deep white lotus bowl to servethe soup, and placed it on a tray. She smiled: “Xiaojie, everything is ready.”

LiWeiyang turned to Zhao Yue, and upon meeting her glance, Zhao Yue nodded. LiWeiyang’s smile deepened further.

DuMama had received news earlier on, and was waiting for Li Weiyang near thedoor. A few hours ago, a Yatou had informed her that Li Weiyang had entered thesmall kitchen, but she had yet to reappear. Du Mama sent someone to spy, butSan Xiaojie had a highly-trained Yatou, so her spy couldn’t go near thekitchen. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot stove, but Li Weiyang took hertime and calmly came forward with her Yatous. She saw Du Mama standing by thedoor, and halted. “Du Mama, why are you waiting outside?”

DuMama smiled widely. “Xianzhu, Laoye is coincidentally paying Da Furen a visit,and he is staying for dinner. He’s inside right now!”

LiXiaoran is here? Li Weiyang blinked, putting on a surprised expression. “Whatspecial day is it---” In these past months, Fuqin had never stepped into DaFuren’s hall.

DuMama only offered a smile. “Please enter quickly, Xianzhu.”

LiWeiyang glanced backwards to signal Bai Zhi, who was standing behind her. BaiZhi, carrying the food hamper, lowered her eyes and followed obediently overthe entryway.

Inside,Li Xiaoran was seated at the table, with a slightly pale Da Furen. Her eyeswere ringed in dark circles, but her lips were bright red; without even needingto think, it was obvious that her rouge was to hide the whiteness of her lips.Si Yiniang was dressed in a light green dress, standing behind Li Xiaoran withher eyes lowered in obeisance. Li Chang Xiao was on her feet, respectfullyserving the dishes for her Fuqin and Di Mu. By protocol, she had no need toperform these chores, but she had no choice as she had to consider for Li ChangXi. She had to show the highest respect and soldier on.

LiWeiyang showed a small smile and curtseyed in respect. “Fuqin, Muqin.”

Uponseeing Li Weiyang, Da Furen’s facial muscles could not help but twitch, but shetried her very best to control herself, and show a warm smile. However, she didnot realize that her seemingly welcoming smile actually appeared strained tooutsiders, and almost ferocious. “Weiyang, weren’t you having dinner in yourown rooms? Why have you come here?”

Shewas plainly asking the obvious; wasn’t it you who wanted me to deliver thebraised pigeon soup, Li Weiyang thought to herself, but her face betrayed notrace of her emotions. “Weiyang has brought the braised pigeon soup for theboth of you. The soup has been boiling for very long, and in it, there arewolfberries, huangling, danggui, duzhong, and other Chinese herbs to boostone’s health. Muqin, please enjoy it.”

DaFuren smiled and nodded. “Hmn, you are indeed a filial child.”

LiWeiyang only smiled amicably. A Yatou appeared to take the food hamper from BaiZhi, and retrieved the bowl of soup from the box. Steam was rising out from thebowl, emanating a delicious fragrance. “Come, let me taste it first, and seehow Weiyang’s cooking skill is.”

LiChang Xiao hurriedly retrieved the soup bowl delicately carved with lotuses,scooped out a portion each for Da Furen and Li Xiaoran, and carefully broughtit in front of them. Li Xiaoran turned around to glance at Si Yiniang: “It hasbeen hard on you these few days.”

“Furen’sgood health is a blessing, there is nothing to complain about.” Si Yiniangreplied.

LiChang Xiao’s eyes reddened involuntarily, as she thought about how she wasbeing treated like a servant by Da Furen, and yet could not utter half a wordof complaint as it would be seen as disrespect. She felt extremely upsetand wronged, and lifted her eyes towards Li Weiyang to seek out some solace andmutual comfort. However, Li Weiyang kept her eyes on the bowls of soup, notpaying her any attention at all.

LiWeiyang watched as Da Furen gently filled up a spoonful and slowly brought itto her lips. As she was about to swallow, Du Mama suddenly rushed up andgrabbed the bowl, flinging it away.

Everyonewas shocked and stunned at this scene.

DaFuren was in a rage, shouting with fury: “Lao Nucai, have you gone mad!”

DuMama fell on her knees to the floor, crying out pitifully: “Furen, Nucai hasdone wrong!”

Inher fit of anger, Da Furen’s eyes concealed a sense of triumph, and the cornersof her lips were trembling with anticipation.

LiXiaoran’s face had changed to a thunderous expression. “Du Mama, what is wrongwith you! Have you lost your mind?!”

DuMama wailed loudly: “Furen, Nubi originally did not want to say anything, but Ihave no choice now!”

Everyonewas bewildered, as they did not know why Du Mama suddenly had such an outburstof tears, as if she had suffered a lot of pain.

LiWeiyang spoke calmly. “Du Mama, Fuqin Muqin are having their meal, even if youhad something to report, you shouldn’t have disturbed them. Having followedMuqin for so many years, don’t you know the rules by now?”

DuMama jerked back, lifting her head and staring at Li Weiyang with anger andhatred. This contrasted starkly with the usual respectful attitude shepresented. Bai Zhi was stunned, and felt a rush of discomfort, as if somethingbad was about to happen.

Shewas right. Du Mama shouted: “Xianzhu, are you feeling guilty now? Are youafraid that I will reveal all the dirty deeds that you have done?! Nubi istelling you now, Nubi must have been blind and dumb to have listened to you toharm Da Furen. Now Nubi has realized my own mistake, and even if I have to die,I will not let your evil plan succeed!”

BaiZhi stepped forward quickly: “Du Mama, what nonsense are you spouting!”

LiWeiyang waved her away, laughing coldly in front of everyone present. “Let her continue.”

“Laoye,Furen, there is something in that braised pigeon soup, if Furen were to drinkit, I fear that she would collapse immediately!”

Thosepresent in the hall gazed uncomprehendingly at Du Mama, even Li Xiaoran couldnot believe his ears!

DaFuren immediately followed up. “Du Mama, do you know what you’re saying?!”

DuMama went silent, keeping her head low and furiously kowtowing to Da Furen.“Nubi is wrong, Nubi is wrong! Furen please forgive me!”

DaFuren frowned: “Since you have realized your mistake, you should tell us theentire truth. You’ve only said half of the story, so how did you expect us tobelieve you! Do you want the real culprit to escape judgement?”

Uponwearing this, Du Mama could not stop trembling. She lifted her head slowly toglance at Da Furen, and looked around the room.

“Yes!Nubi will reveal everything, the medicine in the braised pigeon soup was addedin by Xianzhu’s Yatou on her orders. Nubi knew about this, but Xianzhu offeredme with five hundred taels of gold and I was tempted in that moment ofweakness, so I agreed to keep quiet!” Du Mama burst out crying.

LiXiaoran’s expression turned thunderous, he brought his fist down hard on thetable: “Your mouth is spouting nonsense!”

DuMama’s face was smeared with tears and snot. “Nubi does not dare to lie, ifLaoye does not believe me, please test the soup!”

“Here,test the soup!” Li Xiaoran ordered his servants sternly.

LiWeiyang studied Du Mama, a cold smile hovering deep in her heart; everythinghas come to this moment! She first brought up the past to make it seem like shehad been bought over, then made use of Wu Xiaojie and the scorpion incident togain trust, all to bring her down at this moment!

Oneof the Mamas took out a silver needle and dipped it into Li Xiaoran’s soupbowl, and in an instant, the silver turned black. Li Xiaoran’s expressionbecame even blacker, and behind him, Si Yiniang exclaimed: “Oh god, it reallyis poisoned!”

LiWeiyang was deep in thought, along the way, there was no one else who touchedthe soup, unless... she glanced at the bowl. That’s right, Da Furen had sabotagedthe bowl itself. If anyone was to test for poison, they would definitely testsomething that had been brought from the outside, and not an item that Da Furenoriginally owned. Nobody would think that Da Furen would make use of this blindspot to accuse Li Weiyang.

DuMama shouted loudly, “And the gold, the gold that Xianzhu had bribed Nubi with,I have not touched a single cent of it, and it is all hidden in a secretcompartment under my bed! Laoye Furen can send someone to check, Nubi’s salaryis limited, unless it was given by Xianzhu, I could never have had thatamount!”

Uptill this point, everyone could believe Du Mama, as she had both witnesses andphysical proof!

Da Furen gritted her teeth: “Li Weiyang! Howhave I mistreated you, why did you bribe this old servant into harming me!”


Translator: Jaslynn

Editor: Panisa (In Progress)


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